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Everything posted by soldierboy96

  1. i have that problem as well,the pale faces,it's not the vampire mods,caliente beautiful bodies,original vampire race,female vampire have fangs. It's none of those mods,it's a bug that recently have shown up ,Then i have the invisible body bug as well.....most light armors including the vampire red,grey armors makes my character and the female vampires bodies disappears,Please help me to resolved this problem.
  2. the problem i'm having is every time i encountered a female vampire that's wearing grey,red vampire armor,their bodies disappears : i try to wear the same colors,my character's body disappears,also the dunmer armor also the morang tongs armor ,body disappears : why is it doing this :/ And my other problem is the non-vampires on the females faces are really pale,like vampire pale : how can i get these two problems resolved.
  3. If you try out the mod that's called Armorous Adventures , You will get the truth comes out of Serana herself. The ritual of becoming a vampire is that Serana was raped by Molag Bal, until her human life have ended and for her suffering Molag Bal have bestowed the gift of Vampirism. Her mother Valerica had sex with Molag Bal and Harkon have killed hundreds of innocent of people in order to keep his position in power.....You have to realized that Harkon useto be a king that was alive ,until they've heard about Molag Bal's returned .....Valerica have loved of being raped by Molag Bal....Molag bal is a genderless of a daedric Prince .......it's on the Elder Scrolls Lore......You can watch it on YouTube : Starts with Vivec and Molag Bal : I know this since I've watched it and have tried out Armorous Adventures on Skyrim. I really do hope that this will answer your curiosity / questions
  4. i know it's not the mods i have installed it's just a bug,so even without the Dawnguard mod......to unchecked the mod from the "NMM" if possible....start a new game....when you reached to level 10 or higher order for that "Dawnguard recruiting rumor" save that recent progress,exit out the game,check the "Dawnguard mod" and see on what happens when you go back into that recently saved file,travel to a different town like from Riverwood to Whiterun,you'll see Durak that's in a dawnguard armor set..he'll talk to you and HOPEFULLY the "Behold The Power" bug won't appear.... Please comment on here to let me know if it have worked for you,if it doesn't then,i'll figure out something else to find a way to fix the issue. This information is based on what I've read online...and it says that's it's have been fixed,so i'm guessing it does helps others.
  5. i have the exact problem......my last saved progress is going up the bridge in order to enter the Castle Volkihar......Harkon walks away when his voice have raised up a bit when he says "Behold The Power".....goes to his table....doesn't work when you're trying to accept his gift or decline it....it's so annoying. and i'm not the only one who's plays the PC Skyrim.....Question is What have went wrong to that scene of a quest called "Bloodline"...
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