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About GatitoItalia

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  1. Hello, Im having issues with Vortex/collections when its tries to download off-site mods, i already downloaded them and installed, but still insist in downloading em by itself making it crash or be stuck on Mega cr*p metod of downloading. If I cancel the download it makes the colecction to stop, pressing resume makes it start asking for the same mods.
  2. In response to post #65271836. #65954676, #66086901, #67179366 are all replies on the same post. TES VI will be made around the creation club.
  3. Nevermind, after 2 days looking for the fix, the problem was GraFix Overhault. I dont know how to delete this post.
  4. Hi, i'm having some issues with some light and the sparks from weapons and the vault generator, the "bright" texture seems to be broken or something if I disable Volumetric Lighting the square from the settlements lights dissapear but not from the sparks. Here are 2 examples: https://imgur.com/a/39uM1 Any idea how to fix this?.
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