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  1. I'm using the ningheim race and want to use the Northgirl armor, but I seem to have the issue of not being able to equip the belt and sweater at the same time. It only seems to be with this race, it works fine with default races and the temptress race. I checked and they're not using the same slots, and the fix recommended by the ningheim race's author doesn't seem to work, though it's possible I am doing something wrong. Anyone have any suggestions? I mentioned the issue on the page for the armor but I don't know if the author of that mod is even active anymore. Thanks in advance.
  2. I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find the elegant archers animation? It used to be on the nexus but I can't seem to find it anymore and it's frustrating because it was the only bow mod I could find that I actually liked.
  3. I'm guessing you're just trying to add the textures to the folder? This means that you don't have sufficient privileges to write to the folder (meaning you can't add anything into it.) Are you an admin on the computer you're playing on? If not, you're going to have to have them add the files for you. Or if you are an admin and it's giving you this for some reason, you could try taking ownership over the folder or change the permissions. I had to do the same just to get DSfix to dump textures.
  4. Yeah I made sure to get and edit the female version of the piece, rather than the male. It's just the single one, all the other retextures work fine. I don't really know what it is but I was derping around with other textures later and those changes were showing, so I'm at a loss as to why it's being so difficult. Maybe I'll swing it again and see what happens. Thank you for the help though.
  5. I recently decided I didn't like the little thing drapped over the shoulders of the female black leather set and decided to try my hand at trimming it. It seemed simple enough; I saw a similar modification to the male hood posted on the nexus so I looked at it to see what was done, and attempted the same with the tgas I pulled for the black leather, saved them as PNGs and tossed them into my override folder and no changes at all. I'm pretty new to this so if someone could offer up some materials to help me get a better idea or give me a general idea of what I could have failed to do, that'd be awesome.
  6. In regards to the pictures, I generally don't post and when I do there aren't pictures involved so I didn't know about the spoiler tag. I'm sure you'll pee yourself with glee though to see I've figured it out. In regards to the linking twice to the same mod: Did you bother to see which posts were where? I was going backwards looking for unanswered posts and replying to them if I could, those two just happened to be answered (I hope) by the same link and were both seen at different times. In case you didn't look, which I expect you didn't, the mods aren't mine, so how would I benefit from 'marketing' them? Maybe I should have linked a completely unrelated mod in one of the posts? One that doesn't answer their question? As for my question, I don't recall having ever asked it before, let alone ever having it answered. So maybe instead of acting like a tool, you could answer the question or just not post useless replies in a thread specifically devoted to answering questions about what mods do what, or if there is a mod to do something. Maybe I'm crazy for thinking that, but maybe it makes sense too.
  7. That I know for a FACT is here at this link http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15143 The animation is a little derpy because it's only while standing still (no turning or any other custom animations to accompany it) but it's still pretty nice.
  8. Looks like it might be one of the idles I picked up. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15143 one of these maybe? And for my question, does any one know if there is a mod that you know, makes horses obey the laws of physics? I don't know if anyone else has this problem but my horse quiet often (though thankfully not always) likes to approach the downhill slopes the way some people approach the edge of cliffs. Then there is the whole "hey this tiny bump in the road looks like the perfect ramp to do a sweet jump off of" deal.
  9. You can try UFO, there is a book you can buy from the guy at the whiterun stables and it teaches shouts to command all your followers at once; I'm not sure if it applies to summons as well (don't use them, I'm a melee) but it's worth a shot.
  10. Leveler's Tower has a section in the basement to take and sort your alchemy ingredients automatically, it's a player home and it's pretty nice.
  11. I was curious as to whether or not there are any good 1h + Shield idle animations out there, I haven't seen any and the default just isn't doing it for me.
  12. I'm not sure but it looks like the Jill armor (Based off Jill Valentine from RE), it's not on the nexus as far as I know but you can find it with a quick googling. Hope you find what you're after.
  13. If you ever find out let us know. And just to give you heads up, you are not only looking for a retexture, but also for a different mesh. In that picture the nightingale armor doesn't have the skirt Edit: Looks like a retexture for the Black Sacrament and maybe it is this retexture you will have to test it. Let us know how did you do ;) Thanks, Dark, I know I've seen this one but I'm in the process of installing it and checking to see if maybe that particular set isn't shown in the screen shots. If by some miracle I do end up finding this retexture somewhere I'll make sure to let let you know, this is been a thorn in my side for so long now haha.
  14. Hey everyone, any of you have any idea where to get this retexture at? I messaged the person who posted the picture and was completely ignored, I've hunted endlessly on the nexus and I'm almost positive it's not here, so does anyone know what it's called or where to find it at? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/100475 Thanks :)
  15. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/100475 Hello, citizens. Would anyone happen to know what this retex is?
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