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Posts posted by w0t

  1. if you honestly want to see people get raped and kids get killed watch law and order svu

    I thought we were way over this whole rape thing. Read the first post again, I did not mention rape once.

    I want to see the child killer "perk" and I want children to be able to die, because it is realistic. There's been a *ban* nuclear holocaust, why do you want to hide the nasty reality and put a nice cherry on top? If you can handle seeing a human being getting his limbs torn off by explosives, you should be desensitized enough to not care whether that person is 8 or 80 years old.

  2. If anyone is able to turn off children's immortality that would satisfy a lot of people - adding the "Child Killer" title to your stats somehow and having it affect people's reaction to you would just be awesome. Just play fallout 2 and kill a child to get the idea.




    Separately from this (so you can mix and match), mods for targeting groin and eyes (in vats) with special effects are much needed. Also here I would recommend you take fallout 2 for a spin. "Raider was critically hit in the groin for 26 hit points. The pain is too much for him as he collapses." <- makes me smile even more than gory headshots.

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