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  1. Actually I was doing something like this and I remember it didn't worked. However, I have just changed damage to my weapon to 100 (for testing purpose to see if it changed) and it worked. I think I had corrupted files before, as it was like 2 patches ago. Thanks for your help, it seems to be working. And no, I am not going to do overpowered stuff like that :P
  2. I pretty much expected answer like this. Last time I tried this I managed to edit the weapon's file, but then I didnt seem to work in game. I'll try once more tomorrow.
  3. Hello modders, Before I make anyone angry - I have searched answer for following question a lot, but I have not found anything that would ultimately solve it, so I ask here (hopefully in correct section, if it's not - my apologies). So, I'll try to keep it simple: How do I edit vanilla or custom items stats, such as type / damage etc.? I have downloaded a mod adding a cool weapon, but I dislike some of it's properties and I would like to mess up with it a little bit - the question is: how do I do this? Except fact that I have to edit the data files somehow (where such information is stored), I also have to open and save an *.esp file. Please aid me
  4. Greetings dear modders, I have already suggested this idea once in the past, along with some other ideas. This time, however, I would like to focus on just one and try bring someone's attention. Ok, let's get into details: Who is Katarina? She is a character (and a champion) from League of Legends. She is a badass girl specialised in daggers, who is in elite-killers faction. More about her here: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Katarina_the_Sinister_Blade What does she wears? While my english is not good enough to describe what kind of clothes she actually wears, I can generally say that she has black-leather top and legs (sort of jeans?), along with some spiked-metal pieces. She has some daggers attached to her belt. Instead of description I can offer her official art-works here: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Katarina_the_Sinister_Blade/SkinsTrivia Please keep in mind that most of her pictures there are alternative skins. I request classic only, although Kitty Kat one may interest some people. With this, I'll link direct pictures I am interested in: • http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110302012743/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/9/97/Katarina_OriginalSkin.jpg/1000px-Katarina_OriginalSkin.jpg • http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110215012241/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/b/bc/Katarina_OriginalSkin_Ch.jpg/1000px-Katarina_OriginalSkin_Ch.jpg • http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612162731/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/3/3b/Katarina_OriginalSkin_Ch2.jpg/1000px-Katarina_OriginalSkin_Ch2.jpg Why would anyone even pay attention to it? // Is there anything similar to this? I have checked ENTIRE SKYRIM NEXUS ARMOR MODS TWICE and I have NOT SEEN ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE CLOSE TO IT, with exception to Karliath's armor #2. So, if You are looking for an original idea of Light Armor made out of quality leather (so actually it can be as good as Deadtic or Dragon Armor) - I believe it fits. Is this armor lore friendly? As long it's made with leather, some metalic-spikes and some daggers attached to it - I don't see anything against the lore. More information There is also similar set (or rather combination of two sets) in another game, which is actually one of best sets available in that game, while it also offers sets made out of plate. This is another reason why I would consider this set to be high quality. If anyone needs additional inspiration to crate this - I can provide photos of Katarina from the game itself, or photos of my character from that another game, which is pretty much more 3D than League of Legends. If You have decided to create this set - please contact me to talk about details Please "bump" this thread if You support this thread ! It's very important to me.
  5. Actually few months ago I have seen some custom items that are a bit similar to Ashe's items. There's also a hood that adds same hair as Ashe has. Try looking for hood + hair mods, or word "Ranger". However, none of them are 100% based on Ashe, so I support this idea. I would love to see Katarina's gear first.
  6. Ok, thanks for info. I have searched a bit and found some Vindictus sets indeed. Still, there's no Broken Ash nor Swift Set available. As for LoL characters - haven't found anything yet.
  7. Greetings dear Nexus-modders, I would like to "request" or "give an an idea" to make some armor sets from games known as Vindictus (or Mabinogi Heroes) and League of Legends. @Vindictus - As for now, I have found only 1 set imported from the game: Temptress Dress -- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15512 There are some more awesome armors in that game, I recommend checking them out on it's wiki or database web sites. Items I would like to focus on are following: * Broken Ash Set : http://vindictusdb.com/screens/sets/broken_ash_set/broken_ash_set_182702887.jpg or http://vindictusdb.com/screens/sets/broken_ash_set/broken_ash_set_857652926.jpg (colors may be a little different on every photo, as You can change them in the game) * Swift Set : http://vindictusdb.com/screens/sets/swift_set/swift_set_1395681978.jpg (make it black) * Shining Will Set : Well, there are a lot of color sets for this one, just take a look: http://vindictusdb.com/set?i=Shining+Will+Set#tabs-screens * Succubus set : As seen here http://vindictusdb.com/screens/monsters/succubus/succubus_21387784461ce5cc34ff8cea8a396d09.jpg or http://vindictusdb.com/screens/monsters/succubus/succubus_1b2d43c2708f33e8650c3365a1326ef8.jpg ; This might be problematic at some point, as it's not wearable set by player. Keep in mind weapons and shields are not part of the sets. I own all of these sets (with exception for the last one, obviously), so if anyone is up to do this - let me know, I'll provide extra screenshots made by myself. @League of Legends- Such popular game, yet from those champions I have searched I found only 1 of them - Fiora : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13983 Champions' items I would personally like to see in Skyrim are following I believe: * Akali ( http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/skin_view/akali?mode=flash#skin ) * Ahri ( http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/skin_view/ahri?mode=flash#skin ) * Katarina ( http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/skin_view/katarina?mode=flash#skin ) // This character will be reworked soon, so won't look so "spiky" Hopefully someone will be ambitious enough to make anything from this list. If You like any of these ideas - please leave a comment to keep this thread at top. If You are an artist who will take this challenge - feel free to ask questions. Thanks to everyone who support this, and sorry if some of these things I listed are already available. I haven't abused any of forum's rules, I hope?.
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