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About SmoothBrainMonkey

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  1. In response to post #110664583. #110671858, #110705258 are all replies on the same post. !! You rock! I appreciate you going the extra mile to accommodate my oddball request
  2. From the Discord: "You can register for the event by going to the “roles” channel and react to the Miriel bot to gain the “Elden Ring Modathon 2022 Participant” role. When uploading your mod to NexusMods, add the "ERModathon2022" tag to your mod to be eligible for judging." Is there any way the Nexus Mods tag alone can be the requirement? Personally, I don't want to register a Discord account for a Nexus Mods event but LeKevDev's Discord server requires that you claim/register your account before you can react or message on the server. EDIT: From Discord's website they, like every other service, collect a lot of data. For me, it's not a matter of trusting or distrusting Discord but a matter of minimizing how much of my personal information is collected in the first place.
  3. That sounds perfect, I'm gonna check out that Dragon combat overhaul for sure then. I was thinking the same thing for adjusting stats, creation kit seems to be the way to go since so much of it depends on personal preference. As for mod recommendations, that'd be fantastic. What've you got??
  4. If you've already played skyrim before, I would definitely recommend looking on the nexus page under categories for new lands and things like that. Things like Wyrmstooth and Legacy of the Dragonborn are awesome ways to get back into the game, it feels like you just got some free DLC.
  5. Hi all, Long time lurker and mod user, minimal contributor (sorry..). Just re-downloaded Skyrim for the summer and was wondering if you fine peeps might be able to recommend some mods to me. To narrow down the recommendations, I thought I might describe what I'm looking for (please note this is not a request for a new mod to be written, just asking for recommendations on existing mods that might achieve what I'd like): my "perfect skyrim". My perfect Skyrim would be one in which iron and steel equipment is always useful, and higher grades of equipment are a noticeable step up, but not required by any means. I'd imagine it similar to the Morrowind loot mod, and that is one I plan on downloading (thoughts?). However, I'm also interested in making the higher grades of equipment unique in their own ways. For example, orcish armor giving some of the highest armor in the game, but also some of the highest weight. Dragon bone armor granting huge resistance to magic, but less physical defense, etc. This is something I have been unable to find so far and would love some input on. The only other real change I'd like to see through a mod would be how levels work for enemies. I really abhor that a level 10 or so character can encounter a level 20 enemy and lose the fight simply because of stats (or lack thereof, really). I'd love to be able to start a new character, and be able to kill most humanoid enemies (like guards, bandits, etc.) with some skill, luck, and patience. At the same time, I would think that killing a dragon or troll is achieved through forethought and planning rather than simply doing more damage than them. Essentially making fire-resistant armor a requirement for dragon slaying, or frost-resistance for fighting ice wraiths, etc. This requirement is by far the hardest one to satisfy I'd imagine, since everyone probably has different definitions of how difficult an enemy should be. I've read through a few mods on combat, like Deadly Combat, Deadlier Dragons, etc. and I'm not sure if it's what I'd want or not. In a few words, I'm just really displeased with how Skyrim's combat scales as time goes on and PC level increases and I'd love to find some mods to resolve that. I'd really appreciate any input/recommendations, or if you'd like to discuss your own 'perfect skyrim' I'd love to hear it! Maybe you've got an amazing set up already, and if so you should share it with us! Cheers, Forum Noob.
  6. Economics of Skyrim does this exactly, I love that mod for it's innovation of allowing stricter Roleplaying
  7. Ugh tell me about it this WOULD be fantastic, but (correct me if I'm wrong here veteran modders) I believe this is not currently possible with the creation kit. I remember looking for mods that did this a while back to no avail and reading a thread on another site explaining how this wasn't likely to happen any time soon, but I was disappointed and didn't spend much time on that dream-crushing thread :down:
  8. Hahah hey self advertising is a great way to get a mod out there, even a well known one like that. I'm downloading it as we speak, especially considering I'm going to start using Alternate Actors to form a classic 3-person dungeon squad, one of which will be a two handed, werewolf berserker :biggrin:
  9. Perfect! Exactly what I need, thank a ton Shadowjin
  10. Have you tried contacting any potential mod authors? I think the guy who made the Bigger, Badder Lich King armor could do this, he did some really innovative stuff with that armor set that I haven't seen replicated anywhere else yet that I think would go excellently here, especially the aura and being able to use a two handed weapon and a shield or spell simultaneously.
  11. I'm Roleplaying as the Lich King from World of Warcraft and want to really maximize the conjuration tree. I've already got some nice spell packages, though any suggestions for cool conjuration spells (especially ones that summon multiple weak followers) are welcome. What I'm really looking for though is a perk over-haul, which is where a lot of the wimpiness seems to come from at upper levels in vanilla Skyrim. I've checked out several already but want to wait before downloading any and investing perk points and maybe bugging something up. Thanks for any tips! - Alakazam827
  12. I'm trying to make my player immune to the Dragon's Unrelenting Shout magic effect that throws me into ragdoll, and hopefully replace it with a simple stagger effect, like when a giant slams the ground and people stumble backwards. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to accomplish this? Right now I'm trying to edit "DragonVoiceUnrelentingForceEffect" Also, I'm using Erkeil's Enhanced Mighty Dragons and Dovahkriid by AurianaValoria1, so i'm assuming I may need to change parameters for these new Dragons as well. Thanks for any help! -Alakazam827
  13. I vaguely remember someone else already creating Assassin's Creed armor and I could've sworn that it was taking down for copy right infringment or something of that ilk. However, it was also when the CC first came out
  14. I don't think the Knights of the Nine would be a stretch at all, The NINE divines (yeah, I said it!) have such little impact in the world of Skyrim, despite the ENTIRE main story centering around them. Now I LOVE writing and being imaginative and what-not, would you have any oppositions for me writing up some story and quest lines leading up to this epic reward? :biggrin:
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