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About pimpskinny

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    United States
  1. Thank you for having responded to me.

    Today I could transform into stag, but only in open spaces and only pressing the barr. Indoor and in the city I could, but the stag appears in an other place.

    Maybe you know if I can modify somthing..

    I have obse_20, but I don't understand why I have this kind of promblem...

    I really love to play such a beautyful mod.

    Really tha...

  2. I wish I could, but I think I exhausted all my talents on creating a stable shape-shifting script. I built off of Midas and tried to tweak it as best I could, but myself and others a lot more skilled than me were never able to create a flawless shape-shift for Oblivion.
  3. Hi, I download now your mod, and I really like it, but I have a problem with shapeshifting: when the spell starts the animal appears for an istant and then reappear my character...

    It appens also in other mods like lithian's or midas spells.

    Can you help me please?

    Tank you,


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