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About XI57

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  1. Yup, that's it. I'm calling it. Thanks for all the help and insight you've provided Greslin, I really appreciate it. I'm leaving my mod as is with its current functions, and i've left a link on my mod page directing to CHT as well as another mod that supports multiple companions, for those who need a way to revive companions. There's really no reason to reinvent the wheel here when it's already been done with success. Can't say thanks enough man, take care, -XI57
  2. Okay so here's the thing, I don't think I can actually even use the ITI approach. My custom stimpak is an "infinite stimpak", that replenishes itself after every use. The player doesn't get this until they're at least level 49, due to crafting requirements. It's supposed to be an end-game item. Basically like; "you got all the perks required, you're now a jedi at this, and you've learned how to re-use stimpaks indefinitely." So the player needs the regular base vanilla stimpak throughout their play-through until they can craft the new infinite stim, which is why I don't think I can edit it like in ITI. That's the dilemma. And I want to make it compatible with your mods, you were in the stim-scene before I was, haha. So I think I have to take the CHT route (these will forever be known as the CHT and ITI routes, you've navigated uncharted waters, lol). If I also make a companion quest, just with simplified scripts attached to the aliases having them revive themselves, would it interfere with your companion quest and its scripts, due to them both trying to revive the follower? Edit: And on top of all of that, CHT doesn't work properly with multiple companion mods, like "Unlimited Companion Framework", which I myself use. So i think i'm reaching a dead end with this endeavor.
  3. I'm getting rather turned around trying to learn from both mods simultaneously. In CHT, you added scripts to the companion aliases attached to a quest. And in ITI, you edited the main vanilla stimpak and attached a MGEF containing the StimpakHealCompanionEmulate.psc script. Which of these approaches should I be attempting? I can't do what you did in ITI or they'll be compatibility issues, bc there's only 1 true stimpak the game understands as the base object, and you edited it. And if i'm going to try the CHT approach, I literally have no idea what to pull and what not to pull. There's a ton of features in your mod that I simply don't need to meet my core objective; the quick stim, stuns, dogmeat. If people want those features, i'll just direct them to download your mod. I just need my custom stim to be put into their inventory, and when they go down, they get up. And that's it. Also, if CHT requires all dlc's and f4se, will what I try to implement require all dlc's and f4se?
  4. I'm an idiot, haha, I didn't realize that there were essentially only 2 files, I saw the two different file types and thought there were 4. Thank you for taking the time to help out by the way, it's easy to feel very alone when you hit a wall and don't know what to do. I'll take another look at them now. Edit: Your script is so f***ing advanced for me, haha. :facepalm: mine are super basic, i'm learning all of this from scratch with no prior knowledge. Any tips on what lines to grab out in particular to get this on the right track? And of course, if you'll allow it, you'll get the credit. I'm thinking the proper steps will be: Add new quest, similar to yours. Add all companion aliases to that quest. Attach script to each companion alias. Sound right? Basically the macro plan is to just ditch the whole, "use this new stimpak to revive your follower" idea for, "your follower gets up on their own with this mod".
  5. Thanks for the information Greslin. I took a look through some of the scripts, however I was unable to view the source for a couple due to (i think) them being .psc, and not .pex. I see that it's a hardcore mod only, was that a design choice or a limitation? As in, could this work-around be tailored to other difficulties? And to clarify, having the companion heal themselves with it would be great, but the main issue here is the player manually reviving their downed companion with the custom stim. When you look at the downed companion, and you only have the custom stim in your inventory and no vanilla, the on-screen prompt doesn't even show up to complete the revive.
  6. Yes I came across that as well. It didn't have any "use info", so I couldn't track down what it did or how it was implemented. Thanks for the input, appreciated.
  7. For the life of me I cannot solve this. I've made a mod that makes new chems, one of those chems is a stimpak. Everything about it works, except for the fact that it can't be used to revive downed companions, and i can't get to the bottom of the issue. To test and track down the problem, I've tried simply duplicating the vanilla stimpak and only changing its EditorID, so it is identical to the vanilla stimpak in every way other than the EditorID, and EVEN THEN it won't pick up downed companions. So that makes me think it's a script, which points to the specific vanilla stimpak ID via a property, but the only scripts i've found concerning stimpaks are those that only reference keywords, such as "objectTypeStimpak", or "playerCanStimpak". None of them use a property that points directly to the vanilla stimpak. I'm at my wit's end with this, can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks
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