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Everything posted by Vulon

  1. I had this issue once, as well. All I had to do was sheathe it and unsheathe it again if I loaded up a save where I had my weapon drawn.
  2. A while back, I posted about a rather aggravating issue I'm having with Skyrim. The vast majority of my game runs without a hitch. I've only gotten one CTD outside of Solstheim in recent memory, and that was my own fault, anyway. It was a momentary issue that I quickly fixed. This issue only cropped up when I attempted to progress through Dragonborn's questline. I had started up a new character on the day of DB's release, and hadn't even met with the graybeards yet when I first arrived on Solstheim. As a result, the Dragonborn questline wasn't activated. I spent a couple days just running around Solstheim, discovering locations, venturing into ruins, doing side quests, etcetera. Everything worked perfectly fine. It was only after I ventured back to Skyrim, met with the Graybeards, and returned to Solstheim after being attacked by dragon cultists that I encountered a seriously annoying crash. It only seems to crash around the temple of Miraak. I've done everything I could think of aside from doing a clean install of the game to circumvent it, with no luck. Tried disabling all mods, and it still crashed at the same exact place. Tried different saves, lots of little things here and there, everything I could think of. No dice. The only thing I haven't tried is teleporting to the temple via console commands, and that's because not only do I not know what command to input (coc something or other), but also because I highly doubt it would make a difference. I've included an excerpt from my papyrus log taken five days ago - DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript seems to be the problem. I know from my previous post that a couple other people have experienced this issue, but no one seems to have any knowledge on the error, or any workarounds. In any case, no one's speaking up about any. >.> [02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Checking for DLC. Any error printed next is harmless. ~~~~~ [02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Done checking for DLC ~~~~~ [02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~ [02/13/2013 - 09:53:44PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart() [02/13/2013 - 09:53:49PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart() [02/13/2013 - 09:53:52PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart() [02/13/2013 - 09:54:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart() [02/13/2013 - 09:54:10PM] VM is freezing... [02/13/2013 - 09:54:10PM] VM is frozen [02/13/2013 - 09:54:11PM] Saving game... [02/13/2013 - 09:54:11PM] VM is thawing... [02/13/2013 - 09:54:47PM] VM is freezing... [02/13/2013 - 09:54:47PM] VM is frozen [02/13/2013 - 09:54:48PM] Saving game...
  3. Looks like whatever female face-changing mod you're using is being overwritten by something. Is that Better Females by Bella? What other textures are being affected?
  4. Sorry to hear you're having such large-scale issues. I've been fortunate in that my game runs just fine aside from the area around Miraak's temple. I can play on Solstheim so long as I don't travel too close to the temple without any crashes, and I have no problems in Skyrim itself. Well, I crashed once last night, but I was exploring an unfinished new land mass mod, so that hardly surprised me. As for your issue with that log entry, I honestly have no idea, but that does indeed sound like it might possibly have something to do with Hearthfire. I haven't tinkered around with Hearthfire yet, so I can't say for sure. I guess the only option at this point is to wait it out, huh? Hopefully a fix is made soon, either an official patch from Bethesda or an update to the unofficial Dragonborn patch. I initially purchased Skyrim on the ps3, and I've only been actively gaming on the PC since around Christmas. I was almost considering buying Dragonborn on the playstation store just to play through the quest, since it's half-off. But I'd really like to continue playing on PC - mods have spoiled me, at this point. :P
  5. Yet another update. Out of curiosity, I ended up starting a new game and, after getting to the graybeards as quickly as I could and making sure I was attacked by cultists, I traveled to Solstheim and made my way to Miraak's temple. And it crashed once again. So, on the one hand, I'm kind of relieved that it's not just my one save file that's broken, because I was worried my progression was screwed over in that file in general. On the other hand, it's arguably worse that Dragonborn itself seems broken at this point in time...Dx I could use some help. Has no one aside from myself and littlehunter experienced this particular bug? Here are the final lines in my Papyrus log prior to the crash. [02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Checking for DLC. Any error printed next is harmless. ~~~~~ [02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Done checking for DLC ~~~~~[02/13/2013 - 09:53:41PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~[02/13/2013 - 09:53:44PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart()[02/13/2013 - 09:53:49PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart()[02/13/2013 - 09:53:52PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart()[02/13/2013 - 09:54:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (060177DB)>]OnPackageStart()[02/13/2013 - 09:54:10PM] VM is freezing...[02/13/2013 - 09:54:10PM] VM is frozen[02/13/2013 - 09:54:11PM] Saving game...[02/13/2013 - 09:54:11PM] VM is thawing...[02/13/2013 - 09:54:47PM] VM is freezing...[02/13/2013 - 09:54:47PM] VM is frozen[02/13/2013 - 09:54:48PM] Saving game... Looks like the DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript is the problem? I really wouldn't know. Help? : /
  6. Update - I disabled every single mod. Still got a CTD. #@!$ this, I'm gonna stay away from Solstheim for a while. -_-
  7. Hmmm...well, off the top of my head, I can't really think of anything. Do you have more than one NPC situated at Breezehome? I think once I had three NPCs all staying in Breezehome and that ended up being pretty buggy. I can't really think of what else would be causing it. I guess you can try disabling the mod that puts a book on the ground and see if that does anything. Even if it hasn't caused problems before, Skyrim can be a tricky beast when it comes to avoiding mod conflicts, especially after you put a lot of time into the game or one save file in particular. The very nature of the game itself has a huuuuge amount of variables to account for, after all, and when they're all in a constant state of change, it's hard to always keep on top of it.
  8. Good to know I'm not the only one. Well, not 'good', it sucks, but you know what I mean. >.> I'd try that, but the entire area is inaccessible for me. I just started the quest-line and can't proceed whatsoever, so I'm not sure which dungeon you're talking about. I assume you go to a dungeon right after reaching the temple of Miraak, based on what you're describing, but I have yet to experience that for myself. I have to work and then go to school, so I won't be able to check until later on today, but if you make any progress or run into any other bugs, let me know. I'll be sure to give it another try for myself when I get home. And if anyone has any possible work-arounds or advice, please help. This is a really aggravating issue. It's interesting that you visited the Graybeards before. That would seem to imply it's a problem with the Dragonborn questline itself, and not Solstheim. I take it you didn't discover the temple of Miraak until after visiting the Graybeards, and then you started crashing? Hmmm. Strange. I discovered practically every location on Solstheim before visiting the graybeards, and it was only when I started the Dragonborn questline itself that I started crashing around the area, so either we're both doing something wrong somehow, or the quest itself is just incredibly, incredibly buggy. Which wouldn't surprise me. Still, I'd like to be able to play through the content, considering I paid for it and everything. >.< *grumbles*
  9. I didn't read through them all, but I've experienced for myself that mods that edit Breezehome can be a bit finicky. I noticed 'my home is your home' in your load order; maybe try de-activating that? Just try de-activating any mod you have that directly influences Breezehome itself in any way, that might do the trick.
  10. I'm assuming you're using a USB keyboard. Do you have another one lying around? I've never had this problem, myself, but you might try hooking up another USB keyboard and giving that a go, and looking in your control panel / hardware and sound / devices and printer. That should display your keyboard. I'm guessing the issue is specific to Skyrim, but still, that's all I can think of. And just like Belial666 said, the button display doesn't always change when you change key input, so make sure that's not the issue. I got used to jumping with 'E' after Oblivion, so I set the jump command to E in Skyrim, but it still sometimes pops up with 'E' for my activate button, even though I have my space bar set as the activate button. I don't play with the 360 controller, so I have no clue, but perhaps re-mapping the default keyboard controls also re-maps button input on the 360 controller? I really wouldn't know.
  11. I experienced this issue once when I tried unpacking a Skyrim BSA using OBMM. I switched to BSAOpt and it worked just fine. Just like Boykeh and 22ghoolio, I knew it wasn't my actual memory itself. I've never experienced that error outside of my attempted BSA unpacking, though.
  12. I feel like I might have somehow broken quest progression here. My game is completely stable aside from the area around the temple of Miraak. I CTD immediately when I enter into that space; the farthest I can get before it crashes is the stone outside of the temple. If I fast travel to the temple, I crash before it loads. If I fast travel to the stone outside of the temple, I crash. If I fast travel anywhere else on Solstheim, I'm perfectly fine. I feel like the fact that I explored Solstheim thoroughly before meeting with the graybeards might somehow be the root of the problem. I'd like to think that wouldn't be an issue, but I'm 99% sure that the problem is related to quest progression, because I ventured across all of Solstheim without a single CTD prior to going back to Skyrim, meeting with the graybeards, getting attacked by cultists, and travelling back to Solstheim. I tried disabling every mod that affected DB directly, but was met with the same results. I just enabled papryus logging and tracing (I had no need for it before), but I checked, and it didn't collect any information from my previous load. Do you have to play for a certain length of time? I played probably around 15-20 minutes before the crash. I'd just like to know, first and foremost, if there's anyone else out there experiencing anything similar. If it persists, I'll try starting up a new game and meeting with the graybeards first prior to travelling to Solstheim, but I'd really like to continue on with this save game. The fact that it's only affecting this one area is perplexing to me. One thing that might be worth mentioning - there's a stone within the temple itself that I had previously discovered, and when the Dragonborn quest was added to my journal, the location marker for the stone within the temple was glitchy. If I clicked on the Dragonborn quest and clicked 'show on map', it would place a quest marker at the stone's exact location, but the stone's marker would be missing. And if I looked at the map outside of the quest, the marker would be visible. With my last load, however, the marker was gone completely, despite having discovered the location. Any thoughts on this? It could be merely an aesthetic glitch...or maybe my fears could be correct, and I could have possibly ruined the natural progression of the questline somehow?
  13. I just came here to ask for help regarding the same exact issue. Did you crash the very first time you visited Miraak's temple? I actually started up a new save for Dragonborn and went to Solstheim without having visited the Greybeards, so the Dragonborn quest didn't activate. I discovered Miraak's temple, in addition to plenty of other locations, before heading back to Skyrim and meeting with the Greybeards. Then, I fast-travelled to Riften, got attacked by dragon cultists, and headed back to Solstheim to continue the quest, only to find that I would CTD immediately when trying to fast-travel to the temple. I loaded back up and tried fast-travelling to a location near the temple, only to CTD again. Once more, I loaded my file, and this time I made the trek on foot, only to CTD when the temple came into view. I'm wondering if I broke the quest progression by exploring Solstheim beforehand, somehow. : / I'm about to re-load and mess around some more. I'm going to try fast-travelling back to Skyrim, first, just to check to see if my fast-travelling option itself hasn't been somehow screwed over.
  14. Okay, despite having just recently re-installed Skyrim with a character intended for role-play and immersion (kinda went overboard with the sexy mods last time around. >.>), I was just watching an interview with Christina Hendricks and was reminded once again of how unbelievably gorgeous she really is. This is a bit of a long shot, but I know it can be done - it's been done with Angeline Jolie and Jessica Alba, so why not Christina Hendricks? :P I think having a follower based off of the voluptuous redhead would be absolutely awesome, and I know I can't be the only one. Lore-breaking, yes. But I really want to see her in Skyrim. Please tell me I'm not the only one. xD http://filmmakeriq.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Christina-Hendricks-by-Joe-Pugliese.jpg http://www.glamour.com/beauty/blogs/girls-in-the-beauty-department/0913-christina-hendricks-straight-hair_bd.jpg
  15. Gotta bump this again. So, I managed to unpack Skyrim's texture BSA by downloading BSAopt, since OBMM wasn't working. I successfully extracted the nirnroot textures and placed them in my data directory - and I'm still having the same problem. Fuuuuuu. -_- I want to just disable all nirnroots. This is one a**hole of a plant. Anyway. Any advice? I've exhausted every option I can think of at this point. I've been playing Oblivion the last couple of days, but Dragonborn comes out on PC tomorrow and I really wanna play it without having to worry about stupid nirnroot crashes. Not that I know how much nirnroot is littered across Solstheim...
  16. Bump - Okay, so, using OBMM's BSA browser, I've looked through my Skyrim meshes and textures. I have meshes for red nirnroot, and none for the normal nirnroot. Which doesn't surprise me, since I deleted the replacement meshes when I kept getting crashes. I found nirnroot textures in the textures BSA. :D Only problem is, when I attempt to extract them, I get an error - "an unhandled exception has occurred. Extra information should have been saved to 'obmm_crashdump.txt' in Oblivion's base directory. Error message : exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." What does this mean and how do I fix this? When I try to extract the texture/s (I've tried extracting one nirnroot at a time, and then both at once), it will save to the temp folder on my desktop, but the file size is 0 kb. The error makes it sound like my system's struggling with memory, but I've unpacked BSAs before without a problem. And I checked my memory usage in my task manager. My system's modest and in need of an upgrade, but I know what it can handle, and it's not exactly straining itself right now. Memory shouldn't be an issue. Is it an issue of compatibility of some sort between Skyrim and Oblivion? Is there some prerequisite I haven't met? Argh, this is frustrating. Nirnroot is the worst. -_-
  17. I thought of that before, but it kind of slipped my mind. I'll give it a try, and hopefully I'll be able to find something. Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the response. I found "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" under 'archive' in SkyrimEditor.ini. I have four other Skyrim ini's - SkyrimPrefs, SkyrimEditorPrefs, SkyrimDefault, and SkyrimSewers (for a mod). I searched for the same text in all four other files and came up with nothing. Should I copy/paste the setting into any of the other ini's?
  19. I've managed to get Skyrim running fairly well, even with 100+ mods currently active. I didn't experience any major issues until just recently. I'm not sure how many of you have heard of Skyblivion, but essentially, it's a project still heavily underdeveloped with the eventual goal of adding the province of Cyrodiil, in its entirety, to Skyrim. To accomplish this, you have to have Oblivion installed on your PC, unpack the textures/meshes, delete the ones that conflict with existing Skyrim files, and copy them into your Skyrim data directory. Anyway, I did this, and on the Skyblivion forums, it was noted that there was an issue with nirnroots, with links available to download fixed meshes/textures for the plants. The primary issue seemed to be limited to Cyrodiil, from what I could gather; if you so much as looked at a nirnroot plant, your game would crash. The fix was designed to replace the Oblivion nirnroot file with Skyrim's, thus eliminating aforementioned crashes. Only, I seem to be experiencing a bit of a dillema, and I'm really not sure what I did wrong. I followed the provided instructions (which were quite detailed and helpful) to a fault. And yet, I'm facing a rather unusual problem : the nirnroot in Skyrim has been replaced with the nirnroot from Oblivion, rather than the other way around. And I've tried just about everything I could think of to fix it. I tried de-activating/re-activating all the Skyblivion .esps/.esms, deleting the nirnroot replacer files from my Skyrim data folder, downloading them once again and putting them back in, then deleting them again once they didn't work...I've tried downloading mods that altered the properties of Nirnroot, such as one that eliminated the glowing and humming, and while it did just that, the actual nirnroot itself remained unchanged and would crash my game. I tried looking for any other nirnroot mesh/texture in my Skyrim data directory, to no avail. My brother has Skyrim on his PC, too, and I checked his data folder, only to find no nirnroot, either. My plan was to copy his untainted nirnroot files into my data folder and hopefully be done with it. But I couldn't find them anywhere. Are they named something other than 'nirnroot'? I've looked everywhere. Anyway, I'm really running out of options. I haven't played in a couple of days simply because I'm afraid of crashing whenever I explore and come across a nirnroot. It's aggravating, to say the least, especially since I've managed to run a more-or-less stable game with all the mods I have activated. I don't want to uninstall and reinstall, but I will if I have to. One more question - if I copy my entire Skyrim folder to a temporary folder in, say, my desktop, uninstalled, and reinstalled the game, could I copy my Skyrim folder back into place without having the uninstillation process affect my existing saves too heavily? I'm just worried about having my existing data compromised or mucked up, because, as mentioned, I have a lot of mods active. Does uninstalling the game deactivate your active plugins from the nexus mod manager? I figure if it doesn't, and I put all my resources back into place after reinstalling, I might get lucky. But I'm ill-informed and naive when it comes to computery stuff.
  20. Again, thank you! You've been quite helpful indeed. I'm looking into cleaning my mods at the moment, hopefully that does the trick. :D
  21. Thanks! I thought Boss sorted the load order, but the couple times I used it seem to either not do anything or de-activate a huge chunk of my list. I might mess around with TES5edit if I can't find a solution to this duplicate NPC issue. I'm not sure how I've managed thus far, but I've been able to get most of my mods working properly with only a few issues here and there. I'm a little wary about changing things up, but if I end up with more issues, I'll give it a shot.
  22. I think I follow you. Truth be told, I just recently got Skyrim for the PC and started modding, so there's a number of processes I'm not familiar with whatsoever. I have TES5edit downloaded, as well as boss, and I've tried using both, but I couldn't quite grasp what to do with them. I do agree with you about the race mods, most definitely. I could certainly stand to remove a number of them, and I'll do that.
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