Okay so here's the thing, I don't think I can actually even use the ITI approach. My custom stimpak is an "infinite stimpak", that replenishes itself after every use. The player doesn't get this until they're at least level 49, due to crafting requirements. It's supposed to be an end-game item. Basically like; "you got all the perks required, you're now a jedi at this, and you've learned how to re-use stimpaks indefinitely." So the player needs the regular base vanilla stimpak throughout their play-through until they can craft the new infinite stim, which is why I don't think I can edit it like in ITI. That's the dilemma. And I want to make it compatible with your mods, you were in the stim-scene before I was, haha. So I think I have to take the CHT route (these will forever be known as the CHT and ITI routes, you've navigated uncharted waters, lol). If I also make a companion quest, just with simplified scripts attached to the aliases having them revive themselves, would it interfere with your companion quest and its scripts, due to them both trying to revive the follower? Edit: And on top of all of that, CHT doesn't work properly with multiple companion mods, like "Unlimited Companion Framework", which I myself use. So i think i'm reaching a dead end with this endeavor.