i love skyrim (a little to much maybe >.<) and when i found out you could get married i was estatic andwhen of t find the girl of my dreams. after finally meeting her(ria off of nexus mods. she is a marriable companion which is extremely useful) i found to my horror that all i hadto do was ask her out and arrange the marriage. like sure nothing wrong with girls falling at your boots but i desired more of a relationship. sadly i'm not a modder so requrire some one else to do this. my ideas for the mod. 1. a dating system. it could just be a series of quest in which u have to take her to varous places on dates like a picnic to the forest or river side. or maybe take her to the pub or out to dinner some where. 2. maybe after the fith date u get attacked by some bandits that kniock u out and capture her. afterthat u will have to rescue her to get her back. 3. marriage: after completing all the side quest for little gold i couldn't help but think there has to be more to these characters so i thought hey what if u could invite them to your wedding after completing their quest they could give u wedding gifts and serve drinks. 4. Ceremony: being married in a run down church of martha was of putting so i thought hey wat if you could pay other churchs to hold the marriage as well. and buy wedding flowers and decorations to make your special day all the more special. 5. Honey Moon:after the wedding there should be a boat that will take you and your wife to asplendid island that comes to life at night. you would sleep in a small hut with your wife alone and the boat would disappear forsix days. by the way by coming to lif at night i mean you have to fend of hundreds of undead from your hut and loved one. 6. Children: after marriage to my wife i wanted kids. as a husband i missed take your kid to work and dreamed of the day when i would be able to watch my son hack and slash at a orcs or hagravens face ( a not married infac i don't even have a girlfriend :G) so thx to anyone who could make this and please give any ideas u could have to bring the love back to skyrim.