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    United Kingdom
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    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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  1. @XxUNAFFILIATEDxX, @dikr If you don't upload the required assets, and just upload an .esp file using them then there is nothing Bethesda can do. You wouldn't need to upload them anyway, everybody has them.
  2. I think it would be perfectly legal, since Tale of Two Wastelands does the exact same thing using Fallout 3 assets. I personaly will make mods for myself (I'm not uploading them though) with assets on MY PC if I like them. I may have over 1TB of free space on my Hard Drive but if they keep adding more content (and more assets), I too will run out of space eventually. And hey, if you want Black Power Armour, before you buy check out mine: Spec Ops Paint Job Shameless plug I know, but it's free.
  3. Is it possible to change the radius of auto-load doors? By that I mean change the size of the area where you stand to "use" the door (scaling the object doesn't work). I'm creating a portal for a mod I'm doing using the FXNocturnalEntrance.nif as an auto-load door but the radius is too big, I want you to have to walk into it to use the door not stand 10ft away. If that isn't possible I'm fine with using it as a normal door, however the object/door cannot be interacted with (can't click on the door to use it) so I would need to know how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. I found a solution, add the items to a LeveldList so I can have different amounts of various items, then add the LeveldList to the FormList, simple. Thanks for all the help, I really apreciate it.
  5. Is it possible to do this with a LeveledList instead of a FormList? The chest contains some items with fewer counts that others. Using a FormList, the number of items is defined within the script so I cannot have less of some items and more of other, whereas in a LeveledList the number is defined within the list itself so I can.
  6. It's not that important, I've had these mods published for over 4 years and I constantly get comments asking if and when the chests will restock (answer: normal game time), so I think the users of my mods won't mind if there's no longer a thank you note in the chest.
  7. I've got the script working fine (attatched to the base object), what I would like to know is if I can omit an object or 2 from resetting (persist in tyhe chest until the player removes it). I also do not wish to make this mod dependant on SKSE as this is for a published mod and I don't like publishing mods that require other mods.
  8. First one didn't work, apparently 'ResetInventory' isn't a script function but the second one worked a treat, thanks. Addition: Any chance I could exclude a few items from this script, for instance: I have a note in the chest that I don't want to respawn but I also don't want it to be removed from the chest until the player takes it; If the player does not take it the first time the chest is opened it will be gone the second time.
  9. I'm in need of a script that respawns the contents of a container, either every time the player enters the cell or after a set number of days. I have a basic understanding of scripts (I can copy and edit script, just not make them from scratch) and think I would need to use Removeitems then AddItems to stop the contents building up unless I could use the ResetInventory function in a script for a container. Basically I need someone with better knowledge than I to write the script for me, preferably using a FormList for the items as I don't want to add 100's of 'AddItem' lines in the script, one for each item (there's quite a few). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  10. I'm in need of a script that restocks a container, either every time the player loads into the same cell or after a set number of days. I've had a few container mods published for over 4 years and the most common things people ask my is "does it restock" and "when". I've finally decided to revise my mods for the release of Skyrim SE and would greatly appreciate so help, thanks.
  11. I have basic knowledge of texturing and use G.I.M.P to do so, but would a portal like that requre Dawnguard as I like my mods to stay DLC free if possible? For the last part (well I could just delete it, but for context I'll leave it in), I assume the texturing would be to add a screenshot taken at the points of the portals to use for the adjoining portal to make it look as though you can see the other side. In which case (if assumed correctly) I would then use a flat mash like the BlackPlane as a door and add the texture to that to create a portal, thus eliminating the need for DLC. If I am incorrect just view this as a madman's rambling.
  12. I'm creating a Dwemer themed mod and I'd like to add a portal in which you use to access it, however I can't think of what to use for the portal. I've so far decided that I want to use a large dwemer arch (0.75 scale) for the portal itself but I can't find anything for the 'wooshy' part of the portal. I've looked through the creation kit and nothing I've found seems to fit. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on what to use, with either things in the creation kit or maybe modders resource. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  13. It works wonderfully thanks, you have no idea how long I've been trying to achieve this (well since the creation kit's release). I'll be sure to credit you for the script in the mod's description. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks, I'll give it a try then report my findings. Findings: Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4 Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "WorkshopSupplies_ComponentSCRIPT"... C:\User\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\WorkshopSupplies_CompontensSCRIPT.psc(3,19): const scripts may only contain const auto properties. Property FLWorkshopSupplies_Components cannot be defined C:\User\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\WorkshopSupplies_ComponentsSCRIPT.psc(3,19): const script may not contain data, script variable ::FLWorkshopSupplies_Components_var cannot be difined No output generated for WorkshopSupplies_ComponentsSCRIPT, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on WorkshopSupplies_ComponentsSCRIPT I changed the "YourFormList" to "FLWorkshopSupplies_Components" and added the value ",1000" to "Self.AddItem(FLWorkshopSupplies_Components.GetAt(I),1000) I assume the "YourFormList" is for a Form List not a LeveledItem List or can it be either.
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