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Posts posted by Kynnkaid

  1. I'm now trying to combine some mods and have a shout based options menu that allows customizing in-game. Is it possible to apply actor effects based on keywords, race or specific flags and factions? Meaning, in the menu have an option that gives an actor effect to everything with "ActorTypeNPC" or "Essential/protected"? Not sure this is possible without SPID but still hopeful I can accomplish somthing workable without it.
  2. I see this is for MAs and I'm not a current mod author on this site but I am working on something that will be published in the near future so I'm not sure if that counts lol


    If anything, what about a possible verification system when publishing mods with obtained permissions? Example.. On the bnet mod page have a "Verify Permission" link that takes you to your Nexus account. You then go to your message from the OMA and hit "Verify" which will take a screenshot that is linked to Nexus site instead of just adding a screenshot from your phone/pc photos? This would be something only Bethesda team could view but it adds a public "verified" tag to the mod. Just a random thought is all.

  3. I really gotta stop forgetting when I post on the forums lol

    Thank you soo much!! I've never been good with scripts and I tend to over think everything so I definitely wasn't gonna figure this out on my own anytime soon. I really appreciate the help!

  4. Heey.. I'm working on a mod for Xbox and trying to make a script for a spell that when fired at an NPC it makes them either Essential or Protected, depending on which one is desired, and gives them a spell, perk and adds an item to their inventory. I also need to make a script that reverses those changes. I've dabbled with scripts before and had a function/argument guide but that was a VERY long time ago and that PC has since died so I no longer have it. I'm hoping by asking I'll have a "light bulb" moment as usual but incase I don't, hopefully one of you pros can help me out.


    TIA for taking the time to read this!

  5. I'm trying to find a way to make dragons ragdoll and fall from the sky like the mod "Dragons Fall Down" but without SPID or SKSE Requirement. I got perms from OMA (Apollo) to do so but I'm stuck on either writing a new script (which I suck at nowadays) or applying the perk created to make them ragdoll and fall down to "Dragonrace" but I don't know how/where to apply the perk in SSEDIT or CK. I've searched high and low for help with this to no avail.. Please help 🙏


    Thanks for taking the time to read my plight.


  6. Ok so the steam version uses slot 60 for the straps. The page wldnt fully load on my phone so i looked it up on my laptop. Thank you for helping! It wld have taken me FOREVER to figure this out without your help!
  7. Thank you! Yes, the straps are optional bt Im still alil confused cuz i looked up the slots used by that armor on nexus and the straps use 48. dsr uses 44 and 60 as default. One thing that stands out is i use the steam version of the armor so cld that be the issue? Would the steam version use different slots than the nexus one?
  8. Do theses straps belong to the armor directly, or are they a different piece of equip you can take on/off in addition to the armor?

    Because if they're an independent piece of armor, they might conflict with the biped slot Dual Sheath Redux uses for the loft hand models when sheathed, which would cause that piece of armor to be unequipped.

    In that case, youc an resolve the issue within the skyproc patcher that came with DSR, there are hidden options you can show, there you can select the biped slot for shields / weapons if I remember correctly.

    Should be easy to find a list on tthe net, which slot is used by what exactly, so you can change DSR slots to unused ones and run the patcher again afterwards.


    Another sollution in that case would be to change the straps biped slot using he Construction Kit, to prevent further conflicting with slots used by other mods, but since you're new to this the patcher would be the best way I guess.


    If these straps are one with the armor itself, then I honestly do not know hwat may cause this... ^^

  9. So.... I've recently installed XPMSE and DSR(great mods by the way. Props to authers) bt now I can't wear one of my fav armor pieces due to one of those mods bt idk which one and I need help solving this odd dilemma:/ The torso straps from Elven Knight armor get removed now whenever I equip a left sword or dagger. I've looked for a solution bt I haven't found one yet. Everything I read is way over my head cuz I know very little about mods. If someone knows how to fix this plz let me know and put it in terms that I can understand lol (sorry if this is the wrong place to post)
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