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Everything posted by Artparker

  1. Topic: Mod help resources and collaboration. This isn't exactly a mod request, I'm looking to make it myself and have help with it. Firstly, the internet is a mess when searching to learn the basics of this new CK kit. I've modded with all the previous kits and this one has my scratching my head. Is there a list of tutorials that I can read more than watch on how to properly load files and begin creating a unique POI, not to be generated randomly, but placed specifically on Earth? The mod concept is to take the existing Earth ruins assets and appropriate them in a fashion that looks like part of New York or some major city has been excavated with the center being hollow to land ships in and then start building ledges inside of it to place npcs, shops, interior rooms, etc. I picture it going down into the Earth to be shielded from radiation and the elements. I'm unsure on how deep, how to edit terrain, if these resources are usable or if the unique Earth assets are locked as I understand some things aren't usable. I found the Earth cell 142 and tried to load it and the kit just got stuck, so it left me wondering if I'm down the wrong trail altogether. Anyway, pointing me in the right direction to get educated with this kit would be immensely appreciated! Also, I'm a world builder so making this space would be the best use of my talent and then handing it over for other modders to make it come alive would be ideal.
  2. The mod has been released as is, it's not complete, but it's there for all to check out now. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68465/?
  3. In response to post #24696394. #24696454 is also a reply to the same post. God's no!
  4. Well to be honest...it's kinda stopped progressing, it needs help from someone who can take it over. I made the town, it's been orgranized by two different modders because I don't have the experience to manage all the files. It's sad really, because a ton of work has gone into it...I'm just about ready to say it needs to be released as is, incomplete to perhaps attract modders to complete it! The mod could be done actually if we just simplified what was left I suppose.
  5. Half way finished with the Underground Interior...I think anyway. It's a tougher space than I thought, hopefully it's believable. Definitely an spooky and interesting space to explore.
  6. Alright I've got time today to work on something...I'm gonna do the Underground Market, since that is the biggest thing that needs accomplishing. Good thing it's a rainy day....
  7. Well that was a cheap shot... We all have different opinions about atmosphere, just because Drithius's view isn't the same as yours doesn't make it wrong (any more than *you* are wrong because your vision is different from Obsidian's), that's very myopic. Maybe a bit of tolerance rather than assuming what you want is what everybody wants. In regard to desert expanse, there are technical reasons why it becomes more difficult to have huge worldspaces (LOD for instance). Similarly larger populations (a lot of NPCs in a cell) can cause a hit on lower end machines (and sometimes even higher end ones). Alright, perhaps I used a universal statement, however, this isn't about 'views' this was simply about what 'many' players want out of a post-apocalyptic world. I've scathed through the mods for FO and NV after having played both thoroughly and read many a comment about both game and mods. The more desert wasteland is desired and doesn't exist, that's my point. As for the huge worldspaces, I'm quite aware of this. That's why I said it's fine if New Vegas stays the way it is. All that is required is a loading zone into a new worldspace, hell it could be all desert with a few cacti and a rad scorpian in it the size of the entire grid zone. That would be extremely polarized, but regardless it can be done. If I didn't work full-time I'd mod it myself, but then what the hell fun would I have knowing where everything I created is. Funny how people like to hate on others ideas...
  8. You must not know how to game as a role player. Aside from that...my post wasn't about 'interesting locations,' it's about a lack of atmosphere, a lack of desert expanse that creates 'interesting needs' and 'dynamics' such as "now I have a reason to carry 28 bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla. At any rate, less towns with more people in them and more expanse is all I want. It would be fine by Mr. Fantastic to just leave the whole of New Vegas alone and create new grid maps the same size as it is, but with LESS inside of them to create the feeling of a real massive 'western desert wasteland'.
  9. This mod should be a rather simple, but possibly time consuming, request; a more desolate Mojave, a clear cold night, a shearing hot sun and a man in need of a gun. What I've observed from the game and from other FO and FNV players is that NV lacks the desolation that FO has, yet, FO lacked some very surpreme upgrades that NV has. TBH, the truth is, one simple thing would make NV so much better: LESS IS MORE. Can someone please make the 'desert' seem as big as it should? Whether it be by creatively spacing things, removing towns, or getting rid of New Vegas entirely...I don't really mind and I think alot others wouldn't either. I'm actually surprised there isn't a mod that actually makes the landscape more of a desert. I'd rather see smaller towns with larger more realistic populations and great expanses with less encounters with over powered "insert X" blasting my 'x' everytime I try to just wander the waste. Finally, all I'm asking for is a mod that makes the desert an actually desert, regardless of the FO cannon, I want to survive in the Mojave as if there were actually miles and miles to be crossed and scarce resourses to be found. Not in a tidious, unfun nature, because the game makers have it right, they just have the scale far to close in promixity, and far too few people inhabiting places. Yes I'm aware of mods that populate, but nothing that desolates. Wild, wild west baby...a desert with less and more interesting survival progress on an exploration basis.
  10. Awesome, if he hasn't contacted you already, send a msg to MJAB98
  11. I used Skyfog and got this result :D http://artparker.com/misc/Foggedin.jpg It may need some lower hovering fog over the water so it doesn't have that harsh edge, but maybe that always be the case...seems like water and animations don't get along well.
  12. I like that, but I was thinking a way more denser fog that hides the sea entrance to PC. I just remembered I was going to look into the Dragonborn assets to see if something would work... I should have some time to do that today.
  13. Damn wish I wasn't so busy right now. I promise this mod will come to fruitition by the end of this summer. At least on my end... Does anyone know of any kind of FOG mod/ FOG/CLOUD/MIST we could use to shroud the town??? I got bogged down trying to find a solution for this a while back and it really killed my desire to do more work.
  14. Yeah awesome job! Glad to see people still working on the mod. I hope to have some time coming up this month to work on this mod again. I'll be done with training in 7 days. Keep this mod going everyone!!!
  15. I've been busy, but still working on interiors. I haven't had any luck with the fog barrier still...I might need to look into animations or finding a modder who can make a massive fog bank FX model.
  16. Still waiting to find out if it can be done...I may have to keep looking for a solution.
  17. Just contacted him, we'll see if it can be done! :)
  18. While AmandanBezerk has some great ideas, the town is placed so that it is very hard to reach. Either swim in lethal ice water or fall off a glacial cliff into the town. At any rate, I have given it some thought before, I wish I could shroud the water entrance with a permanent fog cloud animation. If anyone knows of a mod that adds massive fog banks, that would be supremely helpful. Awesome, I had a few ideas about that as well...glad you've got it covered, can't wait to play this mod myself! Haha (Edit: Grammar fail)
  19. Another teaser: http://artparker.com/misc/LionsDenArena.jpg
  20. FTW :) Not only that, there needs to be pirate brewery too, so whole shelves of this stuff should be found in a warehouse/brewery. Maybe I'll make that later down the road, it needs to be huge. Also I'm loving that pirate outfit, but can we get someone to make a more rugged looking one? I imagine some pirates looking more like the Seadog armor found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20911/? Not to mention the town is lacking skull and crossbones like nobody's business.
  21. Excellent! I knew there had to be things we could pirate..er...use from that project. ;) Duke, just a quick update, I'm going to try to finish that basement for this weekend.
  22. Oh right, the initial quest..."Everything That Glitters..." so there are two ideas. 1. You don't get a start up quest upon loading the mod, you just have to know from when you downloaded it to get a high bounty in 3 holds OR you can encounter a shady ex-pirate outside of Whiterun in a special inn I created who tells you about the town. Or both I suppose... So in this case, both are viable.
  23. No, the pirate 'courier' is for the end quest. And yes I could easily make a basement for that.
  24. Sounds like a great Nord voice, some sound very close to Ulfric. I responded to your PM, but I just remembered some funny ideas I had for a Nordic guard voice a long time ago that could be some great snippets from any type of guard in general, so long as it has that classic Nord guard voice: "Hey, I know you! Your that guy that killed everything in Skyrim." "You see that over there? I helped build that with my teeth." XD "One time I helped a guy get back his sweet roll, ...one ...time." "Shh, I'm trying to sleep." "Halt right there scumbag! Just kidding, I've just always wanted to say that like those jokers in the Imperial City, go on ahead." "You know, I got to thinking... then I had to stop because it was hurting too much." "I used to look like an adventure like you, but then I took an arrow to the face." XD
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