I run about 80 mods and get a CTD every 10 hours or so. Oh well, guess I'll have to relaunch. Using mods takes a bit of work. You can't just throw a bunch of mods together and expect them to work. You have to read up on them, see what the comments section has to say and ask questions if necessary. It helps to learn a bit about modding. Build yourself a house. It's about the easiest thing you can do. I've done a few mods for FO3 and FONV. As soon as I got my first home in Skyrim I loaded up the CK and added several containers for sorting all my junk (I'm a hoarder). I feel a bit sorry for folks who have problems running mods. Mods can completely remake the game. My most recent life altering mod addition is Unleveled World. Take that one for a spin. I'm on my 3rd character with that one. I NEVER play a game more than a couple times before it hits the shelf, never to be played again. Played 2 toons n FO3 at 300 hours each, did a couple mods then moved on. Did the same with New Vegas. And that from someone who's been a fan of Fallout since Wasteland. I waited 11 years for FO3. I have now played about 6 toons on Skyrim, all to their mid 30's. I play one or two, load up a few more mods then play again. If not for mods I would have been done with this game a long time ago. And I don't even care that much for fantasy games. Skyrim is a great game but let's face it, it has some serious design flaws. It NEEDS mods. I'm thinking about learning to work with animations so I can take care of one of them.. The first person weapon animations are just plain stupid. And I'll be glad to share it if I get it done. But don't expect too much. I'm just sharing what I made for myself. I'll do my best to make sure it's not buggy but don't expect me to do a bunch of compatibles. If a particular mod was not installed on my machine when I created mine, don't expect that they'll work together.