I'm not sure how to do this, but could someone who has made craftable items before tell me how its done? I think this could be a great way to decorate and customize your house / castle / whatever and make use of your thousands of Gold. Basically, I would like to be able to make the following: Craftable Goblets, cups, plates, paper, statues etc. Basically all misc items in the game plus more. I'm not much of a texturer, but I think it would be neat to be able to craft statuettes and full blown statues using different materials. Such as, an Ebony life size Alduin statue with Rubies for eyes, or maybe a statuette of a dragon made out of Gold with Sapphire eyes. I'm not sure how a life sized statue of a dragon could be moved around though, without disabling physics for the object or whatever. I tested this simply by changing the model from a random object into Alduin. *WARNING* HUGE PIC...I've got a giant resolution. Would it also be possible to have an option of having different poses for them? I may be biting off more than I can chew here, but this is something I've thought about for a while, and I'd like to try doing. I'm also open to ideas, I think I'd like making things like craftable Stuffed bears too....stuffed Wolves and other creatures, also. Oh, and Nothing says "I'm one bad dude" than having an Alduin statue on your house