In regards to the pictures, I generally don't post and when I do there aren't pictures involved so I didn't know about the spoiler tag. I'm sure you'll pee yourself with glee though to see I've figured it out. In regards to the linking twice to the same mod: Did you bother to see which posts were where? I was going backwards looking for unanswered posts and replying to them if I could, those two just happened to be answered (I hope) by the same link and were both seen at different times. In case you didn't look, which I expect you didn't, the mods aren't mine, so how would I benefit from 'marketing' them? Maybe I should have linked a completely unrelated mod in one of the posts? One that doesn't answer their question? As for my question, I don't recall having ever asked it before, let alone ever having it answered. So maybe instead of acting like a tool, you could answer the question or just not post useless replies in a thread specifically devoted to answering questions about what mods do what, or if there is a mod to do something. Maybe I'm crazy for thinking that, but maybe it makes sense too.