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About vanilka

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    way too many games
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    ME franchise, DA:O, NWN franchise

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  1. I used to be an adventurer like you, then Death stole my equipments and returned me to level 1.
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    2. vanilka


      Aww, shame on me. I've seen and read a lot about Castlevania games and have played the first one - my ego is still recovering from the rape experience, but that's as far as I've got so far since I'd never had a chance to play them, so I'm only recently getting into the old stuff I should have played years ago... (>_<)
    3. alexsilvestre


      It's not like we were on a gaming age when the first ones were released, were we? :P

      I mean, the first one was released when I was born, according to wikipedia, and I was born before you... not to worry, perhaps we can play them together someday :)

    4. vanilka


      Hm, yes, I think I started playing videogames around the year 1996. I was about... eight? I had never really had access to good video and computer games, too, and my parents didn't know much about them, so... yeah. Sometimes I wish I had played the cool stuff, like Metroid, but... ah well, I guess I will have to try now. :) Playing them together sounds like a great idea.
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