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Posts posted by Extrem3

  1. Hey, do you guys think it's possible to make MK's casting times shorter? Like -50% (or more :3) It will be a little dirty, of course, but do we actually care? I don't. I would enjoy MK gameplay a LOT more if I didn't have to worry about cast times before every single damn fight ...

    So, if anyone thinks they could do it, I'd be very very grateful. Me and many other people, I'm sure.

    Thanks for reading, cheers.

  2. First of all thank you for your replies.
    Now, I used to make followers for Skyrim, it was super easy because the CK already had pretty much everything there.
    The current FO4Edit PreRelease Alpha does not, however. For example, there's no "Actor" tab under Fallout4.esm and that complicates things. (For noobs at least).
    The thing is, people have already made a few follower mods, so there IS a way. So my only question is, is anyone who knows how to do it willing to share some of their tricks? :]
    That'd be just great.


    Edit: Okay there is an actor tab, it's called 'non-player character' or sth like that. "BOTLANNER" helped me tremendously, I think I got it from here. Thank you everyone.

  3. Hi there.
    Straight to the point: So, of all the the armor classes, I prefer the Cat school (Feline,light). Bonus atk power, increased dmg on fast attacks, high stamina regen .. so yeah. Unfortunately, the only armor other than the starting one that I consider decent looking enough to wear is Ursine (Bear school, heavy). So could somebody please swap Feline's model with Ursine's? I CAN'T be the only one that wants this :c
    Thanks for reading :]

  4. I'd appreciate it if you would take the time to read this.

    I'd like you to make a craftable robe for Skyrim ... I want my mage to look like "Malzahar" from the "League Of Legends" ... and since he's very popular (not bad for an imaginary person) i think a lot of other people here would like such a mod ...


    Picture here ..


    I look forward to hearing from you soon :)

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