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Everything posted by tcknight

  1. sorry, i forgot to link the images of that mod, here they are on the third floor~~to be honest, i didnt expect someone would offer help so soon, afterall this is an old game , and this forum seems empty, so when i log in and saw your reply i am pleasantly surprised . Thanks so much for your help! well, here is some clue for this mod, from the number 3367 found at the end of the old address ,this mod should be published between February and March 2012, and this mod modified 18 characters in the game including npcs and companions. And this address was still accessible in June 2013. This is all the clue i could have about this mod, i really like the changes the author did to Leliana in Leliana's song DLC, and other changes are also gorgeous , just dont know why such a good mod could disappear into the air :sad:
  2. forgot the images, here they are http://thumbsnap.com/i/scvXiC97.png?1225http://thumbsnap.com/s/TcBx20B1.jpg?1225http://thumbsnap.com/i/0szwlO2w.jpg?1225http://thumbsnap.com/i/B03yOxY3.jpg?1225 http://thumbsnap.com/i/I90bUDGH.jpg?1225
  3. the original address is here , but is invalid now http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3367/? this is the images of this mod
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