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About trob1000

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  1. New Vegas has its own problems. It was a game that could have sat in development for another year and it would have been better. Bethesda also needs to not waste its time world building. I would rather have a few copy pasted buildings and sewers and have better thought out side quests.
  2. A few Vaults that I would like to see are... One Vault that would be like George Orwell's 1984. Every one is spied on, under nourished and subjected to propaganda. The people in the Vault would be like those in Tranquility lane, meaning there wouldn't be a thought in their heads beyond what they are told. One vault where half the people are Christian evangelicals and the other half are free willed hippies. This just would end very interestingly. Another mixed with Christian fundamentalists and Buddhists. A Roman based society in the middle of Legion Territory.
  3. My vision for an independent Mojave would be to side with Yesman and beat back the NCR and Legion. After this, although this would have to be done in a mod, would be to unite all of the settlements into a coalition with the help of the Followers. I would also beat down the Van Graffs, the Crimson Caravan, Tabitha's Super Mutants, and crush the Fiends and Powder Gangers. I would then build a University with the help of the Followers and ensure security with the NCR Troopers that would follow me. In my vision, the mod would kind of be like an RTS mod where you get to build you own settlements, and the Coalition building mod. You would create your own independent nation state in your own image.
  4. It would make sense that the LW would have a better small guns and repair skills. People would train each other how to use guns. Raiders want to protect the group then redistribute the stuff of the dead. If person A gets killed, person B and C want to stay alive. Your dad is an idiot, so why would he have any contingencies. Holotapes do store text. Some holotapes have text when you look in the pip boy. The Fallout world has 1970's level computer technology, and last time I checked, that was 40 years ago and we still use books. Pinkerton or the Brotherhood would have taught people how to do things. Also, there were other Vaults that evacuated before the LW's dad was born. Some of them would have passed on their knowledge. There are books and computer records still in existence. The Naval Research Institute existed in the 2240's. It also wouldn't be hard to fake knowledge if all you had was basic training. There aren't many Universities in the Fallout World. With how big the DC ruins are and how many people died, it would be probable that many areas haven't been looted yet. Not everyone is equipped to cross the Wasteland to loot buildings. It is also mentioned that people still grow things. Moya mentions peaches and there are farms in New Vegas. The Enclave has bases other than Raven Rock. The have Adams AFB, an Outpost near Chicago and other small outposts. They soldiers would come from somewhere else. The original Brotherhood just sits on technology and knowledge rather than use it for anyone's benefit. One thing that is weird is how few women there are in the game. I know in nature there are slightly more men than women, but there is no where near a gender balance. Most of the NPCs are men.
  5. There are many things in Oblivion that I love and wish Skyrim had. Mages and Fighters Guilds and quests lines. All the side quests were individually created. Spellcrafting One large city to trade my crap. Better writing. More colorful environment, even though it is cartoony compared to Skyrim. Being able to play as Tony the Tiger.
  6. I guess where and when would you like it to be is a better question.
  7. The story in New Vegas isn't the problem with me, it what you have to do to advance it. I feel like an under appreciated delivery boy, not the hero any side wants. I do agree that the worlds in Bethesda games have felt empty in the last few games. Yes voice acting has gotten better since Fallout 3, but what would you expect? Things to get worse or stay the same? The story in Fallout 3 isn't the most compelling, but at least the Enclave tries to kill me. Unless you piss the NCR off, you very rarely run into the other factions. Yes I know the Legion tries to assassinate you, but those are random events that happen few and far between. In F 3, you have a harder time avoiding the Enclave patrols. Occasional firefights with the enemy is a good way to liven the quest up. The Enclave is so spread out, it is sometimes difficult to remember where all of the outposts are. Also, I felt more inclined to find and help Oasis. When I came across Novac or Westside, I didn't care too much about them. The only really interesting place in New Vegas is Freeside in my opinion. The had various groups trying to get a leg up on one another. I felt more interested in Freeside's problems than I was the NCR/Legion/House issues. Things seemed to calm for a war to be on.
  8. Yes that is what the lore says, but do you know how much energy it would take to boil the oceans? It would take an estimated 4.6x1026 Joules to boil the oceans. That is just an estimate by Michio Kaku. The US uses more than 9.53x19 Joules of energy per year. That number is from 1998. To boil the oceans, we would need to produce more energy then we ever could. If all of the plants were killed in the world because that is what the lore says, how do you explain the plants in New Vegas and Zion? If plants have survived there, then pockets would exist elsewhere to reseed the world. How mutated they are is yet to be determined.
  9. It would be nice to see what you do have some impact on the world. I do want to know what other features people want to see, like game play mechanics and story.
  10. The parts to advance the main quest were essentially fetch it quests. They weren't thought out. Many of the side quests were fetch it quests as well. The game world outside of Vegas are very empty. The main story about the conflict between the Legion and NCR isn't the problem with me, it is all of the other things about the setting that you have to deal with or just ignore. I didn't buy New Vegas to only play the main quest, I bought it to play all of the game. To me, the best side bit was Honest Hearts.
  11. The Legion is also a cult of personality. Marcus makes the point that the Legion will collapse after Caesar dies. It will take time, but it will eventually. The NCR is farther down this path. This is why I am for some one like the Followers, Khans, or hell even the Mormons run things would be better. All of them would run things locally [except the Mormons], and would care about what would happen to the people they rule. The Followers I hate to disagree trickyvein, would change if it were for the good of the people they are helping. The Followers want to help people and make a better world. Some one or a small group of the Followers would see a small nation state would be the next logical evolution of their ideology. The Followers have an ideology that can create a unified cultural ways that can create an national identity in areas where there wasn't a consistent pre war regional culture and identity.
  12. With the dragons in Skyrim, where do you want to see the story go in the next Elder Scrolls game? I personally would like to see a game set during the unification of Tamriel under the Septims. I can't fathom a way that the next game will be set in the future, so going back and exploring the lore would be fun. Also what kind of features would you like to see? I would like to see the guilds brought back. I would also like to see their quests be long and thought out. I would rather see Bethesda take more time and resources to write better quests than make individual caves. It was stupid for Bethesda to waste time making caves than make the quests seem like they aren't copy pasted. I would also like to see at least one large city in the game. Having the Imperial City made it easy to off load crap when you were out because there were more traders. I spent a lot of time to run around to find places to off load crap in Skyrim because there were only a few stores in the large towns. I did like how there were more small towns and farms scattered around the map in Skyrim unlike how few there were in Oblivion.
  13. There were some tactical strikes, but look at the trees outside of the DC ruins. All of them are burned like trees you see in 1950's bomb test videos. There were at least a few large bombs dropped in the world. Also who would follow a treaty in the chaos that led up to the war? The UN was gone and there was no one to the the US and China what to do. It would be logical to assume that the both built some larger bombs to do more damage. They may not have had time to construct many large bombs, but some would have been built.
  14. My Win 7 version runs perfectly fine. Better than New Vegas in fact. It crashes less and I can run more mods without it crashing. I can also activate and deactivate most mods when ever I want and not have to restart the game like I would for many New Vegas mods.
  15. Something had to evolve as Bethesda developed things in between Oblivion and Skyrim. That's what the two Fallout games were for.
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