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About DairyProduct92

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  1. Ah, sorry for the mix up. I didn't realize I needed source scripts i Data/Source/Scripts, it's compiling now.
  2. I'm trying to make an addon for a long-abandoned mod. Specifically, I want to take some functions and properties introduced in that mod's scripts and utilize them at the end of certain dialogue options. There is another mod that does the same thing, so I used champollion to decompile that mod's fragments so I might have an idea of how to go about it myself. What is confusing me though, is that I'm not quite sure how to reference the scripts containing the functions/properties I need. The decompiled source code of the addon I'm using as a reference point looks something like this (with the actual function/property I need replaced with [function] and [property] respectively: So it looks to me like it's pulling the functions from the quests in which the desired scripts are attached, but when I try to compile something myself, the CK doesn't recognize "eventhandlerscript" or "registryscript" as a "known user-defined" type. I tried replacing both unknown types with "quest", but the CK wouldn't recognize the property or the function I need, spitting this out: I am super new to scripting, so I'm probably missing something simple and/or horribly misunderstanding something, and I hope I've conveyed enough information for a solution to be apparent.
  3. I apologize for the likely stupid question, but I have a problem that I can't figure out. I'm trying to increase the damage of a specific ammo type to better fit into the "Immersive Gameplay" mod (specifically, the 12.7x55 ammo from the Ash12.7 mod). I found the 12.77mm ammo reference, changed the damage value, saved the patch as a separate .esp, and loaded it last in my load order, but the changes won't show up. I must be missing something simple, right?
  4. Hello there! I've made a very simple joke mod in the past for New Vegas, but Im just now taking a shot at scripting. Basically, I'm trying to make a chem that increases your speed in increments of 10% each time you ingest it. But im having trouble figuring out how to change actor values due to the lack of available resources so far and the apparent change in how they're dealt with from skyrim. What is the best way to go about this? I apologize if this is to noob-ish of a question!
  5. Im with you! Considering the amount of feminine animation mods that skyrim has, im surprised there aren't any for New Vegas.
  6. I was hoping that StrangerNPC would eventually do this himself/herself, but he/she has been inactive since January. Anyway, Dollhouse is a very animu-ish mod from Fallout NV that i can't do without. It might be a rather large request, but i was hoping someone could remake the Doll race, hair, and some of the armors for skyrim!
  7. Im requesting a "Doll" follower from this mod. I am aware that a companion mod already exists but all it has done is crash my game on startup. Anyone willing to help a guy out?
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