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Posts posted by CarlosBowserParra

  1. basically leveling up is way too easy being level 20 means nothing in fallout4

    id like to suffer for each level up, there can be no satisfaction whit out pain after all.

    and leveling up for making a settlement is kinda lame IMO.

    but just to be sure grinding isn't boring how about having the slower rates of exp set by 10% 20% 30% etc.

    that was it thanks for your time.

  2. I like vault 88 its big its fun but it needs something it needs more America!

    is it big? yes, Make it bigger. is there a lot of areas to build? yes Make more!.does it have many dangers and creatures to clear out? yep....MORE!!!

    Ladies, Gentlemen, I may be an old fashion fallout4 mod playing fanatic and i want more all the time but i say to you is that not what America is all about too? have a lot a whole heck of a lot more than we need?


    basically clearing rooms and areas of vault 88 is a lot of fun, I want more of that fun; maybe a death claw nest area, underground garden area, a super mutant base whit a pit of uranium, another underground water deposit, and just some tunnels and large areas, like little camp light.

    thanks for reading.

  3. just an idea I think could be neat

    could fast travel work in cinematics? let's say you choose to fast travel somewhere in your car can we see a cinematic of the car on the road maybe running over a ghoul or some insect and then stopping at the location, and maybe every once in a while the car breaks down and will need to fixed by yourself before it's attacked by raiders

    it would need pre rendered in game cinematics but it could be far more immersive than just teleporting around

    it would need 3 cinematics per location

    #3 break down cinematic, 1 were some smoke is going into the air 1 of a tire being blown by a bullet of a raider, 1 of the car running out of gas

    #1 of the car rolling into each location

    # 1 where it arrives at each Location

    Maintaining the car would be crucial having a condition meter that decays whit each travel

    the lower the meter the higher the chance of an attack or break down. the car should probably be armored as to not show the driver say some blinder windows,

    like this, but made of steel, and in the front as well, the side windows just fully covered by steel plates

    Now I know there are efforts for there to be cars that the player can drive themselves, and while I'm happy to see them, i feel game is simply not meant to have cars you can drive; the game is too detailed and busy for it, driving won't look aesthetic and if it moves too fast you will run into loading issues, I just can't see driving being an enjoyable experience, if the cutscenes are controlled however the driving would look skillful and aesthetically pleasing

    say like this

    unfortunately customizing the car would not really be possible unless there was unique cinematics for each of the modified styles say a repaired a raider and an armored of a single car... okay im getting a bit too into it

    soo for your consideration Animated fast traveling Car,

    Thanks for reading you have all been absolutely wonderful, and pretty, very pretty ;-) Thanks.

  4. right I umm want my power armor to speak to me, in the same way, the fallout new vegas DLC stealth suit did,

    id just like it to complain or say it's hurt when a piece breaks off, a warning of enemies nearby, and if possible give it upgrades like

    choosing between its voice being male or female,


    the personality say;

    a corrupted one was it acts like a bloodthirsty raider,

    a butler or maid as a high-class customization were they insult enemies whit the best words 0-0 like poppy cock or rubbish mediocrity,

    and just the regular one where it acts like an automaton robot


    I know I am asking for a lot but having a friend in your power armor would be very cool, maybe it can give quests or something?

    im aware that there is the power armor companion, Patriot but i don't really want him hijacking my suit when hes around, i just want a voice to tell me stories or jokes feel some sort of attachment to my killer suit i dunno,


    it could be too complicated a mod to make, to be honest, i have no idea if its even a mod that can be made it was just something that clicked and i said to myself yes that! i need that! now!

    i blame the latest spider man movie.

    anyways thanks for your time reading my request


  5. Gatorclaws have been running wild for quite a few years before the sole survivor runs into Nuka world who's to say they haven't adapted maybe breed whit a deathclaw and produced some male gatorclaws perhaps their genetic pool has widened of course those found in the safari adventure would still be the same after all they are fresh clones but there may be others that found the Commonwealth swamp areas to be pleasant homes.


    gator claws come in green and white, if you want one as a companion whit the wasteland workshop mod Beast Master by steelfeathers i would just like them to be as varied as deathclaws maybe have an Alpha variant where we get a male gatorclaw perhaps just add the large dorsal scales on their backs from a death claw and give them some scars that would be an awesome creature to tame.


    glowing gatorclaw

    quantum gatorclaw

    alpha gatorclaw

    Alpha Male gatorclaw, gatorclaw hybrid?

    Mythic gatorclaw

    savage gatorclaw

    matriarch gatorclaw


    i know little about modding and im unsure about how hard such a mod would be, but if anyone would be up for i could not be more thankful, thank you for your time.


  6. Lorenzos artifact gun has to have, one of the coolest shooting effects, it's fun to use, it does some nice damage and you get it after a nice long quest there's one tiny problem IT IS UGLY, they just re used the gamma gun for it,(IMO one of the ugliest weapons there is) this was made by Jack Cabot? the rich 400 old man? he just super glued it to a gamma gun how lazy can he get? no, we need something better something cool!


    one way of going about it is making a cool Syfy gun like the Recharger rifle or the sonic emitter and that would be the absolute best




    another way which is okay if no one wants to do it I just figured it could be cool its gauntlet styled weapon like the power fist but instead of a punch, the arm extends as if using the force.


    Thank you for your time. and your pretty faces, you are very pretty :wink:

  7. did you know the triggerman are a faction? yeah they are not raiders or gunners they are a mafia styled gang isnt

    that the coolest thing ever now riddle me this why do we fight them once and only once where are the quests?

    where are the outfits, the weapons, where do they live what areas of boston do they control?

    can we join them? how many bosses are there? the awnser? they are a trow away main quest


    so what do we need?

    clothes you gotta look the part and so do they,



    weapons well we have those done already but not on their level list

    hunting shotgun(DeadPool2099) , Chinese pistol(GrinnginUrchen), mp40(TrophiHunter)


    a quest would be great nothing much maybe some odd jobs, kill here, delivery there, find the snitch, kill the traitor,get rid of skinny Malone, get some legendary clothes and weapons the usual,


    a home base maybe in the sewers or in an unused skyscraper,


    last but not least something to read about them maybe they used to own the combat zone but raiders took over it


    Thanks again

  8. Coursers the institute elite

    courses are kinda weak and lame they need an overhaul bad, killing a courser is supposed to be a legendary accomplishment


    i feel every courser needs to be a *censored* to kill like a deathclaw, but instead of making them stronger they need to be more resilient, to do this to make the real scary I propose making them legendary and if possible have them mutate 5 times like corpse that keeps coming back for more, stronger and deadlier every time, that is not all they need synth grenades that they will use as much as possible 5 maybe 6, and finally they need 3 custom weapons,1 for close combat 1 energy and 1 ballistic. also, dismemberment should be almost impossible like max out adamantium skeleton

    so to recap


    3 new elite Institute weapons unique to coursers 1 knife or fist weapon, one energy weapon 1 ballistic weapon


    all coursers are legendary and if possible they mutate up to 5 times


    they have synth grenades for support


    and crippling a courser is like chewing on steel


    no changes to their looks tho id like people to have their choice on that


    Thank you for your time

    I know I'm asking for a lot but can you imagine the battles this would cause? the beating of your heart as you try to survive this horrific Terminator, the tension, the fear, the loot!?

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