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  1. Lakan

    Its Ronin from DC
  2. havent got it yet (after Christmas im planing to) but when zombies in the title then you shoudl expect load up on load up on laods of zombies
  3. I have always seen as DLC good if done right for example DLC can be a good thing like Fallout 3 DLCs O:A, PL and MZ they were all good and well done I thoguht but I could never see them work as a proper expansion packs as so are right for DLC while the two DLC what was BS and The Pitt while was good ideas they were trying to fit soemthing to big in to soemthign what to small which I found was rather dispointing, and more epxnasion pack ideas (e.g somethign like SI from oblivion) also then theres price Fo3s DLC was at a right price but things like map packs I always saw as being to expensive for what they were same with oblivions DLC(except KOTN) being to mcuh for what they are. DLC is good but only if the ideas can fit in to the size and to try get the right price aswell
  4. thats the first thing what I thoguht :thumbsup: I get the feeling its going toi be a dud but will give alook and see what its like Sg1 was good favorite seaons was 1,2 and 9,10(mainly as to some degree it went back to its roots on trying to find techolgy but they cant go back from season 7 and 8 when it introduced the ships) but also gave the more win, lose situation Atlantis was ok wasent keen on it to much(I loved half the chacters and disliked the othe rhalf of chacters) But it jsut slowly got boring after season 1 as the wraith dident ahve much added to them but stargate really should of sjut ended by now and more the odd short film around it
  5. I have a feeling Beth is already hard at work on the next Elder Scrolls. It's slated to arrive in 2010. somehow I doubt they will make that deadline, im counting on either 2011 or 2012 they are working on TESIV by changeing/ceateing the game enigine and hardcodeing the features for TESIV in it (E.g spells,combat etc...), I read it in one of the DLC interviews so they are working on it, but in the meantime jsut making a quick buck I think
  6. Um I know you are jsut insulting me here, but sint Nazi(and genrally the word itself) main belives were mostly because of beliveing they were a supier race....jsut thoguht a would point that out, thoguh I could be wrng but the way how thing go using that word seems like it but sjut thoght I would point that out :whistling:
  7. Urrrrrrr your acting like a child geting temper tantrums as of not geting what you want If things were run your way...there would be no site(jsut one for trolls) your posts what got you banned were sjut...just luagle(jsut like my spelling) I even sent the link to your ban page to a few friends who had a good luagh about it. Not to mention it seems the admins and Moderators gave you a good few chancees. Also a few times on here I saw when someone did get banned(if it wasent a really bad rule breaker and wasent constant) te banned member cna aplogice to the admins here and they will have there ban overturned, Unless they kept on making other accounts and causeing trouble before doing it that I think. Dark0ne, Buddah and the rest of the moderators and ahve helped everyone(which has lead to both good and bad conseqances) They ahve givena great file sharing palce for 3 great games(morrowind,Oblivion and FO3) where people can freely upload to the site, has great number of options and settings to choose and a forum whats givena good strong community. yeah theres the odd one or two things I dont like(which seems to be geting fixed soon so quite happy on that), but there completely optional and again why woiuld I want to complain to a great free site lkike this(if I had the money or a bank account I would donate) If you dont like it here because you arnt geting your own way go somewhere else and liberate the people of nexus from your annoying child tantrums. Theres always filefront, PES and them game FAq forums which looks faily like the scumwhole of nearly all gmaeing communitys (hmm that wold make a great place for you) where you can moan and complain when ever you want and no one here needs to listen or care about it Sigh but why am I wasteing my life on this post when trolls cant read or think thouhg I must admit I did take some of your opinions well, before you got banned and behaved like spilt brat which thopuhg out all credabilty. Edit after I read this post, it seems to be a little troll baiting to this troll, but I sjut got so annoyed iwth him, speically after wakeing up n the wrong side of the bed this morning, so if I have broken the rules with this post, admins and moderators I will take my punshiment gracefully
  8. good point but there really is only 2 good exclusvies on each consele(well for me there is) and if by quailty of games, nothing can beat the PS1...it owns all with good quailty games :biggrin:
  9. the PS3 is no poser 360 I think is the poser the only reason why its doing well with games is tht it got on the market first, well thats what I think
  10. Yeah but the xbox traded in there cool interface for crapy one(which to some degree is simuler to the PS3) both have good potential but I would say the PS3 will probley last a longer then the 360 If Microsoft dose make a new xbox version in the next year or 2(like processor upgrades ETC....) I would be really annoyed and lose quite a bit of faith in microsoft(then again i ahve lost alot faith in them jsut by windows live alone) as the ones who bought the lesser model gets riped off on it, like they done wit an elite version though I must admit that it was funny with MGS4s main producer that he thoguht the PS3 could do more and was disapointed by it when it was the first game really to make full use out of blue-ray and its processor
  11. Hmmm interesting I rember playing sonic Cd on a PS2 compication pack was really good just been looking around this is interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD-i developed in 1986 this is the first to use Cds
  12. I said better services,dident say would ahve to be charged for it HOME could be a sorta start to better services thoguh i find it by the look of it a more interactive Facebook I own a 360 mainly as it was cheaper at the time and there really isnt that many excluesive games I want for either of them(there was MGS4 but I completed it on my brothers PS3 it was a good game enjopyed to know ending story but was a bit of a dispointment compared to its past games) I played Halo 3(after hearing about all its hype) and it was just purely rushed could tell straght from the beginning of the game I also have a PC thoguh this thread is more to concles
  13. well I think the 360 went downhill ever since there new interface thing 360 rushed....came out good short term but will fail long term PS3 slowly devepoped came out bad short term but will succed long term but if the PS3 gets better online services and pay for more multiplayer games (what are excluesive) then the 360 will fall alot faster but the 360 is still rather imppresive speically with it running RE5(well the demo anyway)
  14. cnc

    Red Alert

    yeah quite a few of missions felt abit to rushed,speically the ending conflict between Japans side, Also I thoguht a few more maps for Skirmish would be more better Same the Russiabn sniper only was in 2 cutscenes and only stood there for 2 seconds I did not like about the RA3 was that most of the woman actors in the game were more Eyecandy then anything, and made most of the female chacters in the cutscenes well kinda sluty, also that I thought Tanya looked like a man in a wig
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