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About Gamore01

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  1. I was looking for a mod that would stop my companions from getting hostile towards me if I get bored and start shooting up Diamond City, Vault 81, and etc. and make it so they either just go away to wherever I send them or stick around and help out.... I never save if I randomly just start shooting people and they get in the way when I have to keep attacking them because they never die. Also is there a command line that will remove NPC's from being essential so I can take out the whole town/city before I reload and play the game the right way? Thank you
  2. I want a mod that will let me "build" a companion (frankenstein) from the body parts from the gore bags. Thank you
  3. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not or if it has already been fixes but I would like Deacon to stop striping the power armor I give him down to the frame so he can change hats and other things. I would also like something to make it so strafing does not turn off sprint (I don't care if it sprints while strafing) but having to hit shift all the time is annoying. Also not sure if this is a bug or not but when I load a saved game from the console and am in Power Armor my HUD does not work till I get out of and back into my armor. and last is there any mod that has already constructed houses/buildings... I never got into The Sims and it is worse in this game with nothing fitting together the right way (OCD) and the "prefabs" that come with the DLC are not very big or very nice looking. I want a full house/building with decorations and all. Thank you
  4. I was hopping that there was another mod that would not only let you do all the stuff this one lets you but also lets you sit while in power armor and also work in Far Harbor and while improving/building new robots. I was also hopping to find a mod that would make it so I can't "attack" NPC's or companions while falling/jumping down in power armor. I am tired of having to reload because I jumped down a bit to far and landed next to an NPC and they start attacking. Thank you I just found the mod was updated to let me do these things so never mind on that but I would still like the other mod
  5. I am looking for a mod that will let me use all the computers and mod weapons/armor while in Power Armor I tried to google it but all I kept getting where mods for the Power Armor. Thanks
  6. I had a mod on my old computer for oblivion that was a portable home that would pop up a stone slab with I think a lions head on it and when you went inside there would be a chest right where you end up so you can put stuff in it if you where over encumbered and I believe had 3 rooms that had a bed, tons of storage (I believe 6 chests 2 Jewelery Cases 1 desk 2 wardrobes and 2 nightstands, It had a big round table in one of the rooms and I don't think it had any spell making or item enchanting area in it. I know the exit looked like an oblivion gate and made a weird growl sound on exit. If you know what the name of this mod is and where and I can get it I would be very grateful. If you have it but don't know where to find it online (and are able to send it to me) you can send it to [email protected] Thank You
  7. I had a mod on my old computer for oblivion that was a portable home that would pop up a stone slab with I think a lions head on it and when you went inside there would be a chest right there to put stuff in, a bed, tons of storage, and was all around cool. I know the exit looked like an oblivion gate and made a weird growl sound on exit. If you know what the name of this mod is and where and I can get it I would be very grateful. If you have it but don't know where to find it online (and are able to send it to me) you can send it to [email protected] Thank You P.S. This was not a 1 room place I believe it had 3 rooms, 1-3 desks, 6-8 dressers, 2-3 jewelery boxes, and a big round table
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