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About DragonKatana007

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  1. Well they do disappear. I see if uninstalling Chrysamere will work.
  2. I will try that, however, they all worked fine before Chrysamere.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, I am fully updated and running these mods. Space Wiking the Elementals, Silver Dragon Armour, Shining Paladin Standalone, scytheV1_4, Golden Rapier, Gladius Imperial Sword and Scabbard, Frostmourne and Lich Kings Armour, Dreadweave Axes,Dread Knight Weapon Set, Chrysamere A Morrowind artifact for Skyrim, Blade of Olympus and Akaviri Samurai Armour. I also have 60 mods from the Workshop. I am running latest version.
  4. Ok. Hello SkyrimNexus Forums. I have become sort of a collector of weapons and armour in Skyrim. However, one bug is preventing me from showing my items. All that happens is i place my weapon or armour on a Mannequin or Weapon Plaque/Rack/Display Case and it disappears. I will be eternally grateful if someone has a fix or unofficial patch. (If this in the wrong section please notify me.) Regards, DragonKatana.
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