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Posts posted by Dovahkiin069

  1. Depends on the situation. Like Become Etheral, it works well when warriors like me, who don't use bows, want to get close to an archer. But if I'm to choose my favorite, then it's the Unrelenting Force, because I like to see the enemies flying away from me. :tongue:
  2. Actually, you can do both, if you're fast and strong enough. Just kill him before he disappears when you accept to let him live in exchange of the treasure.

    i've heard of that method but everybody i know whose tried that said the treasure didn't appear, did it work for you?

    Yeah, the treasure appeared normally. I killed him and I got the treasure.

  3. Well, it appears that the console players won't have any decent spears, and I'll have to keep the spears from the mods. And I never expected much from the dragon riding thing.






    Edit: But I still have hope that this evil Dragonborn ( or whatever he is) don't be as weak as Alduin.

  4. Wow, I'm totally outdated. I've never heard of anything about this. But maybe like Wastelander121 said, you'll get the weapon automatically, and if not, you always have the chance to start a new game or just load a previous save. And how in the hell you've reached lvl 119 Wastelander121??
  5. Agree. The ending was terrible, and you didn't even get a good reward, only two shouts that I never use, and the cooldown for the Call Dragon is too high. I don't mind that the people don't know you're the Dragonborn and killed one of the most dangerous foe to Tamriel :psyduck: , but at least I wanted some reward that make me think that it was worth all the work I had to kill Alduin.
  6. Don't need a mod to save Paarthurnax...just don't kill him.


    The game is just so... incomplete if you simply "don't kill him".

    The game will only be complete when the Dragonborn confront Delphine and Esbern about Paarthurnax.


    I never played Morrowind, but I hope to see that dwemer, I think his name is Yagrum Bagarn.

  7. i was so excited last week when i found the headless horseman... things like this are one element that keeps me interested in the game when other things detract from it. :)


    I finally got my first sighting of the headless horseman too.



    First I saw the ghostly horse run past me

    ...then a little later found the headless horseman running after it.


    So I'm not so sure that counts since the poor, decapitated spirit clearly wasn't ready for his first day on the job. :(


    Poor bastard couldn't even call after it... How's that for cosmic irony?

    I'm glad to know that this didn't happen only in my game. :tongue:

  8. Interesting, I've never heard of this place. I thought i knew everything about the game. So, still may have some surprises in the game for me. Thanks for the information. :thumbsup:
  9. It's a little hard question if you want to complete the one that represents a bigger threat, because Alduin can( and if you let him, he will) destroy the world, but the vamps also are a threat, as they want to end the tyranny of the sun, and just think about it, there is a lot of vamps out there in Tamriel, and if the sun is no longer a trouble for them, we will need to protect our necks.

    My opinion is that you need to destroy Alduin first, because is the main quest.

  10. Anyone noticed that the ONLINE game will be BEFORE Tiber Septim...? So therefore the Dwemer will be comin' back! As well as all the other long lost races! YAY! =D Dwemer Constructs Ltd. are very exciting to the online game, are you?

    I didn't knew that the game would be before Tiber Septim. Thanks.

    I've heard of the game a while ago, and it really looks awesome. I can't wait to buy the game and see how it works the PvP(playerx player)

  11. Wouldn't a console code work? That is what tons of people have done for people that cannot be married normally, Lydia for instance before you couldn't and people used codes to make it possible, But now i think that has changed and she can be married i think. Wouldn't really know as i haven't played in months.

    Yeah, I already thought that but Serana's voice is unique, so the console code won't work. I've already tried.

  12. Anyone else disappointed that Serana cant be married!!!

    i mean its really bugging me can someone make or show me a mod that can fix this

    We would be very appreciated

    Man, Bethesda made Serana like this.

    Bethesda will not make you able to marry her and her voice is unique, so there we can't make mods or use cheats without changing her voice(I really don't know, because I'm not a modder :psyduck: ).There are no way to marry her for now, as far as I know. Sorry friend.

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