Your PC will not run it with the SIS card I think those chips maxed out at 128-256MB and were slower than some newer Intels. Your Notebook, however, looks like it will run it, but the video is still a tad too slow. Check out this Graphics Card Hierarchy:,3107-7.html See your chipset wayyyyyyyyyy down there? Even on low settings, you should expect no more than 5-10FPS. With an intel, you just can't expect much. I would try to install a video card in your desktop PC. If you need some boosts, check out this video I made to increase performance on skyrim with low system specs: "" Adding all these gave about a 50-100% increase. Hi, thanks for the reply :D But my PC did run it fine, with no frame rate problems, I just had to make sure it was on the lowest graphics settings. I'm a bit amateur with computers! If I utilise the boosts you linked in, along with the lowest possible texture and display settings, will my laptop be able to run it at an adequate speed? I'm not asking for amazing HD or anything, just a game I can play and enjoy without it completely crashing my laptop and making it useless. If the SIS card managed to run it (Which you said would not be able to) will my laptop's card manage? Thanks very much for your reply ^^