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  1. Hello, when I was completed the mission "Destroying the Dawnguard", I didn't saw her in the Fort Dawnguard, so now I return to Fort Dawnguard again to find and kill her but she's not there. All the eight bodies (Celan, Isran, Sorine, Florentius, Agmael, Beleval, Gunmar, Durak) are there, except for Ingjard because is not there and I cannot find her, So How I can solve this? Note: I have the last version of Unofficial Dawnguard Patch. E. Note: The only member that I found and kill in Dayspring Canyon was Vori.
  2. http://s11.postimage.org/5g1jgtnpt/Screen_Hunter_38_Dec_22_21_41.jpg (click to view full size) Is necessary to clean that mod or not? ...And If I clean, which plugins or dependencies I should check in TES5EDIT?
  3. Two months ago, when I was playing Skyrim, I had a bug when I beat Lord Harkon, the bug was that Garan Marethi enters in the room, because I side with vampires, but also Isran had entered. After that, I left the room and I wait some hours, Isran was gone and Garan Marethi talked with me for the Castle. Next, I went to Harkon's coffin for sleep there but I couldn't because a message said "This belongs to other person" or something like. Looks like Garan Marethi gave me the Castle but at the same time was not mine. In that time I had 49 mods and the Unofficial patch 1.2.2 or 1.2.2b (skyrim) and 1.1.1 (dawnguard). Yesterday I installed Skyrim 1.8, Dawnguard and Heartfire with all Unofficial patchs at last version, and now I have 11 mods (only essentials like UFO, Enhanced Blood, Duel Combat, Water Redux, SMIM, etc). I cleaned the Update (skyrim), Dawnguard and Heartfire plugins and the BOSS log was OK. So, now I will start Skyrim one more time, but I have 'scared' for the bugs that I mentioned above, So, the questions are: Has anyone experimenting that? Has anyone experimenting problems with the last versions of the Unofficial patch? Do they think that THIS;11 mods, Skyrim 1.8, last versions of the unofficial patchs, can cause those bugs again?
  4. No, so it's Ok, I know that is a mod but the thing that I didn't know is if that file exists after installing that mod or was a Vanilla script. Thanks.
  5. Hello, this is a very simple but really helpful question for me, Can someone check if in ".\ProgramFiles\...Skyrim\Data\Scripts" exists a file named "MannequinActivatorScript.pex" (or something like that)? (Yes / No)
  6. What do you mean? That this is a problem of 1.6/1.7 Update? mmm...Maybe can be, because this is not my first character and it's the first time that I have this 'bug'... The reason of assist the 5 persons quickly is because my objective was to buy Proudspire Manor and store all items in there. With my other characters I store items in other houses, so the Misc Quest 'Assist 5 people' was completed with a long time in middle and the courier always send the Letter to me. Later I received the message and completed the mission 'Wolf Queen Awakened..", Elisif give me a Shield, but at this time, apparently NO, at least for Now.
  7. @gsmanners: No, I never installed that mod, the only 'complex' mods that I have are; BecomeKingRiverHelm v2.4, MoonpathToElweyr v9.5, Enhanced Blood 2.0d with Patch for Danwguard and MoMod and MonsterMod v9 Other are minors like Vampiric Sword, Alva & Sylgjia companion, Elegant Vampire Armor, FNIS v3.1.1 @sinnerman69: There isn't in the Journal entry, I only have "The Man Who Cried Wolf" in grey color (because is completed) I can't understand WHY Potema talk to me when I go to her catacombs but the mission not appear in the Journal List or the Courier not deliver the Letter to me, but at the same time and I competed the mission of Sybile Stentor and Elisif Personal Quest without any problem Note: I'm a C Sharp and Visual Basic programmer, so, my knowledge about the CK is = 0 Can someone check in there if the Letter or the Mission are relationated or can conflict with something? Minor Note: When I Help Avento Aretino and the Letter for Visiting Dawnstar Museum the Courier deliver to me correctly.
  8. I finished the mission and kill Potema, take Potema Skull and kill other enemies, but when I use 'sqs MS06' all spaces are in 0, and Falk & Styrr didn't any new dialogue. Looks like the mission was completed before... The only rare thing that I discover is that inside Potema Catacombs there is a Dremora Mistress (I suppose that is an addon by MonsterMod v9), when I kill her I take a key named 'ancient crypt of Solitude' (a name very similar like the key that Styrr give to you to open the crypt), but the Key no open any door. Before 'completing' the mission I was make a Backup of my savegame, My action for now is to return to that save because I think that the game assume that the mission is complete.
  9. Yes, I read about this in Elderscrolls.wikia.com and UESP.net but they say that Falk have the Letter, so, now I will try to deactivate my mods (58) and see if Falk have the Letter, if not, I will add the letter or start the quest via setstage, in any mode, you have patience with this and really help me, so I give kudos+ to you. EDIT (IMPORTANT): -Deactivating ALL mods (including Dawnguard) not working -resetquest on MS06 and MS06Start not work -I add the Letter to my inventory but is EMPTY¿? (don't have any word) and the mission don't start -setstage MS06 50 / setstage MS06 100 don't work and don't activate the mission or any quest marker -Using TCL command and enter in Potema catacombs...Activate the Quest !!! (It's not the way that I expected, but at least the mission begin in this form) Looks like the quest it's doesn't exist...¡? But I play that quest in the past with other characters...¿? Now I'm 95% secure that become before receibing Falk's Letter can conflict, if not, correct me... I Always play that mission BEFORE becoming thane of solitude and assist 5 persons So, the question is, Waht do you think about this situation? (considering the info above)
  10. HERE are the results: -I level up from 41 to 42 -I went to Breezehome at 3 am and sleep 8 hours -I sell items to Adrianna, Wait 1 hour, and sell items to Belethor -Nothing Happen ----------------------------------------------- @Moraevik: Yes, your solution is the most efficient I think, so, I will use 'sqs' to see the "The Man Who Cried Wolf" state and later use setstage, and if this not work I will add the item to my inventory. Thanks for the answer. EDIT: -I see MS06Start and the 250 space is 1 (so, the mission is complete). -I see MS06 and all space are in 0. So, What do you recommend to me, add the Letter with the console or wait for another alternative? It's very rare all this, because I doing the quest "The Wolf Queen Awakened" 3 times without problems, BUT before becoming Thane of Solitude, maybe can be a Dawnguard bug (like the Alchemist Table in Breezehome), but I don't know...
  11. Thanks all people for the responses, at the moment, I will try one more level go to breezehome and wait out if the courier deliver me the message I Always play that mission BEFORE becoming thane of solitude and assist 5 persons, so, like this is the first time that I have this problem I suspect that the mission would have start before becoming Thane of Solitude. If I can't fix this my unique solution is add the Letter with the console (000D91D1), but I leave this like a last resource to avoid future problems. And last, thanks all for help me and especially sinnerman69 If someone know other method or solution (not console and level up) not doubt to comment
  12. Thanks, I read the thread and your answer but I can't understand, what do you mean with 'Level Up'? go from Level 33 -> 34 (I'm already 34 or 35 can't remember now, so, I level up many times after completing 'The Man Who Cried Wolf')? Aditional Note: I have 4 PJs, this is the first time that I have this problem with the courier adn this mission
  13. Hello, I finished the mission 'The Man Who Cried Wolf' and assisted 5 persons for become thane of solitude, Now, I'm Thane of Solitude, I finished the Civil War(Imperial side), the Dawnguard DLC and Alduin Main Quest BUT Falk Firebeard NEVER SEND ME THE MESSAGE FOR START THE QUEST 'The Man Who Cried Wolf', so; How this can be? Note: I have Dawnguard Patch 1.0 and Skyrim Path 1.2b, I tried to pickpocketing Falk but his didn't have the Message and when I go to Potema's Tomb the Door can't open (say "A Key is required...")
  14. Thanks, I didn't know the dates, so, problem solved.
  15. a simple question about the HiRes DLC; What I need to install first? The HiRes Textures DLC or Patch 1.7 ? I make this question because the Patch replaces some of the DLC files and vice versa Some of the files that are replaces are: TESV, SkyrimLauncher, Update.bsa, Update.esm, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Etc... So, the install order is a bit important... Salu2!.
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