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Nexus Mods Profile

About buckaroobanzai5150

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well ours is up and running now, so give it a try again :)
  2. I have already made some tattoos on photoshop and have them save as a dds, I use them personally for my game. I would like to upload them to Nexus.
  3. Hi Folks, hope someone can help me, I am new to modding and would like to create some mods myself, I have found resources on how to upload mods to Nexus so that is not the issue. my issue is how do I make a mod for tattoos, I learned how to put tattoos on my in-game character. I would like to know what steps I need to take to make them a mod, I would love to share with other players. I have looked and looked but have not been able to find a tutorial on it. So if someone could link a video or guide that can help me that would be awesome. Also would love to know how I go about putting tattoos on companions, Deacon, Piper, and others. I have only been able to find guides on creating custom companions, not customizing the existing ones. Thanks, sincerely a noob :)
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