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About vanilka

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    way too many games
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    ME franchise, DA:O, NWN franchise

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  1. I used to be an adventurer like you, then Death stole my equipments and returned me to level 1.
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    2. alexsilvestre


      heheh, the honour... I played those, I think Raphael was my favorite turtle, and I went everywhere in Super Mario World...

      I loved Might and Magic II, I think, I had just a demo and died all the time :x


      Maybe you did learn that way, I'll find you some games in portuguese, they had some ported version with different characters of games like Wonder Boy, they were great... and even some Stinky Frog game that was a modification of Psycho Fox. That was a funny, old game.


    3. alexsilvestre


      Oh no, the comment eater still lives :(

      Polda sounds cool, and do you mean the famous Mafia game you can find on Steam? We should make a game about that criminal's story, stealing 10 million euros and flying to Alagoas... sounds like GTA Mosquitotown :D

    4. vanilka


      Polda is an adventure game and it's about the misadventures of a... not exactly smart police officer. There are quite a few of these games and they are rather funny if you get Czech humour, which might sometimes be a bit crude or slapstick.


      Yes, Mafia was originally a Czech game, as far as I know. :)


      Haha, GTA Mosquitotown. xD Ah, I used to like the good old GTA games. You know, those that you played from the 3rd person perspective, from over the character's head.

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