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  1. I use 188 esp and esm, that's source the problem. I try reduce it to 145, now that bug is gone I don't know why my laptop can't playing Skyrim with mods more than 145 .esp / .esm, but my desktop can run with 188 mods thanks for your suggestion to running Skyrim without mods, now I can playing again :)
  2. SKSE Launcher? no I try launch via skse_loader and Skyrim Launcher, still stuck at main menu :confused: I don't use any d3d9.dll (ENB, FXAA injector, etc) I'm sure every mods I installed is not source of problem (I play Skyrim at desktop with same mods, before I sell it) ----- EDIT: check directx, trying to install, nothing to update
  3. can someone help me, I have a problem, I can't play Skyrim because always stuck at main menu. the main menu is dissapear (can't see main menu text like "New Game", "Exit", etc). now I play at laptop, not desktop. use i5 3210M, 2x2GB RAM 1600, GT640M with latest driver (I check Nvidia Settings, my laptop use Nvidia VGA not Intel HD) of course I play at latest patch (1.9.32) I did: -delete .ini files from My Games/Skyrim -I verifying, no one file is missing -use latest SKSE version -load order is good, I use Wrye Bash and BOSS -rebuild ASIS and Wrye Bash patch -change setting to low -uncheck some latest installed mods still have that problem hm... why?
  4. verify steam, no files is missing or deleted this is my load order
  5. since I download Dragonborn DLC (and mod patch for compatibility with DLC, like EBT or SkyTEST Animals), the grass is missing, I don't know why, because before I install that DLC, my Skyrim is fine I'm use SFO, latest version. I try to tweaking [Grass] section in Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini, but the grass is still mising. --- weird horse problem: if I load a save game when the character is mounted, suddenly my character + horse like pushed by a force, to random direction, and it ignoring the gravity. if I try to moving, that bug become worst than before. but, if my character dismount and then mount again, or load a save game when the character is standing (and then mount the horse), that bug is disappear
  6. because, that must edit NPC leveled list, and make it conflict with other mod with editing the leveled list it's still possible to add armor mod to shopkeeper, but he/she must create standalone NPC some modder add the armor to the some place, so you can find them
  7. Skyrim HD 2K textures Lite need 1GB VRAM upgrade your RAM is nice too
  8. the best? I don't know, because for me, every graphical mods is the best :) for HD texture, you can try Serious HD or Skyrim HD. and download Skyrim Flora Overhaul too for character texture, I use more lore-friendly texture (use Xenius texture and Better Males) for lighting mods, hm... I don't know. because all of them is very good (I use CoT because I like new weather type, but I prefer URWL for lighting. RCRN is good too because use installer. RLWC good too because you can tweak lighting by yourself if you want different taste. RLWC use Skyproc Patcher)
  9. try tweak this at Skyrim.ini (maybe you tweak this but use different number) fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0 fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0 f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
  10. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28555 read the comment section too, there are some important information about that mod
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=19702 I can't found the link from nexusmods.com but if you still want more 100% like Assassins's Creed, I thing that is very hard (because need to create animation to sheathe the hidden blade)
  12. -can someone create standalone quiver? (use slot same with backpack mod, so we can add enchantment to the quiver and compatible with many mods (like ACE or SkyRe) -when we don't have the arrows, we still can see our character use the quiver. when we want to use arrows, we must have the quiver first. so, we can use steel quiver with daedric arrows, or ebony quiver with glass arrows. I know there are already a mod modify the quiver >>> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6546 , but, still far from what I hope (I think, this mod need scripting and edit .nif files)
  13. read carefully the 'readme' of Open Cities Skyrim. the common problem is from: -Z Fighting tweak (so, revert to default) -navmesh bug from other mod -uGridstoLoad is too high (I have a problem with uGridstoLoad=7 if I install OCS. so I only use default number (5))
  14. try to use this console command >> pcb "This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells. However, since it purges cached cells, any cells you visited in the recent past will have to be reloaded completely when reentered." http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console this problem is common if you had a great battle (too much corpses, junks, etc)
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