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Posts posted by RayV12

  1. @ BlindJudge, May be an interesting Idea for you that came to me earlier this year.




    I no longer really mod anymore. But I still come to the site to see what people are coming up with.


    But I was out of town for work earlier last year and just happened to be a Cosplay event going on while I was there. I'm not really into super heroes or game lore really, but I gotta say I had a real blast at the event meeting some really cool, interesting people. This I did not expect.


    The Whole time I was there I couldn't help but think the people at Nexus and it's users would love this stuff. So many users are so dedicated to Screenshot art and such, I really think cosplay would have a really good fit on Nexus.


    Anyway.. maybe something to think about.

    Good luck with the site upgrade and have a good one,



  2. Anyone know if they are ever going to get around to bringing blender export back up to speed.. Totally skipped on Skyrim modding due to the work arounds, and looks like I'll prob skip on FO4 also.


    I'm NO expert but I just don't understand how Outfit Studio can convert/export a nif. But we still have no nif export for Blender without exporting as obj and the workarounds. Even just a Static Nif Export. Or is there one and I'm wrong?



  3. 'prid 00002f1e' then enter then 'moveto player' does not seem to work in survival mode to get piper back.



    Is PRID known to not work in survival mode? and is there a work around?





    EDIT prid 00002f1f works but now she has no dialog.

  4. Need a Rage 64 bit Save Game in subway town right before the power plant quest.


    Had a companion mod installed and it crashes trying to load the power plant. And apparently you can't uninstall a mod in rage or your saves are useless.


    If anyone has one I would be very grateful.

  5. In response to post #27527754. #27527929, #27528174, #27528204, #27528784, #27529469, #27530964 are all replies on the same post.

    jim_uk wrote: That gender ratio is a shock, also the genders add up to 101%.
    BlindJudge wrote: Hey Jim,

    The actual female percentage is 8.593%, so has been rounded up.

    Quite interesting though hey :)
    jim_uk wrote: I would have thought 25%+ I won't suggest that women tend to make more noise than men making it feel like there are more of them, that would be wrong. :D
    SydneyB wrote: Yes, very interesting, Judge :) I didn't thought there were so few of us around ...

    And congratulations on the results :)
    DuskDweller wrote: Keep in mind that's a statistics, the percentage is relative to the number of people taking the survey, there could be 50% of female Nexus users but they don't give a damn about taking surveys...
    Or on the other hand there could be 0.1% of female Nexus users, but they all took the survey. so there seems to be more of them.
    GePalladium wrote: Jim is right... women are in the Nexus. Few, but here and "noisy". Would be interesting to have the statistic "mod autor per sexe". Just curious. I bet the percentage for women will increase. That could explain the "noise" x) *pardon my french*
    Edit: even if what DuskDweller said about statistics is completly true.
    Cos76 wrote: Yea i could not believe either,it was surprising for me as well,but honestly as long as the community stays at it is i am very happy about it :)As well gratz on the results :)

    @BlindJudge, You have one job.. Bring us more gamer chics :)

    I was expecting to see more like

    Males 60 %
    Ponies 10 %
    LLamas 2 % (I only know two on here) ;)
    Elves 20 %
    Females 8 %

    Math... I need a nap

  6. As a mod author that releases everything as a Modder's Resource, I'm kinda in limbo on this.

    First I would like to say I'm for anything that encourages new modders and modding in general, paid, free, whatever gets it going and keeps it alive. So with that said I will continue.

    I'm not really concerned about people making money off my resources. As long as they put the time into something that deserves it. not just re releasing my resources. But is this something that is manageable? No Ideas are jumping out at me on this.

    So this brings me back to the same frame of mind where when I release a mod as a resource, then it is "just that" a resource I'm letting go of and giving to the community. And at that point release myself from ownership and control of the mod. I think I'm ok with that because it is what I have already been doing in most part.


    One worry that comes to mind is...

    Some models incorporated into mods and resource mods are taken from free obj model sites. (stating free to use as long as not commercial or money making). Even though us as mod authors take these models, basically rebuild them, skin them, convert them to the game we intend to use them in and release them as resources for Free. Then my concern comes into play. Does this make US (the original releasing mod author) liable or incriminated by someone else using, releasing and making money of them. I say this due to most of the modders resource models out there are converted models from free model sites.

    Long story short. My worry is not that I'm not making money off my resources or that someone else is but that I would like to release myself from ownership once I release a resource mod.

    If my explanation of my concern was coherent enough to understand :smile: some feed back on this or ideas would be helpful, especially from site admin.

    ~ ReZ

  7. I had a dream the other night,


    My Kid's Grand kids where standing over my grave.


    One says " I just retired and am traveling the world"


    Another says " Just restored an old Flying Car "


    The last says " They are suppose to announce the release date of Fallout 4 next year"



  8. Just an obvious but necessary question. have you finalized the cell's navmesh and also finalized the worldspace of megaton where the roof is after altering it's original?


    last have you checked for errors in the exterior worldspace after running finalize worldspace in navmesh mode? Sounds like the issue to me.

  9. hello,


    It's been years since I have messed with this issue and can't remember the solution. I'm using Occlusion Planes with Multibound boxes for optimization which works very well. But for some reason water behind the Occlusion Plane disappears both place-able and worldspace water level. I do remember there is a fix but can't remember what it was, no luck searching forums also.


    Need water ... Help.. !!





  10. Sup Jim,


    There is a max amount of lights you can use per cell/worldspace block "think I remember it having something to do with a shader limit of sorts.. Can't remember what it is off hand "think 4" but the only work around is creating a ground mesh.nif to replace the visible area of ground. Sometimes you can tweak it just enough in geck by spacing the lighting nodes and then hitting Ctrl F5 in the render window to reset the render. if it still flashes during movement in geck then it will do so also in game.



  11. I've been looking for a new game to mod. I have not played ANY of the Witcher games yet, but the release of the REDKit just put $20 bucks in their pocket from my wallet. Downloading the game and editor now and hope to have time to start modding it (and maybe play it) next weekend.


    Glad to see more gaming companies realize the power of modding tools. And always try to support them when I can.



  12. I did that and now, half way through the f***ing fight, he kills one of the dragons and then just stands there, in become ethral and stares at me, taunting me occasionally. I know he's supposed to absorb the dragon soul and heal right?


    Yup thats a different bug that also happens to some people.. I had to TCL back to where I first mounted the dragon.. TCL again to touch the ground. then tcl into where the book was , click on it .. then back .. and then tcl back to the tower.. then it finished.. DLC is a mess.

  13. I'm still having this problem even though I have deleted the mesh. Is there a way I can just by-pass the dragon riding?



    You can try this..


    after your game thinks you are riding the dragon.. even if you are just standing there glitched.

    give it a few seconds for the menu popup thing saying hit space for targets and such.. then a few more seconds and then hit the E key. (you should get a message saying something like the dragon is looking for a place to land)

    Once that happens and the music changes.. then open the console menu by pressing the ~ key. type TCL hit enter..then the ~ Key to close the concole.. then go to the top of that tall tower and hit the ~ Key again and retype TCL and hit enter. close the console and see if that works.

  14. You have me stumped now.. deleting the mesh works for most.

    skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\dragon\character assets\skeleton.nif


    Only other thing I can think of is maybe the animations are not compatible with the custom body meshes and skeletons out there. OR

    you have another mod lower in your load order that has that skeleton.nif file included in it's bsa overwriting the DLC bsa's


    I've actually ditched the DLC all together yesturday.. And fixed my system from what it broke. It was very poorly built and has way to many overwrites and bugs for my taste. I'll eat the 20 bucks this time.


    Goodluck to you all. Hate your having issues.

  15. First, I always keep ads up.. I feel out of the loop of life if I don't see the newest and greatest crap people are trying to sell me :) sadly no joke.


    Second, I'm not sure how I feel about the endorsement system changing. Let me try and explain why quick. When you look at a mod as an author you have posted ( exp new mods ) the endorsements you see rolling in for one, tells you the mod is working and you’re not leaving any users hanging. And also lets you know that users took the time to come back and rate your mod, with no other incentives but respect and appreciation for the author.


    I could however see maybe something like what eBay does with feedback maybe working well on the Nexus. For example, you buy an item on eBay and after a few days when you purchase something else you get reminded that you have an item you have purchased in queue for needed feedback. So maybe with Nexus it can be triggered when you download your next file.. for example, I click on SkyUI and if I have downloaded other mods a couple hours before and have not rated them. then I will get a pop up reminder before the new download reminding me I have mods that are not rated yet then asking me right then and there if I endorse the file or not.


    Last if you download a bunch of mods and never endorse any then its simple. Get Skynet to steal their lunch money.


  16. I was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the Female Young and Eager Voice type from greeting every 5 seconds when standing near one.


    example: "What can I do for you" every 5 seconds..


    I know there is a setting somewhere in the CK that causes the Young and Eager voice to do this. I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to change it to only greet at a normal pace. (right now the only fix I have is a arrow thru the head, and it ticks the gaurds off)


    I know my way around the CK and game files .. so just a reference to the object or setting will be fine.

  17. Anyone know the correct property syntax for setting an Activator Object's Radio Station property in script




    TestRadioRef.SetRadioStation EnclaveRadio or TestRadioRef.RadioStation EnclaveRadio


    something like above although those properties are not correct.


    Since its a valid property of an activator, I would imagine it has one.

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