Hi there, i have a problem with lighting in FO76 and I would like to know if anyone in this forum has any idea how to solve this annoying thing. I have this problem: https://www.youtube....eature=youtu.be https://imgur.com/a/KtloKeu My game simply stops to render the shadows in some parts of the game. It is not always in the same place and they happen very often. I already contacted Bethesda and they said it was a problem with my game (really?). There are more people with the same problem, and it's kind of rare to happen for people.I've already talked to others who have this bug and they said it has something to do with "bEnableEnlighten = 0", which when set to 0 causes other bugs, but fixes the shadow one.Do you guys have any idea of what to do? Here is a post about the glitch:https://www.reddit.c...hting/?sort=new