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Everything posted by HaMpU01

  1. I'm not sure where the origin of this problem lies, but for some reason NPC's which engage in scripted fighting (e.g. guards fighting dummies or shooting targets; brawlers, added by some mod, inside inns) get stuck mid-animation. This does not happen in normal fights. To fix this I have tried just talking to them, which does in fact reset their animation. However as soon as they continue attacking they get stuck again. Attacking them is also not an option; it does reset them, but they regard you as an enemy then. I have yet to try the "Fus" shout. Furthermore I used commands/command-combinations like: "disable" + "enable"; "resetAI"; "recycleactor"; "moveto player", but all of those get me the same result as speaking to them... I think this problem comes from a mod, since i did not have this problem before i installed some mods, but i sadly cannot tell you what mods those were. So if anyone had the same problem and can identify the mod causing this or you know a command/mod to fix this, please let me know. Thanks in advance :smile: Here is my load order: Edit: It seems like I am just an idiot and forgot to update my FNIS Behaviour. It looks like everything is working fine now... @mods you can close this topic now
  2. Some time ago I installed the "Immersive College of Winterhold" mod which changes the appearance of all rooms in the college and I just realized there is an invisible book shelf in the college´s Arcanaeum between the librarians desk and the inner left wall, if viewed from the desk. I can interact with it and run into it. Quick Loot also shows it´s inventory, which is empty. Since it is invisible i cannot select it when using the console, so i cannot use the disable command... My theory is that the author of the mod didnt remove the shelf properly, but there could also be another reason. It is kind of a nuisance and I am grateful for every idea to fix this. Thanks in advance :D
  3. already tried the first person view as i installed AGO the first time and i didnt like it at all... bow and arrow clipping through the cameraview and that headwobbling (i know i can turn it off, but still...)
  4. Hello, i installed AGO some time ago and it worked perfectly fine, but now, i dont know how, a specific animation is not there anymore. Normally, if you try to aim a distant target in first person, the character would hold the bow higher, so it points into the sky. I really liked because it added some realism... Already tried to reinstall AGO and Enhanced Camera (which is needed for AGO) but nothing changes. I also didnt add any mods, that change animations before the problem came up. Pls help me, its so annoying for some reason and i just cant play without said animation (dont ask me why). I´m thankful for any solution proposal.
  5. 1. I´ve already got Nock to Tip 2. If you tell me i have to decide between AGO and Dragonslayer Bows, it will be an easy choice, the only thing the Dragonslayerbows do is add some more realism to dragonfights, but AGO adds so much more immersion Anyways, thanks for the help, i can do without those bows.
  6. I installed this mod some time ago and played a lot since then, but even though the mod says NPC´s have a higher chance to use them than any other onehanded weapon, i´ve never seen any NPC use one... In fact there are also none to loot in any chest, cave or dungeon, hence i don´t even have one yet, because i didn´t craft one at the smithy. If it helps here are some mods i installed, that change NPC behavior: Combat behavior: Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim Combat Behavior Improved Ultimate Combat General: Immersive Citizens Organized Bandits in Skyrim (OBIS) I´m happy about any solution proposal. Thanks in advance. Edit: I am an idiot, i just read that i´m not supposed to download it with NMM. If you see this post just ignore it or leave a comment on my stupidity, thx. :D
  7. but thats the problem, it doesnt matter, if i change the speed of that particular bow... AGO still overwrites it with its global bowspeed
  8. I´ve been installing some mods recently, the problem is that two of those dont work well together... I want to use the Archery Gameplay Overhaul, as well as the Dragonslayer Bow mod. The Dragonslayer Bow mod is supposed to add new bows, which have slower draw speed but higher damage/dragon scale penetration, a more realistic way to fight dragons. But AGO on the other hand forces all bows to have the same draw speed (half of the normal one). Therefore the Dragonslayer Bow also has a draw speed of 0.83 seconds, which results in a overall overpowered weapon... any idea how to change its speed while maintaining the speed of the others?
  9. Which version of Realvision ENB did you use ? The original required an older ENB binary, and COT3.1 There is a new version that uses Latest binary and COT 5. i followed a guide thats linked on the realvision nexus page and since i installed those mods a few days ago i should have the newest version of everything. and i chose option a which requires COT and RLO There are two versions.................. New and Improved.............Does not support RLO Uses COT 5 RealVision ENB for Climates of Tamriel V by Exalerion Or Older Original RealVision ENB by SkyrimTuner It requires Project Reality Climates of Tamriel 3.1 This requires much older ENB binary file. It is crucial that we establish the proper version because there are steps and assets that vary version to version. Please check your Nexus Download History..... Thanks i see... i chose the older version by skyrimtuner. i´m gonna try out the new one and see how it works out Update: the other enb version didnt have any effect on the water. the "normal water" is from the realistic water two mod, but i have no idea where those splashes/waves are coming from... maybe its also from realistic water two but, as i already said, they dont fit together, no smooth transition
  10. Which version of Realvision ENB did you use ? The original required an older ENB binary, and COT3.1 There is a new version that uses Latest binary and COT 5. i followed a guide thats linked on the realvision nexus page and since i installed those mods a few days ago i should have the newest version of everything. and i chose option a which requires COT and RLO
  11. So i just started improving skyrim visually with some mods: RealVision ENB Realistic Water Two SMIM Skyrim HD - 2k Textures Skyrim Flora Overhaul Climates of Tamriel Realistic Lightning Overhaul Had some problems at the beginning, but was able to fix them all, until i was exploring the northern coast and then this happened: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=973569526 Any idea how to solve this problem? The water types obviously dont fit together...
  12. Cant download this mod: AOF Detailed Mountians http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4805/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D4805&pUp=1 In NMM an error occours and when downloading manually it says the site is offline. Edit: Having this issue with a lot of mods now, an hour ago it worked fine... maybe its just the servers.
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