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Everything posted by breakwind

  1. You're very brave posting that......what with all the Ulfric worship going on in some of the threads :whistling:
  2. What about something like Uthbert Horse-breaker?
  3. Funny reading on these threads about 'bugs' I have played through all the main quest lines and several minor ones 7 or 8 times now and I have only come across one major bug, well one that I had to use the console to continue. A few funny quirks that I put down to the AI pathways but nothing to ruin gameplay, and a few mod quirks. Overall I have been very pleased at the quality of the game
  4. I also would have thought that the first DLC would have expanded on the Thalmor situation, instead of focussing on overgrown mosquitoes, but the chance to further prove the fact that I don't have a life anymore will get the better of me...... well I use to have a life, but then I took an arrow to the..... :whistling:
  5. I haven't been to Sovngarde since installing Warzones, something to look forward to now..... :smile:
  6. @ Macsuibhne, You have brought up books to me before, and I will give you the same kind of advice I did before. Don't treat them as gospel as a large percentage of the are written with bias, depending on whate race and what faction or beliefs the author/authors belong to. As for the power of the Moot, if you do the Stormcloak Quest, you will hear dialogue between Ulfric and his underling...Galmar I think his name is, about the other jarls wanting a Moot against Ulfric. Galmar seems very concerned about this, not the sort of behaviour a wizened old warrior would have towards a 'ceremonial council' with no real power, I would have thought.....or maybe he never read the 'books'? Even Ulfric's comments of choosing to ignore this show a defiance typical of a rebel against an authority
  7. @Macsuibhne, what makes you think that the high king has absolute authority? As for Nordic law...I hear more about Nordic customs and traditions regarding Nord rule, than 'law'. Ulfric challenged Torygg while he was holding court. According to Nord custom, if he had refused, there would have been a Moot to decide the outcome. Not a likely scenario for someone who holds 'absolute authority I would have thought. Even the quest to get the Jagged Crown at the start of the Civil War quests is confusing. Tullius was confused as to what impact ownership of the crown would have regarding ruling the Nords and Rikkes answer is even more confusing really. Tullius thought whoever wore the crown, would rightfully be High King, but Rikke replied that was not the case, but that it would have influence. Tullius is a man who lives by laws and rules, and doesn't understand a people who live by traditions and customs whose interpretations change from one person to the next. Well, thats the way I see it anyway
  8. I can't stand Delphine and Esbern either. Delphine especially. The Greybeards are all right though, at least they're polite. Plus, Christopher Plummer is just plain awesome. Nothing against the Greybeards personally...just that the initiation rites into their little sect can sometimes take a long time. Especially if one of them is out back sneeking a peek of the latest Lifts Her Tail volume in privacy :happy:
  9. That's a bug, actually. The fix for it is to walk up real close to him, save the game, exit it to desktop, then restart the game. Hadvar will sheath his sword and walk off to the Sleeping Giant Inn. Yeah, he does bug me. I just do my business and he dissapears, I wouldn't bother saving and restarting....my game has been crashing that many times lately, I don't have to :smile:
  10. I do the Main Quest last now, as I dislike Delphine, Esbern and the Greybeards. I do like having fun at the Embassy Party however.... :whistling: ...
  11. I have done the Thieves Guild several times now, just to get the Nightingale Subterfuge.....to have some fun with
  12. I actually followed that Hadvar for the first time in my current character for the first time, as I always follow Ralof, just to see the difference. Man, he gives me the creeps.....after I finish the Imperial quest for the war, I find him in Whiterun following me around REAL close, sword drawn, and saying quirky things...like he is looking for a same sex marriage or something
  13. My many criminal actions commited during the game has proven them correct..... :cool:
  14. If you have to justify moral reasons for doing things in a game, maybe you are playing the wrong game? Skyrim is all about escaping from the real world for a while and living a fantasy. I don't need a reason to kill anything in Skyrim, I just need a weapon. As for Ulfric being racist, I believe that the Argonian dock workers at Windhelm would agree that he is. My motto from the start of the game has been, kill them all and let Talos sort them out (except Paarthurnax...never could kill him)
  15. Didn't you know Skyrim is full of inbreds? I swear most of the guards are related :biggrin:
  16. So,,, why not use a newer engine perhaps? Just sayin'. I mean, there engine still uses dx9, so.. Bethesda? Use a new engine? You crack me up. :P What do you mean? Maybe because they have to keep up with the mind-blowing power of the Xbox....
  17. I had noticed before I joined the thieves guild with my current character that they started to say polite things like that, just before attacking me after the usual dialogue, but they still attacked me
  18. I would gladly kill just about anyone in the game, with just a few exceptions and Paarthurnax is one of them. I have never killed him in any of my characters and never will. Delphine and Esbern, however, I would gladly behead. After all, wasn't the Sky Haven Temple built for the Dragon Born? Yet if you don't kill the old dragon they tell you to leave. Huh, they didn't even have the front door key...you did
  19. I reckon all the Jarls would have received gold. When asked about accepting the treaty with the Dominion, Balgruuf replied that we didn't have a choice, meaning the Jarls. Then Avenicci reminds him of the chests of gold, I take it that this was to buy the Jarls off, after all why would only Whiterun have received gold?
  20. Nice to see there are some honest people here...... :whistling:
  21. Yeah...plus the Imperials are healthier because they only drink milk :whistling:
  22. And the chests of gold? Dammit...this isn't about the gold
  23. Thats the spirit, have fun! I never tire of a certain nightingale power either....especially in a certain ex-Jarls dining hall full of disgruntled ex-jarls who want to 'punch my face in', then watch them punch each others face in :whistling: :teehee:
  24. He definitely used the Unrelenting Force shout on me one time
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