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About vanilka

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    way too many games
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    ME franchise, DA:O, NWN franchise

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  1. How do we do homework?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanilka


      The assignments I have to work on take several hours and more to complete, so I try to do my best with them, but I don't always manage to focus. Especially because I work during the week and sometimes have to prepare for that in my free time, as well. Last Friday I spent translating a job project, dumped on my head at the last possible minute, roughly until 3 a.m. so... yeah. I'll keep trying I guess, heh. But you're right.
    3. AliasTheory


      I'm from a college major where one problem can take three hours, so I know the feeling. Especially when you have five of them, where one goes from parts a - q, and some of them go to part iii. Just gotta keep on trying.
    4. vanilka


      Indeed. So you can imagine. However, yeah, that's about all we can do about it.
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