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About vanilka

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    way too many games
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    ME franchise, DA:O, NWN franchise

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  1. I used to be an adventurer like you, then Death stole my equipments and returned me to level 1.
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    2. alexsilvestre


      Hmm I started around 1990 I guess, since I was 4, but I never played anything too interesting or cool, maybe rented them, but never got too far :P

      Having older and mainly male friends helped find other games and better consoles though, and learning english too, now I just have to find czech games...

    3. vanilka


      I think that there were a few games I had the honour to play... like Super Mario, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Street Fighter... So I guess I managed to get my hands on something decent, even if it wasn't many.


      Oh, yes, older accomplices in crime help. For me, it were my cousins that introduced me to Heroes of Might and Magic II later. :)


      True, I feel that I've learnt half my English from games. It's a good and fun way to learn and practise.

    4. vanilka


      Haha, you optimist. *ruffles his hair* I'm afraid there isn't much, but I could try to recommend you some. Like Mafia or Polda. We don't have many games though.
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