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Everything posted by flyingkitty96

  1. Hey there, I'm trying to use the aforementioned mod but I'm running into a bit of trouble - for starters, I use TTW, and while the mod description states that a TTW-compatible version exists, I cannot seem to find it for the life of me. Like. I cant even find it by googling it. Does a TTW compatible version still exist? If not, would anyone be so kind as to walk me through converting a compatible version myself? Usually FO3 mods work just fine with TTW, in my experience... I'm by no means a skilled expert on mods, but I've never had trouble getting one to work so as the load order is correct. But this mod, a dogs world, wont even open in the fnv GECK. Honestly, I just really want Dogmeat to have a scarf or collar or literally anything that distinguishes him from npc dogs of the same coloration. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
  2. Hi there! Let me preface real quickly by saying I'm brand new to these forums and have tried my best to make sure I'm posting correctly and in the right place; if not, I beg for your eternal forgiveness. So I've encountered a really peculiar problem with a mod I'm in the process of making. I'm simply redecorating the Camp Searchlight Basement (non NCR one) to look like a ghoul speakeasy, with shelves of alcohol and a pool table and the works. It's nothing fancy, mostly run of the mill static decor, and so far Ive only placed two NPCs in the cell - one very simple vendor ghoul with no connections to any other NPC/script/etc, and one shrunken mole rat that idly sits on a static gomorrah pillow and yawns. My problem is that whenever I load the cell in-game, HORDES of seemingly random enemies spawn out of nowhere; At one point, there was a group of supermutants with guns, legion assassins, and a legendary fire gecko. I've tried loading the cell with different save games and it still happens, so it doesnt seem to be related to a specific playthrough/save file. Id like to also note that this is the first mod I've installed in a LONG while, and I've never had any issues beforehand. So I'm doubting that this is caused by an existing mod, but just in case, heres my load order: FalloutNV.esm Deadmoney.esm Honesthearts.esm Oldworldblues.esm Lonesomeroad.esm Gunrunnersarsenal.esm Caravanpack.esm Classicpack.esm Mercenarypack.esm Tribalpack.esm Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm Thepitt.esm Brokensteel.esm Pointlookout.esm Zeta.esm Taleoftwowastelands.esm Electrocity.esm [abbreviated] zzhairsfnv.esm sunglassescollection.esp Bennyreturns.esp zzhairsfnv.esp vegasvariations.esm Searchlightbar.esp [the mod in question, dependent only on FNVs esm] Any help would be wildly appreciated! I'm at an absolute loss at this point and it's a real bummer because I've already put many hours into this mod.
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