As a mod author that releases everything as a Modder's Resource, I'm kinda in limbo on this. First I would like to say I'm for anything that encourages new modders and modding in general, paid, free, whatever gets it going and keeps it alive. So with that said I will continue. I'm not really concerned about people making money off my resources. As long as they put the time into something that deserves it. not just re releasing my resources. But is this something that is manageable? No Ideas are jumping out at me on this. So this brings me back to the same frame of mind where when I release a mod as a resource, then it is "just that" a resource I'm letting go of and giving to the community. And at that point release myself from ownership and control of the mod. I think I'm ok with that because it is what I have already been doing in most part. But.... One worry that comes to mind is... Some models incorporated into mods and resource mods are taken from free obj model sites. (stating free to use as long as not commercial or money making). Even though us as mod authors take these models, basically rebuild them, skin them, convert them to the game we intend to use them in and release them as resources for Free. Then my concern comes into play. Does this make US (the original releasing mod author) liable or incriminated by someone else using, releasing and making money of them. I say this due to most of the modders resource models out there are converted models from free model sites. Long story short. My worry is not that I'm not making money off my resources or that someone else is but that I would like to release myself from ownership once I release a resource mod. If my explanation of my concern was coherent enough to understand :smile: some feed back on this or ideas would be helpful, especially from site admin. ~ ReZ