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About vanilka

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    way too many games
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    ME franchise, DA:O, NWN franchise

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  1. Oh, you have a new avatar! It's Whatever Her Name Is, my favourite elf ever! :D
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ginewra


      It's for the dramatic effect, duh! Ohh, I saw this face! :D I mean, not me! I mean... Oh my dirty mind xD Sen is talented. If you know what I mean... *le sexy Mr. Bean's face* :D

      Well, there is no Risi, Qess, Dumby... It's strangely quiet now. It means we have to PARTY HARDER! :DDD

      I love Daryl. He's a badass. But a good badass. He's my favourite character! And Rick, too :D And I like Glenn, Maggie, Hershel is cool too, Carl is one tough kid,...

    3. Ginewra


      ...I started liking him in the third sezon, the same with Carol. Ohhhh, but the most badass of all the girl is Michonne! I love her, she's like a ninja! >:D

      Zombies would run from us even without Daryl. I mean, we're too awesome! Zombies couldn't handle our awesomeness... *puts on cool sunglasses*

    4. vanilka


      Yeah, Qess sometimes shows up in the image section though. Damn, I miss those guys.


      Yes, Daryl is my favourite, too. That's because I have a thing for strong characters with skills... and past. I started liking Daryl almost as soon as he appeared. Not immediately though. Michonne, too. That girl is pretty damn amazing.


      Well, I dare say I have seen enough zombie films to know what to do. :D

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