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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by Kentajin

  1. Since two weeks ago, any mod i download through MMN is super slow.
    From 1Mb/s down to 0-10Kb/s
    Before judging, i have tested and checked my internet speed, connection, etc. I can download mod through browser just fine but MMN
    I heard Premium download normally (as expected)

  2. Love and care fix this stupid broken dumbass game
    I hate how Bethesda don't give a s#*! about these bad frame drop bug and leave it to community to fix for them mean while they are trying to milk all players with Creation Club
    They are living on us, sucking our blood and soul

    Thank you so much for this tutorial, this totally help me a lot
    I realize Skyrim SE have poor graphic choice which will drop your fps no matter what
    With TXAA and MSAA you can use through NVIDIA not Skyrim SE launcher to avoid more lag

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