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  1. That is actually a pretty good idea.
  2. Does it also change the characters grunts and yells as they fight and get hurt? Because otherwise, this is NOT what I'm looking for.
  3. So am I to assume that no one is interested in even telling me whether or not there exists such a mod?
  4. That is an interesting idea. I would love to see this become a reality. Hope someone comes along and helps out with this.
  5. That... is a very interesting quest idea. If only I were a modder, I might consider putting time and effort into this. I hope someone comes along and helps out with making this a reality.
  6. What I really really need is a mod that replaces the Player Character's voice, but it's only for a specific character, and not all characters of the same gender/race. Is there a mod for that already, or is someone in the mood to make it? I imagine it would be a good idea to utilize SkyUI for this.
  7. Indeed, but the thing is, this isn't as much an apocalypse as it is post-apocalypse... except for that endgame part where the hero goes back to their own time to stop the apocalypse; then it bears close resemblance to the Oblivion plot line, which wasn't actually what I intended, but eh, what the heck. Extracted from original post: "The daedric apocalypse itself isn't a mystery, because a very powerful daedra is responsible for it. This daedra is completely unknown in Nirn due to his daedra basically never having interacted with it up to this point. This daedra is as powerful as the other daedric princes, but it's a bit more... liberal with its powers. And by liberal, I mean it just tore its way out of the planes of oblivion and straight into Nirn to cause havoc, raise the dead, and tear down civilization as we know it." Sounds like OP wants a new Daedric Prince, or one that we just haven't seen yet. Indeed, a new Daedric Prince... well, one we just haven't seen yet, actually, but that kind of also means it is new. By the way, just to clarify, the main reason for this mod is the cyberpunk aspect, not as much the daedric apocalypse thing itself. That's just for... added flavor... and an excuse for not re-doing all of the cities into complicated cyber-punk versions of themselves.
  8. I am aware of the fact that this mod is taking on an apocalypse scenario, which Fallout also does, but aside from that, these two concepts have nothing in common. This idea is much better suited for Skyirm, mainly because I developed its concepts FOR Skyrim.
  9. Yep, you read that right. I have an idea for a time-travel mod. And when I say time-travel, I only mean between two temporal locations, so no, not an actual time-travel mod. Think of it as a new-lands mod, but with Skyrim itself. Now, don't get me wrong, I know full well that there would be A LOT of work that would have to go into this mod, and it would take a hell of a lot of time to actually finish it. But this is something I believe could be a really great mod to try taking on, so if anyone would like to help me out with it, I would gladly welcome it. The idea: It would basically involve another version of Skyrim, where the majority of the land has been changed into a dark wasteland, scorched by extremely powerful daedra magic, while a couple of the holds would be re-enforced and futuristic looking (think cyberpunk, or batman beyond). Blackreach (y'know, the underground cavern network that supposedly spans the majority of Skyrim?) would become futuristic as well, with refugee camps having been built there, and then slowly transforming into an underground cyberpunk city. The falmer? Well, I think this would be a good time to explore a species redemption story for them, so maybe they'd be a bit less... evil. Now, the two holds that haven't been eradicated in this daedric apocalypse (I'll elaborate on that in a moment) are Markarth and Winterhold. Markarth, because it's well fortified, and is well secluded in the side of the mountain, with a connection to dwemer underground tunnels below, and Winterhold, because of the College. These two locations would then have evolved in two very different directions, with Markarth becoming a more gritty, oily-mechanical cyber-city, while Winterhold becomes a smoother, "higher" tech city on the side of the cliff (with this huge energy shield bubble thing around it, for obvious reasons). The daedric apocalypse itself isn't a mystery, because a very powerful daedra is responsible for it. This daedra is completely unknown in Nirn due to his daedra basically never having interacted with it up to this point. This daedra is as powerful as the other daedric princes, but it's a bit more... liberal with its powers. And by liberal, I mean it just tore its way out of the planes of oblivion and straight into Nirn to cause havoc, raise the dead, and tear down civilization as we know it. The apocalyptic Skyrim won't be like the wasteland of Fallout. It will be more... surreal, with white glowing cracks in the earth, the ground itself black as the darkest night, and the creatures... well, the creatures will be undead. Undead people, undead animals, undead dragons... you name it. And I'm not talking like draugr undead or skeletal undead. I think there should be more thought and originality put into the design of these undead, something like black scorched bodies with white-glowing cracks in them. The sky itself will be obscured by black clouds, so it will in essence be an endless night there. Blackreach will be quite different from what we're used to as well. It will, in areas, have the old glowy mushroom cave feel to it, but in others, it will be a high-tech city (again, think batman-beyond or even tron... but underground). As I said before, a redemption story for the falmer would be nice, so there will be a lot of falmer in the city along with its other inhabitants. All in all, it will be a cyberpunk apocalypse dealio in a future version of Skyrim. The main storyline will revolve around setting right that which once went wrong, aka going back (to your time, I mean, you go to the future, and then have to go back to stop the apocalypse (which by the way takes place in the time period of the last dragonborn)) and defeat the daedric lord before they consume the entirety of Skyrim. There should be sidequests galore as well, and all in all it would pretty much make up an entire fan-made expansion. A huge one at that, I mean, this mod will probably be bigger than anything else we've seen before. As I said before, I know this will take A LOT of work, and a lot of time as well, and I don't think this could be accomplished with anything but the utmost devotion. I am prepared to put that devotion into this, if anyone else is as well. I don't know how to mod, but I'm willing to learn. Thoughts? Comments and criticism and evaluation of the achievability of this mod idea are welcome.
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