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Posts posted by Kanarus

  1. I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to mod the appearances of weapon mods Specifically the Extended barrel mods of the Assault Rifles. I've always thought that the meshes for these barrels were in the wrong order based on their appearance. for example, if you know what these mods look like in game attached to a rifle from 1 to 5 then they should actually be in the order below based on appearance








    If it's possible could someone please tell me how?

  2. I was just wondering they have it plastered in big bold red not to post any mods on their site to the Nexus yet they seem to have mods posted to their site that are from Nexus. My Question is am I the only one who feels this is highly hypocritical?

  3. I am trying to get hairs from Apachii on a custom char I'm making with CK but I am unable to load the Apachii hairs because it's a master file and CK will only allow me to use the Skyrim/Update Master Files so is there a way around this?
  4. I have the Tera Weapons mod from Nexus but the bows with Hand shields are oriented wrong where the shield is on the right of the hand instead of the left so I wanted to try and either re-orient then to equip properly while in the players hand or remove the shield all together but I can not for the life of me figure out how to do either. :wallbash:
  5. I had to read it 4 times before I got what he meant. I'm going to work on it right now.


    P.s. I know that NPC/Followers can't use some of the spells/perks that the player can because their AI isn't smart enough to know when it's best to use them and I'm trying to make this NPC.Follower an Assassin so there wouldn't happen to be a list of what spells/Perks NPC/Followers can use somewhere would there?


    Edit: under Combat Style csThalmorMeleeDual is this a Dual Wield Style? I ask cause I want her to use two daggers.

  6. Named your new NPC. <--Yes

    Gave them a race and voice. <--Yes

    Set their Stats and Class. <--Yes

    Added them to PotentialFollowerFaction: 0 and CurrentFollowerFaction : -1 <--Yes, I also added them to the Potential Marriage Faction: 0 and made sure the voice I chose was under both formlists for Followers and marriage

    Gave them a Relationship to the player as an Ally. <--Yes

    Set their AI Data to: Aggressive, Helps Friends and Allies. <--Yes

    Left AI Packages and Inventory blank. <--Yes

    Changed Their Appearance in Character Gen Morphs etc. <--I'm trying to use the custom face I made on the char creation screen but CK doesn't recognize the Mods and NPC Editor won't recognize the Ethereal Elvan Mod.

    Set them to Unique, Essential/Protected or not <--Yes

    Placed them in the world. <--Yes

    Selected your Actor in the Object window and pressed ctrl+F4 to export their facegendata. <--Yes


    Not sure how to check if they are initially Disabled could you tell me how?

  7. The first tutorial said not to give them any AI packs so I didn't, the second one I never get into the game to test if it's there or not as I can't get the NPC Editor to recognize my mods but it uses what is called Defaultsandboxcurrentlocation 1024 as its AI Pack.


    Edit: I haven't tried the placeatme command yet but I have tried placing them in different places ones at the banneredmare in whiterun and once at the sleeping giant inn in riverwood.


    Edit 2: I'm trying to make a High Elf follower and no armor conflicts I'm leaving her nude intentionally to avoid that as well as to insure she doesn't have a default armor that is preferred over what I put on her.

  8. I'd have preferred they let us have more freedom on the scope of what we build. The house is a nice size but also what if someone wants to live in a grand castle that isn't built by someone else via a mod?


    Edit: on the Display cases that is assuming you can get them to work at all I've had them bugged out to where all you can do is open/close the cases.

  9. Still can't get this to work so far. I've tried two tutorials one above doing it all on CK and another off Nexus that uses CK and the NPC Editor to make it.


    With the one above the Custom NPC/Follower won't show in the game and with the other the NPC Editor won't recognize the mods such ad Etherial Elvan Overhaul and LIFE.

  10. The Servers have been acting up lately if the file was cut off before it was finished downloading completely and are trying to install it via NMM then NMM would read it as corrupted and give you said error.
  11. If you are using NMM the easiest way would be to take a screen shot or two of your NMM mods Tab.


    If the game is CTDing on you when you enter Breezehome I'd recommend finding and turning off any mod that deals with that specific Interior Cell or one that might add something to it like Sexy House vendors is an example of a mod that might cause a conflict.

  12. I generally Play through the main whiterun quest line then go and do the side quests. I can tell you that you shouldn't start the Civil War quest line that being Joining the Imperials/Stormcloads until after you have done the Whiterun quests if you don't it will break the quest lines of the two and you will have to start your game all over.
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