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Posts posted by mitos98

  1. So yeah i have learnt how to make a merged patch with FO3 edit . But sometimes it just stucks at adding xxxxx master ..... dont even know why so i just close the window and let the patch save whatever it saved before hand. So some masters arent added :/ . Should i just wait for a lot of time or is it normal ?
  2. It could actually be a problem with a spesific mod if they copied an interier and changed it, but didnt change something like the door trigger or even a marker, it can be something as small as that.

    Have you any conflicts showing up? and what mods are you running?


    Thank your for answering . Most mods that i use are weapon and armor mods . The only major mod i am running is MMM and i dont see any conflict . i would post my load order if i knew ( i use NMM ) how to do so :P .

  3. Hello . So i have been playing for well over 90+ hours . I had a few issues like crashes and stuff but as soon as i installes Fo3 Edit and learned how to use it i had no other probs . So heres my situation : Whenever i try to go to fort banister and save then my saves become corrupted . I try to load them but the game crashes . I have some major mods like MMM but they are all in their right load order . Also i have this mod called A world of Pain that adds some dungeons . When i try to go in one of them and finish it and then exit/save my saves also become corrupted . It is no big deal cause i have like 100 save slots and many backups ( i know how buggy Fo3 is so :P ) but i want to have the 100% out of my game .


    Any answers to why the saves become corrupted in these specific locations or how to fix it is much appreciated .

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