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Everything posted by UDK450

  1. Oh wait, I found a guide. However, would there be anyone willing to go over a list of mods and tell me if they know of any existing or potential conflicts between the mods I have?
  2. Alright, I currently have a list of around 100 or so mods. Many of them are re-textures, a few of them are mechanics overhauls, and others are new places and quests. I am pretty sure, but not entirely sure, whether or not some of these conflict with each other. My question is, how can I merge some of these conflicting mods together so that everything runs as I have intended? Is there a guide of some sorts that may assist me in this ordeal? Also, I can provide the list of mods if they are needed for you to further help me. That will be sent by PM however. Thanks for the assistance in advance!
  3. Do you need someone to assist in writing out quests and such?
  4. Is there a mod that adds a spell to levitate and a spell that allows you to teleport places, but requires some sort of tribute? And a mod that increases the amount of souls one can contain within the Black Star?
  5. *bump* Any others who could provide tips/guidance towards tips?
  6. My apoligies! Several others were referring to you as a he :P I hope you get better soon!
  7. Still adding some mods to the list, and trying to choose the most compatible mods so that the least amount of editing must be done.
  8. I recently decided to take up an interest in Skyrim again, for when I am not playing Minecraft or Bioshock, and came to the conclusion that I am going to install ALL THE MODZ. Not really, but more like 50-70 some mods. I currently have a list in progress, and have been testing each one individually and such. I am also installing several Overhaul mods that change the several different functions of the game (Economy, Race Heights & Face Packs, Body Mods, etc). I have heard however that some of these mods conflict with each other. I also plan on adding in new armor, clothing, and weapons, plus maybe a few more spells/a mod that overhauls the magic system. And no, I am not using SkyRe. It makes a few changes that I feel other mods can do better. My point, is however, could anyone provide me some tips for ensuring the compatibility of these mods, or bashing a few to force them to work properly? Thanks! And if one would like to know my mod list, I shall put it up on this thread if asked.
  9. Thanks duke for finding the reasoning! I look forward to the day that he unhides all of his mods! To hide something as great as Ethereal Elven Overhaul is a shame. I mean, he could have at least disabled the comments. But oh well. Tis his choice, I suppose.
  10. I don't like things like that because and RPG should be about decisions and consequences. And the blades pfh who are they just a relict who will be dead soon for a good reason. Your point is noted. However, I feel as if you might be able to reason your way out of it in the first place. But I suppose that may be debatable.
  11. For those who don't want to kill Paarthurnax, or didn't want to, and still have a savegame behind that quest, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18465 this mod will allow you to not kill him, and yet still make the Blades not angry.
  12. That is quite unfortunate. Anyone perhaps have a copy of the Ethereal Elven Overhaul mod then?
  13. One problem that I had with the College, and many others no doubt, was that it was too awfully short. An establishment such as the College should have students across the land doing research and studies at various ruins and such. It is too easy to complete at a lower level too. Would it not be possible to create multiple tiers of quests. The Tier 1 College questline would be learning the ropes, and maybe saving the college from something. The normal questline could fit this T1. However, do not let the player become the Archmage yet. He just got there. Instead, have many more missions while the professors "meet" to decide who shall replace him. After T2, and the player can choose to become the Archmage when offered, have a third tier. This third tier will be doing tasks as the Archmage. I can elaborate more if this idea is liked. Just throwing out something I thought about real quick.
  14. Anyone else know the reason? Or have a copy of said mod? I am looking for a mod that makes Dark Elves look not so.. umm... grotesque. They almost look like goblins.
  15. Do you guys have a Twitter feed of some sorts? Or a website/tumblr/wordpress? Something to keep up to date on the progress of the mod? Also, are there any positions that still need to be filled?
  16. Anyone have any idea where the heck Ethereal Elven Overhaul went? It is currently hidden, and I was wanting to use it. I really dislike how the Elves look at the moment... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24273
  17. Nah, not going to get a new CPU yet. Though I do like the specs of some of the Vishera line that AMD recently released. And my graphics card is the Double D. I have not yet tried overclocking it however.
  18. Meh, I could care less. lol It works well for me. I will probably upgrade in a few months, but I just bought my XFX Radeon HD7870 Black Edition, so I think I need to wait a little. Considering I only have a summer job.
  19. I have been thinking of upgrading my processor, but I think that shall wait until late Summer, or next year even... But anyways, alright then. I might be able to get finished with it tonight, or tomorrow night.
  20. Well None1980, I am currently working on installing around 30 or so mods, and if you would like, I shall release the list of mods to you upon my conclusion of installing them. Once I finish installing them, I will tell you how my performance is before and after an ENB. Is there any particular ENB you have in mind? Or shall I choose one at mine own will? Also, please note that my processor is an AMD FX-4100 (4core), so depending on your processor, performance may vary.
  21. Great to hear man! Now, start hunting some wabbits. I mean... dragons! Or whichever is your preference :P
  22. When you ask for the FPS, do you mean with or without ENB?
  23. What this guy says. I remember having SKSE installed along with SkyUI, and always receiving that same error message. Then I realized that their is a drop-down list in NMM that allows you to choose SKSE to launch your game. Which is what actually turns SKSE on. I am unaware if you can still launch Skyrim with SKSE from the Steam launcher, unless one manages to change the launching path from SkyrimLauncher.exe to skse_loader.exe. EDIT: Actually, you can used the + ADD A GAME function, and then reference the skse_loader.exe.
  24. If I were you, I would try using a Driver Sweeper to remove your current graphics card drivers, and any drivers from previous graphics cards. Then I would attempt to re-install the latest Catalyst drivers. However, before you do this, set a Windows Restore point and maybe back up your computer. And, as mentioned. Why do you have a 300+ dollar card, and a 2.6GHz processor? I would have split some money off that card and threw at least $110-120 into a decent 4+ core (3.6G+ GHz) from AMD. I would recommend the FX-4170 at least (I have a 4100, and it's decent).
  25. A question. Why would the height mod screw a plugin such as A Race Overhaul up? A Race Overhaul adds in new abilities and spell, along with different bonuses, but does not alter the physique of either race, as far as I am aware.
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