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About CanadaMan7

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  1. Hey guys, Anyone know what mods this person is using: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/831802-1268835449.jpg Specifically the armor. The weapon would be nice as well though.
  2. Just got done playing FF 10 again and man would I kill to have Tidus's Brotherhood Sword. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/thumb/8/8b/Brotherhood.jpg/200px-Brotherhood.jpg No one will likely make this, so I'll end up doing it myself :rolleyes:
  3. Bump with more pics http://www.digitalbattle.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/darksector-multiplayer.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/darksector/images/0/08/Dark18.jpg
  4. Hey guys, Now before you shoot me down know that I'm a modder myself, but I'm busy with other projects and don't know how to rig for Fallout. So, here's the situation: I have the model/texture for Hayden's armor (from Dark Sector), and I just need someone to rig it up for me. It comes as a full suit model but depending on your preference I can seperate the Helmet if needed. Here's some pics for those who have never played it: http://i38.tinypic.com/2s9x4wg.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/32zkuhl.jpg
  5. Nice! I've been waiting for someone to make use of those Eternal Silence models for a little while :thumbsup:
  6. Hair looks pretty good so far. Hell who am I kidding, I'll probably download it just to get at the Cloud hair thats no doubt down the road. :thumbsup:
  7. Wow the whole armor together is awesome. Can't wait to see that baby textured and lol @ the cow balaclava
  8. Man, does that armor look good. Keep up the awesome work :D
  9. Or 4Aces. He's fantastic at texturing as well, and has released a bunch of high end texture replacements.
  10. Very true :biggrin: I still love it though. You guys should probably just let this thread die for now, so Skree can update when he's ready.
  11. Nice to hear that you're back on the job, bro. I can't wait for it! :D
  12. I agree as well. Either myself or my friend could texture it for you. We're going to need the model though...
  13. Well I downloaded your mod and loved it. The only thing that could possibly improve it even more is a enemy Japenese faction that you could fight. VERY well done though.
  14. Yeah sorry about that earlier post, I just saw this post for the first time and I'm really looking forward to this mod. I thought you were close to a release or something, thats why I was impatient. Again, good luck with the mod.
  15. :blink: Way to blue balls us, dude. Though I am glad someone is working on getting Halo art into Fallout 3. I want it pretty bad but I really don't want to make multiple mods at once. Good luck, though, and I'll check back here often.
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