I'm trying to compare the players combat targets level to the global, not the players level to the global. Because the globals are based around the players level (+10, -10 for instance) that way i can theoretically get certain music tracks to play only when the actor is within x levels of the player. As i said before it does work when it wants to. A death claw ten levels about the player will play boss music but so will a raider 10 levels above the player. And a death claw 30 levels below the player wont get any combat music, that all works as intended. The problem is that the music only plays sometimes in general. It seems to be because of the way Bethesda programmed the combat music. And i have very little knowledge on what actually triggers the event for combat music to play, all that i know is that it's handled by the default object "combat music". When it does play, it plays the appropriate track, WHEN it decides to play.