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About sweetcorncobs

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  1. Yo thanks for the extra info but funny enough none of the mods caused the crashes it was the "touch keyboard" thing from windows 10 after I disabled it skyrim pretty much went back to normal never thought something like that would cause the crash. Took notes on what you said though, would be nice to know extra things to check through next time a problem like this comes around :)
  2. Hi guys I've got this new problem I had with Skyrim, I've played this game for more than 300+ hours and although crashes are normal and freezes they rarely occur and it isn't as frequent as it was just recently...for some reason my Skyrim SE keeps crashing at almost always within 30 minutes, it just happens for some reason no matter where I am or what I do it'll just crash, this happened after I ran LOOT to fix the black face bug (which it partially did) and left it there...other things I did was run TES5EDIT, add an animation mod, add two armor mods one for SSE the other I imported from Oldrim. Plus for some reason the moon is gone :/ if there's any advice you can give please let me know :) game is pretty much unplayable at this point. I'll try resorting my load order for now... tl;dr - SSE suddenly keeps crashing within 30 minutes (no matter what i do or where i am) even though this never happened before
  3. Do you guys have any suggestions for some kickass armor mods? Would like to put install some interesting ones in-game for now I only have immersive armors, DCR King Crusaders, Daedric Reaper, and Zerofrost Mythical Armor.
  4. Hmmmm...not a fan of the instability part but I'll think about it. Thanks anyway.
  5. @yian I got I got the Diversity NPC Overhaul mod, but I'll check that out xEdit that is maybe it'll help cleaning out the bug. But honestly it's just Lydia and another NPC in Whiterun. Not too bad but I'll try your suggestion. :thumbsup: Thanks!
  6. For some reason I have the brown face bug on Lydia and a few other NPCs in Whiterun, I had it ever since I installed Diversity and the Bijin Warmaidens mod. Is there a conflict between the two? It's not that much of a problem but it would be nice if everyone looks normal. :sad:
  7. So an alpha of the SKSE64 is out, wondering if I should try it out to use on some ported mods that need it or should I wait for a more stable version of it?
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