Hi there! Let me preface real quickly by saying I'm brand new to these forums and have tried my best to make sure I'm posting correctly and in the right place; if not, I beg for your eternal forgiveness. So I've encountered a really peculiar problem with a mod I'm in the process of making. I'm simply redecorating the Camp Searchlight Basement (non NCR one) to look like a ghoul speakeasy, with shelves of alcohol and a pool table and the works. It's nothing fancy, mostly run of the mill static decor, and so far Ive only placed two NPCs in the cell - one very simple vendor ghoul with no connections to any other NPC/script/etc, and one shrunken mole rat that idly sits on a static gomorrah pillow and yawns. My problem is that whenever I load the cell in-game, HORDES of seemingly random enemies spawn out of nowhere; At one point, there was a group of supermutants with guns, legion assassins, and a legendary fire gecko. I've tried loading the cell with different save games and it still happens, so it doesnt seem to be related to a specific playthrough/save file. Id like to also note that this is the first mod I've installed in a LONG while, and I've never had any issues beforehand. So I'm doubting that this is caused by an existing mod, but just in case, heres my load order: FalloutNV.esm Deadmoney.esm Honesthearts.esm Oldworldblues.esm Lonesomeroad.esm Gunrunnersarsenal.esm Caravanpack.esm Classicpack.esm Mercenarypack.esm Tribalpack.esm Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm Thepitt.esm Brokensteel.esm Pointlookout.esm Zeta.esm Taleoftwowastelands.esm Electrocity.esm [abbreviated] zzhairsfnv.esm sunglassescollection.esp Bennyreturns.esp zzhairsfnv.esp vegasvariations.esm Searchlightbar.esp [the mod in question, dependent only on FNVs esm] Any help would be wildly appreciated! I'm at an absolute loss at this point and it's a real bummer because I've already put many hours into this mod.