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About RaffTheSweetling

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    The Witcher 3 - The Wild Hunt
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    Silent Hill 2

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  1. OK so this post, and this anniversary, and this sale, well well well. I bought Witcher 3 - It's the most fun I ever had playing a game since Zelda Ocarina of Time. No lie. Hands down this game is amazing. Sorry Fallout 4, but receiving one accolade of Game of the Year from one magazine, doth not a Game of the Year title make. CD Projekt Red - Bravo. This game is mindblowing. PS.. I applied for a level design position for Witcher 4 - wish me luck, you guys. :)
  2. What is really important is the version of nifskope you are using. I believe there's only one version suited for SSE. Have you checked out this guy's stuff? It's a massive download but incredibly useful as it covers everything. Editing Your Models with Blender Tutorials by qualen
  3. Hi guys, I have created a unique player home set inside a small cave near Riverwood and I am looking for around 2-3 people who might be interested in being testers to take a look at the mod for me, and then fill out a really short survey about the mod after testing it. I'm studying Games Art & Design at uni right now and this mod and the survey are a major assignment this semester. :smile: Thanks in advance to anyone who helps. The mod can be downloaded from my dropbox here The mod, a README, my survey w/consent form, and images showing the location of the cave are all included in the file. You can send the survey back to me here via my inbox. The mod is called Weasel's Wormhole and it will be released on PC/Xbone/PS4 in a few weeks time. Weasel's Wormhole features a new cave system with a player home built inside and contains all the player home essentials. Thanks guys! Some pics by AmaekilShath
  4. Hi kingtobbe, thanks for answering. I only just found out that autodesk publish all these programs so I got myself the 2018 student license version of 3dsmax today. Is there some reason the 2013 version works only? Do the later versions lack the official exporter? thanks again, Griffin
  5. Hi guys, I've been a bit AWOL these last few months as I have gone back to Uni to get a Games Art & Design degree. I am currently doing a first-year 3D modelling course learning how to model using Maya 2017 and I am wondering about its functionality when it comes to exporting .obj files with the intention to convert them to .nif files, as well as with regards to adding collision (thanks Ethreon for bringing this to my attention). 1. What do I need to do to add collision to objects modeled in Maya? 2. What workflow should I use to export models from Maya > ? > ? > CK? Please don't just respond with "use 3dsmax", as this in no way is helpful. Please let me know what workflow is available for me or what recommended method I could attempt. Basically any information to get me learning this stuff and moving in the right direction is what I am asking for please. :) I am quite familiar with modelling, UV unwrapping, assigning materials, creating diffuse/normal map/specularity etc, but just don't know what to do with my assets now. Cheers Griffin
  6. It's always interesting to learn how much in common modders share. Mos Def - Black on Both Sides is one of my favorite hip-hop albums. I bought that CD after hearing 'May-December' on a 411 Video Magazine segment. Skyrim on Xbox 360 also led me to modding and to the Nexus (I didn't enjoy Fallout 3 on console, but LOVED it on PC). I started playing games with a C64 and doing tiny bits of painstaking code from ZZAP64 magazine. :) Oh and Dave Chappelle is my favorite comedian as well. (Loved his recent monologue on SNL). This was an excellent interview. I owe a lot to the '...Extended", mods; I would not ever want to play FO4 without them, and I can definitely appreciate how much tedious plugging-away goes into such plugin-creation. Keep up the good work, Gambit, et al. :)
  7. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205, #46389595, #46389810, #46392420, #46393260, #46397745, #46399790, #46400835, #46401120, #46401925, #46402520, #46409160, #46409495, #46409765, #46410010, #46411275, #46412080, #46412965, #46413505, #46417005, #46418845, #46423325, #46427465, #46431210, #46431425, #46434125, #46434485, #46441710, #46444105, #46444495, #46449670, #46451245, #46451500, #46455475, #46456420, #46459075, #46460450 are all replies on the same post. @LUSITANER - I think there must be a glitch in the Nexus system, because I just checked your page, and it must be displaying wrong; it said you have published nothing whatsoever here for others to enjoy, which can't be right, considering how outspokenly you have slammed Elianora's work just now. I'm so confused. In seriousness, I wish I could disassociate myself from this thread completely now. I feel pretty ill seeing the way it has evolved into little more than a hate-thread. Noone deserves this much negativity directed at them. Sorry, Eli, for my part.
  8. In response to post #46364080. I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
  9. I wish I had a big handful of LSD so that what Purr4me said could remotely make sense.
  10. Thanks, though I really wanted to know more about the loadorder.txt than anything else. That's what my question was asking. :)
  11. Latest version is 3.1.3 Experimental, right? Yes I have that.
  12. So long story short - I couldn't open a mod in FO4edit, because it said "Armorkeywords requires master file DLCRobot.esm to be loaded before it." I figured out that my loadorder.txt was the culprit, and made the necessary amendments to that. While snooping around in my loadorder.txt I noticed lots of old mods were listed, and some new mods were not. And it puzzled me. I never manually enter mods on that list, so why were some listed there despite having been removed from my game a long time ago, and other mods not listed there, despite being currently active in my mod list? I removed some mods from that loadorder.txt list, because, like I said, I don't use those mod anymore. The files no longer exist in my game. And I added all the DLC info to that list, as they were not present for some reason (which let me load that mod in FO4edit btw) and now I am left wondering... Should I do more to refine this list? Is there a practical purpose in making this list true to my own mod order? Will it improve my game if I do?
  13. Lodge a bug report on bethesda.net and let them know. The more people who report it there, as opposed to here where they will never see it, the better odds it will be fixed in a patch sooner.
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