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Everything posted by Deleted4626711User
Patch for Desperado Overhaul and The Fungal Forest
Deleted4626711User replied to MozzlyPro's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
This already exists https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/61003 -
So, I'm making a companion mod for myself and have a decent amount of the dialogue put together, voiced, etc. I put the character in the Sanctuary worldspace to test them out and it worked great. I went back and worked out a few kinks in the dialogue. Awesome. The problems started when I put the companion in the cell where I wanted them to be encountered. I deleted the original from Sanctuary and then drag/dropped them into the new cell from the Form ID list as usual. But when I'd go into the game their dialogue simply would not trigger. I went into xEdit to check it out and seems like what's happening is that I am creating a duplicate with a new FormID rather than placing down the original? I guess that means my quest alias doesn't point to them anymore? How the heck do I put them in the cell in a way that doesn't do this? For some reason the simple drag and drop doesn't seem to be working :/
F76 Brotherhood Infantry Armor
Deleted4626711User replied to Deleted4626711User's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Well, if you take a closer look at my screenshot it does look suspiciously like Boston :ninja: But you know, if I DID do such a thing it would obviously be for personal use only....which is why I think it'd be cool if somebody replicated it for everybody to use. Especially since Bethesda made the texture quite rusty for reasons I don't understand. I'm a good artist but I can't make sense of video game textures otherwise I'd do it myself. I still might if I can learn but that'll take a while. -
I think a cleaned up version of the Brotherhood Recon Armor form Fallout 76 would make a pretty cool mod for Fallout 4. I'm talking about this guy: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Brotherhood_recon_armor
I don't see how my analogy is flawed. Let's go through it step by step. 1) Britain was an Empire the same as " The Empire " and drew troops from many countries before the Empire disbanded. Including but not limited too the modern nations of India, Burma, and several African Nations. By your logic all of those nations should have remained part of the Empire instead of exerting their independence. 2) No the Thalmor are not the Nazi's but they are fighting to destroy what they consider an " inferior race " much as Hitler did with the Jews. He didn't consider them human, so he sought to iradicate them 3) In my Hypothetical case, if Britain had decided to outlaw the Scottish Presbyterian Church ( an analogy for Talos ) and allow the SS ( an analogy of the Thalmor in Skyrim ) the right to police Scotland and arrest without warrant or proof any Scot that practiced Scottish Presbyterianism as a trade for the Nazi's stopping the bombing of Britain during World War 2 then they would have behaved to a greater or lesser extent exactly like The Empire has done. By your logic, if applied to a modern setting, choice 3 would seem to be the desired choice. My point was that Churchill rejected any concession whatsoever and as I quoted devoted himself and his nation to " fight to the end ". This was his choice, and I see very little difference between The Empire of Cyrodil and the British Empire as far as basic makeup, traditions, customs, or values. The only difference was in Leadership, TMII decided to cave, Churchill decided not too. Now the question remains, was it the best choice for Churchill to decide not to cave, and by comparison for The Empire not to cave. I argue no, it is never right to give in to Tyranny of any form, you do not compromise with your enemies, as it only makes them grow stronger. It cost the Empire Hammerfell and caused an uprising in Skyrim as a result of his decision to cave. The correct choice would have been to continue the fight. To any end. Simply because it was the correct choice to make. As far as your assertion of 20 legions go, this is not the case, not anymore, and can be found in the wiki's floating around the net. In the days of Uriel Septim there were indeed 20 Legions, 8 from Skyrim, 6 from Hammerfell, and 6 from Cyrodill the rest made up of other parts of the Empire, as well as auxillaries made up of quasi-indepent parts of the Empire such as Valenwood and Morrowind. The total Strength of the Empire at that time could be counted at about 25 legions in total strength, 20 of which were armed in the Imperial Style, 2 Armies from Valenwood, and 3 Armies, one for each of the Major Houses, from Morrowind, that fought in the Mer style of fighting. Magic, Arrows, and One-handed swords. It's also hinted that Cavalry Auxillaries were available from many places in the Empire however it's not specific. At the time of the Great War that number had been reduced to 12, 4 from Cyrodill, 4 from Skyrim, 4 from Hammefell. Numbered from I to XII in that order. 1-4 being from Cyrodil, 4-8 from Skyrim 8-12 from Hammerfell. During the Great War the Cyrodil Legions were decimated, the 3rd Legion was completely wiped out at the Imperial City, and I mean a total loss. The 4th was pinned down at Anvil, and the 1st and 2nd Broke the ring with TMII. the 4th through 8th Legions marched south from Skyrim, leaving behind the Stormcloaks to defend Skyrim, the 8-12 left Hammerfell leaving the Crowns and their Al'kir warriors to defend Hammerfell and surrounded the Imperial City from the North, East, and West. TMII attacked the city with the 1st and 2nd Legions, took the walls and slaughtered the Thalmor Army. So that's where we find ourselves today. Now lets talk about losses. the 8th through 12th Legions no longer exist. When TMII threw Hammerfell to the wolves, those legions mutinied and returned home to fight another 5 years and successfully defeat the Thalmor, throwing them out of Hammerfell. The 5th - 8th Legions lost half their strength when half of all Nords deserted to follow Ulfric's standard ( this is listed too, the Stormcloaks aren't just a milita anymore, they've been reinforced by professional fighters, former members of the Skyrim Legions. So what does that leave the Empire. The 3rd Legion was utterly destroyed, and likely hasn't been reformed as anything like the fighting force it was, at best it's a totally green unit that has seen little if any combat. The 1st and 2nd between the breakthrough and the recapture of the Imperial City could be counted on to field perhaps 50% strength, if that. The 4th Legion is more or less in tact, but remains the only completely Cyrodillian Legion left to the Empire to defend the Imperial City. The 5th and 6th Skyrim Legions are likely a combination of those Nords who stayed loyal, and probably came from any of the 4 Skyrim Legions that remained, reforming the 4 Legions into 2. Of those the 5th is most likely staying in Cyrodil with the 4th to Reinforce defenses around the Imperial City. Leaving the 6th as the only Nord Legion left to the Empire that's in anyway intact. The Dunmer Houses are nearly Obliterated, don't expect help from there. Valenwood is in the Hands of the Thalmor, don't expect help from there. The Khajiit Kingdoms are in the Hands of the Thalmor. High Reach and Orisimmer are cut off by Land with Skyrim on One side and Hammerfell on the other, and the Thalmor already have bases there, as they were welcomed by the Half Elven Breton's that inhabit the area. High Rock is Imperial on a map only. Essentially if you combined the 1st and 2nd into an Entire Legion, you'd only have 4 Real Legions Left. The combined First and Second, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th. The fact that the 6th is in Skyrim is basically because that's the only unit that could be spared. Even if the 3rd had been reformed and the First and Second Remanned. You'd still only have a total of 6 Legions, 2 of which are half new recruits, one of which is Entirely new recruits. And the Thalmor ready to pounce. The 6th is there because simply, that's all that can be spared. All of this is recorded as canon. So you've got your facts wrong about the strength of the Empire, and I reinforce my analogy between TMII and Churchill, and their leadership styles. Britain was woefully understrength at the start of the Campaign, they had lost a tremendous amount of their strength at Dunkirk, they were outnumbered in the Air, in Tanks, in Artillary ( assume all those as magic. Air, Artillary and Tanks, they served essentially the same purpose ) and yet Churchill chose to fight, to the end if need be, rather than deal with Hitler. I don't see much difference between the Thalmor wishing to destroy humanity which they see as Inferior, and Hitler wishing to destroy the Jews that he felt were inferior. Both considered the latter in each case to be an inferior race. If Britain had followed your Logic, they would have put Ghandi's head on a stick ( Ghandi wasn't violent and Ulfric is but both were leaders of independence. I doubt severely that they would have made a distinction between violent and non-violent, considering they were willing to execute a complete stranger at the beginning of the game, The Empire I mean ). I stand by my analogy, and I stand by my reasoning, and I stand by my opinion that you are wrong. I also ask you this question, if Hammerfell by itself can defeat the Thalmor, why exactly can't Skyrim? Is there something about the Nords that is inferior to the Redguards that I'm missing? One thing is very certain though, the Empire cannot defeat them, and that isn't because they lack the men or the resources or anything else. It's simply because they lack the will. That was made obvious when he caved to the demands of the Thalmor in the White-Gold Concordant. It literally was the last chance the Empire had to fight it out to the end with the Thalmor, the canon says the Thalmor were just as weak as the Empire at the time of the signing ( or the Thalmor never would have signed it ) and so it was a coin flip on who would have come out on top. Now however the Thalmor grow stronger every day. While they failed in Hammerfell they've reinforced Valenwood, have bases in High Reach and Northern Skyrim, and the right to literally wander the Empire at will in the name of rooting out Talos worshippers ( and if they happen to be scouting the entire Empire in the process... well of course the can be trusted not to breath a word of that back to their Government *sarcasm* ). The Empire has grown weaker. They lost a third of their remaining Legions when Hammerfell seceded, and with the unrest in Skyrim they lost a quarter of what they had left. Even under the best of Circumstances, say the Empire Wins in Skyrim, that doesn't get the Legions it lost in Skyrim back. What has happened is that 2 Legions will be gone, no matter what, either disbanded in protest or joined Ulfric's cause and died fighting the Empire. The 6th Legion will be damaged if not decimated in the War, weakening it futher, and the immediate result will be what? The Nords won't be fielding men for the Empire any time soon. The war will have ravaged the land, crops will need to be regrown, homes rebuilt, wounds healed, and Anarchy turned to order ( which ties up the 6th even longer, if not permanently requiring it's stationing there in order to remain order ). Leaving 5 Legions only. The White-Gold Concordant reduced the number of Legions the Empire can field from 12 to 6, with a third of those being green troops, and one entire Legion stationed in Skyrim for the forseeable future. No, the decision TMII made not to fight it out was the wrong one, and has effectively killed the Empire. Just the sheer size of the border needed to guard against Valenwood alone would take up 2 if not 3 Legions, and even then a few local Cities would be left to fend for themselves. These Legions would have to face a Thalmor Army at least as large as the one that broke through the first time, and required recalling the Hammerfell and Skyrim Legions in order to save the Empire. There are no more reserves this time, and if the Thalmor want, they can take the Imperial City any time they want. Skyrim's rebellion had little to do with this, as losing a third of the Legions to Hammerfell was the real beginning of the downfall, losing another 2 to Skyrim didn't matter very much, as without Hammerfell the Empire already had too little strength to resist the Thalmor. However the Thalmor are only a true danger to Cyrodil, Hammerfell has shown it can resist the Thalmor Unassisted, Skyrim can do the same, and has a better chance at it than the Empire does, since any attempt at preserving what's left of the Empire would only benefit Cyrodil, not Skyrim. To block any Thalmor attack would leave Skyrim Defenseless regarding on Local guards to stop a Thalmor Strike from the High Reaches. Simply put, Skyrim's best interests are best served by Independence, the Empire's best interest is served in Skyrim staying part of the Empire, however that would be to the detriment of Skyrim. If the player truly wants to save Skyrim, they'll side with the Stormcloaks, if they wish to save the Empire, at Skyrim's detriment, they'll join the Empire. I've given all the reasons I can that the Empire isn't worth saving in my opinion, and I've backed them up with all the facts I've scoured from across Cannon wiki's. It's as simple as this, Skyrim will fall if the Empire wins, Skyrim -may- survive if the Stormcloaks win, and that saving depends heavily on whether they can duplicate what Hammerfell did, and I can't think of a reason they can't. It's a coin flip to be sure whether the Stormcloaks can save Skyrim from the Thalmor, but it's a guarantee that Skyrim itself will not be able to stand if the Empire wins. That to me is just a fact. The real question comes down to which is more important, Skyrim or Cyrodil ( let's not even call it the Empire anymore, the Empire -is- just Skyrim and Cyrodil, nothing else remains that is of consequence ) so basically the player chooses between a weak leader who bleeds his people dry, and makes deals with Genocidal maniacs in TMII, or they side with a ego-centric but patriotic, quasi-rascist, nord in Ulfric. It's the player's choice, but the larger picture leads to who deserves to exist. Skyrim or Cyrodil. I choose Skyrim based on the actions of TMII and my disgust with him. At least Ulfric has the guts to fight for his country, to the end if need be. That's the point, if it's worth fighting for it's worth fighting for to the end, and Ulfric represents that, not TMII, not Tullius, and Certainly not The Empire. Analogies all made and set straight, I see no problems with them. Reasons set straight, I feel that they are all valid and well reasoned, history set straight, I've cited where to find the information I've given. As far as I know I haven't missed anything. Stormcloaks are Skyrim's best chance, if you want Skyrim to survive pick them, if you care more about the survival of Cyrodil ( and with it the " Empire " which is just Cyrodil and Skyrim at this point, it's only an Empire if they hold onto Skyrim ) then side with the Imperials. That's just how the facts fall down, and the player can make their choice about who the better leader is, Ulfric or TMII, and which leader is most likely to protect the most people and drive the Thalmor from their lands. TMII has already let the people down once, and once is too many. It is my opinion, based on facts, that the Empire couldn't withstand a full Thalmor attack even if they win in Skyrim, but anything is possible I guess. It is also my opinion that the success that Hammerfell and the Redguards achieved against the Thalmor could be repeated in Skyrim, and I find it much more likely than any attempt the Empire could make at defeating them. I can think of no way in which Skyrim would be better off with the Empire, and I can think of plenty of ways that it couldn't. Bigger picture, for Skyrim, independence is the best option. That's the end decision the Dragon Born must make. To chance it with the Empire or to take what I think is the option more likely to succeed against the Thalmor and side with Skyrim Independence. The Empire still has High Rock. I can't really respond to that whole thing you wrote there but I'll try and address some of the more important points. Specifically Skyrim's ability to survive on its own. I doubt Skyrim could stand up to the Thalmor themselves should they invade. You can't compare Hammerfell's situation with Skyrim's. Hammerfell's war with the Thalmor began directly after the end of the Great War. The Redguards were fighting an already weakened enemy. Even then they did not win a complete victory. It was a stalemate. There is no evidence that they did any lasting damage to the Thalmor, but it has been stated that southern Hammerfell, which contains all of Hammerfell's major ports and cities, was left completely devastated. The Elven armies chose to withdraw and while Hammerfell burned, Summerset Isle was left completely untouched. The Civil War takes place twenty-five years after these events. The Thalmor have had some time to recover, and with their lands in good condition, they could probably do so faster than their enemies. In addition to the citizens of Summerset Isle, the Thalmor have Elsweyr and Valenwood to aid them as part of the Aldemeri Dominion. As far as we know they have no internal political struggles or wars to weaken them. Assuming Skyrim gains its independence, it would still be divided. Remember, it wasn't just the Imperial government that supported Imperial control, at least half of Skyrim's population and Jarls supported the Empire. While the Jarls sympathetic to the Empire would have been deposed, I doubt everyone in Skyrim would just go along with what Ulfric says. Then there are the Forsworn who hate the Nords and will continue to fight them. Skyrim also relies on the Empire for some of its food and resources. So while the Thalmor have gotten stronger since the end of their last war, Skyrim has only become weaker. All this taken into account, I doubt Skyrim could hold up against the Thalmor. Even if they replicated Hammerfell's results in their fight against the Thalmor, that would only leave Skyrim burnt, pillaged, and weaker than ever, and Summerset Isle in Pristine condition and ready to fight again. The fact that Ulfric was captured and ready for execution less than a year after the beginning of his rebellion doesn't say much for his chances of success either.
There's quite a bit of truth to all that, but to me it always did come down to a " Can the Empire do it? " vs " Can an Independent Skyrim do it " as far as getting rid of the Thalmor. Either way it rides almost solely on Skyrim whether as an Imperial Province or as an Indpendent nation. For myself I think an Empire that can't stand on it's own two feet isn't worth swearing an oath to an Empire that depends on others to do the fighting for them. You'll notice throughout the campaign the Nords are mostly fighting themselves, and either way they will end up united fighting the Thalmor. The question really rides on who's banner the war will be fought under. Considering the Imperial record of late, and your own statement about being " used " I agree. However I tend to put the good of the many against the good of the few. If you don't fight for an independent Skyrim, then Skyrim itself will be used by the Empire. If you succeed in an independent Skyrim then at least it has a chance to sort out it's own destiny. As far as swearing allegiance to Ulfric goes, really it's just sort of standard practice. You're essentially becoming a housecarl of sorts. Ulfric himself is temporary, and for all his faults, would still die for Skyrim ( as is shown if you fight your way through the Imperial Campaign, he dies with honor, and you'll notice even at the end Tullius hasn't bothered to learn enough Nord culture to remember Nord tradition for the afterlife. Also when you travel to Sovengarde you'll meet Ulfric's spirit if he's dead. Even in death his primary concern is for Skyrim itself. ) Tullius on the other hand is very much concerned only with winning the war, and to do so he'll put the boot on the back of Skyrim's neck again ( as witnessed at his death if you play as a Stormcloak ) his only intention isn't the good of the people, but what the people provide the empire. He's simply there to beat Skyrim back into submission so that it'll continue doing what the Empire needs, namely serving it meekly. The question really comes down to whether or not that Skyrim needs the Empire. It doesn't at the end, that's shown clearly when you play through both campaigns. Only the Stormcloak one shows the Thalmor being driven out of Skyrim ( to one degree or another, it's shown most prominently if you take the middle path and attend the peace treaty scene in which you get bonus to Stormcloak faction just for making the Thalmor delegate leave the room ). The Empire on the other hand needs Skyrim, and badly. A bloody nasty war was fought with the Thalmor, one which the Empire more or less lost, and would have lost worst ( as I've pointed out ) without Nordic and Redguard Legions. Yet the Empire is willing to fight another nasty bloody war in Skyrim, against what it claims are it's own people, and this time it's a war of aggression. Skyrim didn't demand anything really out of the Empire, no massive insult the way the Thalmor did, albeit from an Imperial point of view they need Skyrim so couldn't just let them secede, but no attempt was ever made for a diplomatic solution, yet one was offered to the Thalmor despite monstrous atrocities. The " Emperor had no choice " excuse is so much BS. There is always a choice, fight it out to the bitter end if need be. If TMII had bothered to even consider this option there would be no problems in Skyrim, but he cared more about his own personal power than he did about his own subjects, especially in Skyrim and Hammerfell. If he had bothered to summon the courage to say " No, we will never surrender " in a Churchillian fashion " Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. " The Thalmor are easily as evil as the Nazi's and Britain easily as weakened as the Empire, but the Empire could have fought on. " We shall never surrender " should have been the rallying cry, and yet despite the so called " enormous losses " that were suffered in the Great War, he's decided to send an entire legion to quell the Rebellion in Skyrim. This would be the equivalent of England instead of " We shall Never Surrender " looking at Hitler and going " All right, let's truce, and btw we'll give up all our Imperial Possessions, oh and we'll forbid the speaking of Scottish or Irish Gallic, the Wearing of Kilts, any name that marks a particular clan in Scotland or Ireland, the playing of bagpipes, the Highland Games, and the Scottish Presbyterian Church and forbid Catholicism in Ireland. " and then expect Scotland and Ireland not to rebel. On top of that then send the British Army to Occupy Scotland and Ireland, and send the SS to make sure anyone who practiced Catholicism or Scottish Presbyterianism was hauled away to a work camp never to be seen again by their family or friends. If you think all of the above makes any sense at all, then by all means go with the Imperials. I mean Churchill represented the height of British Imperial Standards which at that time had long past, but if a Government in the UK that he did not head had done that, the British Empire would have fallen apart quickly, despite having good men amongst the English populace. What's dead is dead, and Britain was as easily in as bad a spot as the Empire ( maybe worse ) at the time Churchill gave that speech. They had just evacuated Dunkirk, leaving behind most of their tanks and artillary, the Luftwaffe was bombing them daily. By all measurable reason Hitler was on the verge of invading the Island proper ( the fact he didn't isn't because he was unable, he just decided not to. Historians consider this one of his greatest historical blunders, right up there with the Invasion of Greece and the Declaration of war on the United States after Pearl Harbor. For those who didn't know Germany declared war on us after we declared war on Japan. They didn't have to, were under no treaty obligation too ( their treaty with Japan was mutual defense, the Japanese were the aggressors, Germany could have said " You started it, we've got our own problems, ever heard of Russia? We're smack dab in the middle of invading the largest country in the world ", but they did anyway ) At that point the Scottish would have embraced a man who wore people's faces as a hat if that person could defeat the British Army and throw the SS out of Scotland, and Ulfric isn't nearly that. So I say again, Stormcloaks, All TMII had to say was " We will never give you anything, we will never surrender, and we'll -never- bargain with you " and there would be no Stormcloak Rebellion and don't date the ugly chick with the crown. EDIT: Wow.. I just compared joining the Imperials as siding with Hitler... and the more I think about it. I'm right. Damn my Military History Degree. That's what an Empire is. They aren't making others do their fighting, these "others" are a part of the Empire. Troops from Skyrim are still Imperial troops. An Empire draws resources and troops from its provinces, otherwise there would be no point in having them. That's part of what made Rome so successful in its early years. They had a very large number of soldiers in their legions because they got troops from all their captured provinces. I doubt the Stormcloaks could beat their Thalmor. Look at them now. At a stalemate with one of twenty Imperial Legions. Just one Legion. Between 4000 and 6000 men if actual historical numbers are any indication. I don't see why Tullius not being there for the people of Skyrim matters. He is a General not a King or Emperor, he was sent in to crush the rebellion and that is what he intends to do. The fact that Tullius had Ulfric captured and at the chopping block shows me that he is a very capable leader as well as how weak the Stormcloak's are. If it wasn't for Alduin Ulfric would be a head on a pike. Fighting to the end is not always the best choice. Your analogy does not work either. The Nazi's were horrible yes, but they were still human, and the horrors they could carry out were limited by the fact that this is real life. The world of Elder Scrolls is one filled with magic. Now consider the Thalmor's Ultimate goal. To wipe humanity from existence and restore immortality and divinity to the Elven race. Not just humanity itself but the very idea of humanity. There is much more at stake here. This needs to be handled very carefully. You can't throw it away because you want victory or death. If the Legions were wiped out, and Cyrodill fell, it would have been game over for man.