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About edclist

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  1. Yeah, a BIG thumbs down to anything that automatically updates mods. I'm running several mods that haven't been updated simply because the most recent changes don't effect me. There are several good mods that can't be simply "updated". You have to remove the old one before installing the new one. Then there's the issue of mods not necessarily related to each other yet require special versions or patches to work with each other. Update one and you can screw one or more others. ETA: ONLY USE STEAM WHEN YOU HAVE TO. I will refrain from a very long and hate filled rant about Steam
  2. There have been a few mods that have done this to me. Usually relatively large and they fail at like 84%. I just DL them manually then use the install from file option in NMM.
  3. This is actually a great idea. I'm good at picking so once I have a few picks in my inventory no lock is a problem, but some folks have trouble with it. How about a "knock" spell for casters (kudos to all who get the reference)?
  4. I have a good idea for a Thalmor related mod. "*censored* Slap". Every time I talk to one of those folks (with very few exceptions) I just want to reach out with my heavily armored hand and give them a good smack. Somehow, killing those wandering Justiciers just doesn't do it. I just want to teach a few of them some manners.
  5. I gotta say, this latest rendition of Mod Manager is a really fantastic tool. MM has always been a grerat tool but I like how well integrated it is with the Nexus now. It's also a great boon to mod makers because now it's reall easy to go through all my mods once in a while and give props to the mods that deserve it. Actually, any mod that survives a dozen launches or so deserves an endorsement. Give props to the modders. It's the only way they get paid.
  6. Glad that worked but I have one more suggestion for folks experiencing mysterious CTDs. Check "plugins.txt". For some reason any time I add or subtract mods, even just checking or unchecking an already installed esp, it adds a second instance of Skyrim.esm (or is it esp?) to the top of that plugins.txt. This makes the game CTD sometime before it drops you into your game. Sometimes it will generate an error. I've given up on trying to fix it and I just keep a shortcut to plugins.txt on my desktop. Any time I make changes to my mods I check that file and erase the "skyrim.esm" entry. One will start with a capital s, the other starts with a lower case s. Delete the lower case one. If you cannot find plugins.txt it's because you have windows set to hide system files. You can change that setting in folder options.
  7. A problem I frequently encounter is a failure to play dialog scripts. The NPCs will stand there making arm gestures but no lip movements. If you click on them they are busy. Had that problem with a few of the TG quests as well as others. Usually if I just leave the room and come back it will update my quest status and I am able to talk to the next person I need to. You miss out on a lot of dialog but you can fill in the blanks with available info.. It happened in the cistern a few times.
  8. If not eliminating it altogether, I think shortening the range quite a bit would be good and make them anonymous. You don't know what it is but there's something over there. Sounds, smells or even an eerie silence indicate there is something in that direction.
  9. I'd simply like to disable the combat voice altogether. I know it could be done simply by swapping out short, silent audio files for the ones used in combat but I haven't bothered to track them down. It's not that high on my list, yet.
  10. I've seen a couple plugins for Script Dragon that interest me but so far not enough to actually install it. SKSE on the other hand, is a must have. Many of the very best mods utilize it. It's a pretty easy instal and well worth it. You just copy and paste about 6 files into your game folder (not the DATA folder where all the mods go) and you're off and running. Nexus Mod Manager automatically sees it and gives you the option of starting under SKSE. It can be a bit of a pain when you get an automatic update to your game but whoever is responsible for SKSE is very quick to release updates. I know you can turn off automatic updates but so far I haven't bothered. ETA Sky UI is also a must have and it requires SKSE. Did you know that apples are more valuable than about 2/3 of the crap you pick up in dungeons? Sky UI gives you the option to sort inventory by Value to Weight ratio. Trust me. You want it. CFM also though I don't think it requires SKSE
  11. I run about 80 mods and get a CTD every 10 hours or so. Oh well, guess I'll have to relaunch. Using mods takes a bit of work. You can't just throw a bunch of mods together and expect them to work. You have to read up on them, see what the comments section has to say and ask questions if necessary. It helps to learn a bit about modding. Build yourself a house. It's about the easiest thing you can do. I've done a few mods for FO3 and FONV. As soon as I got my first home in Skyrim I loaded up the CK and added several containers for sorting all my junk (I'm a hoarder). I feel a bit sorry for folks who have problems running mods. Mods can completely remake the game. My most recent life altering mod addition is Unleveled World. Take that one for a spin. I'm on my 3rd character with that one. I NEVER play a game more than a couple times before it hits the shelf, never to be played again. Played 2 toons n FO3 at 300 hours each, did a couple mods then moved on. Did the same with New Vegas. And that from someone who's been a fan of Fallout since Wasteland. I waited 11 years for FO3. I have now played about 6 toons on Skyrim, all to their mid 30's. I play one or two, load up a few more mods then play again. If not for mods I would have been done with this game a long time ago. And I don't even care that much for fantasy games. Skyrim is a great game but let's face it, it has some serious design flaws. It NEEDS mods. I'm thinking about learning to work with animations so I can take care of one of them.. The first person weapon animations are just plain stupid. And I'll be glad to share it if I get it done. But don't expect too much. I'm just sharing what I made for myself. I'll do my best to make sure it's not buggy but don't expect me to do a bunch of compatibles. If a particular mod was not installed on my machine when I created mine, don't expect that they'll work together.
  12. I'd be glad to help if I thought I was in any way qualified. The most I've done graphically is blend several static objects into one larger static object and change a few containers / activators. And I have absolutely no experience working with animations.When I have nothing better to do perhaps I'll learn some new skills and take a shot at it. I'll be coming back to your description above when I want to get started. Thanks. It doesn't sound like too much but it will probably take me some time to get the basics down.
  13. I lost access to my previous account ( ed8020 ) when the Nexus got hacked. My password was reset but the email address was outdated. I wasn't too worried about it but now I have played several hundred hours of Skyrim and want to post a few mods. I would like to publish them under my original account as I already have a few mods there for FONV and FO3. I'd like to stay consistent if I'm going to continue publishing mods. I never intended on playing Skyrim let alone mod for it.
  14. Well that project appears to be stalled though they have done some impressive work so far though still not ready for mass consumption. I HAVE A TECHNICAL QUESTION: Can anyone give me an idea on where to start. ALL I WANT TO DO is take the 2 weapons that appear on screen in 1st person view and spread them apart. I'd like to get them far enough apart so they are at least 70% off screen. I've done some modding and know my way around the CK, GECK, etc. I haven't done any work with animations, or does this even qualify as an animation. Is it more closely related to UI? I have no idea where to start, but I'm really thinking about tackling this "seemingly" very basic element. ANY input you have would be appreciated.
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