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Nexus Mods Profile

About Orsimon

  1. And people like you who take themselves and all this rinky-dink stuff so seriously aggravate me to no end. Do you have any idea how much unwanted crap has built up in your system over the years from countless sources? I suggest getting over it. You received an update that meddled with a mod or two. Um... suck it up? Ah yes, the old "You must be an idiot or ONE OF THEM!" bit. I like that one. Yeah, you're right "Brandy", I must be in league with these evil people who are conspiring to screw you. You. Personally. Oh, and everyone else who plays these games. Also, I'm clueless because I don't give a crap about these minor inconveniences that send you ragescrambling up with walls. I don't give a crap about any of this. Steam is just an imperfect network, yet somehow it has penetrated your darkest dreams and has enslaved you to the notion that because you can't use the network effectively on a crap machine with a crap connection, they are somehow pulling the wool over your eyes. They can collect as much information as they like. Why are you so threatened by this? Seriously? Get over yourself. We're talking about a silly little fantasy game and a dinky little network they use for downloads and updates. Making it a full-blown Jihad against your precious personal preferences is, well, it's beyond petty and silly. I have zero issues with Steam. Oh, an update borked mounted combat? Turned off one animation mod... all good... didn't ruin my life or anything.
  2. Gaming was always dumb, but with the occasional spark of brilliant entertainment tossed into the soup on rare occasions. When I started "gaming", I had Legend of Zelda and Phantasy Star. By today's standards, they're garbage, but for their time they were cutting edge. I still had the option of going out and buying something terrible like Kung Fu which was awful and instantly binworthy even by late 80's/early 90s standards. In other words, the vast majority of games are total crap... Bethesda titles being a somewhat rare exception to that rule. Truth is, ESO will probably look and play like any other MMO, which is a shame because, like you said, if they had stuck to some of the elements that appeal to people, it could be a somewhat revolutionary title. What's messed up is that, from the look of it, games like Mortal Online and Darkfall are going to be more like Elder Scrolls than Elder Scrolls Online will be, which is going to more closely resemble WoW, DDO, LOTRO, Aion and SWTOR.
  3. How is the fact that this game comes with regular updates facilitated by a download network a bad thing? Seriously, most developers make a game and then forget about it and move on to other projects. At least this one is still receiving more polish. Oh lordy lordy no... you poor thing... you have to put up with "intrusive" boosts that might upset minor elements of your game. The fact that you paid for this game once and have all this still coming to you is a blessing in a market full of companies that foist crap on buyers that takes them 8 hours to finish (MW3), has no replayability and no modability, and never gets updated. Honestly, this system is comparatively fantastic. I've never had any problems with Steam whatsoever. I find the complainers to be full of nonsense because they had to juggle or turn off certain mods after some of the updates or had to wait for SKSE to update. Poor you. Sorry, but in this current market of companies like EA, you should thank your lucky stars this series is even still going. I get more out of these games for 1 payment than I do from any other titles. Pisses me off a bit when I see this kind of post. It's like, dude, have you played anything else lately? Do you have any clue how solid it is to have a game this massive that you can mod as much as you like in the first place? Yeesh. Yeah, seems like a bit of a reactionary post, right? Well, it's supposed to be one. I've played too many "What you get is in the package, so go eff yourself customer" games lately, and returning to this series was refreshing. Oh... they're still doing things with this game. Oh... the modders are out in force and look at all this new stuff that's come out in the last 3 months. Oh damn... what the hell have I been doing out there in the lameness? Hell, I just fired up New Vegas and it still looks, plays and feels better than anything else I made the mistake of playing lately. Perhaps I have just spent so much time lately playing EA games that it shocks me a bit that anyone here would have anything to complain about.
  4. From the RPS interview with Paul Sage: RPS: Are you worried at all by the current state of the MMO market? I mean, EA recently launched SWTOR – which, like you, had strong story content and a beloved license behind it – but it’s already deflating due to a general feeling of “been there, done that” from players – especially in regard to endgame. How will Elder Scrolls avoid a repeat performance? Paul Sage: It’s interesting because, when we say MMO, we just say the word as if it means something. And I know what you mean, but for us, the first thing is that it has to be a compelling game – a compelling RPG. So first, we plan out a number of hours. So when we’re planning internally, we’ll say, “OK, here’s the number of hours where we really have enough content.” Then what we look at is what’s repeatably fun and what actually works to be repeatable. And you heard me mention our dungeons at level 50, for instance, you can go in and replay, but it’s new content. It’s not the content you’ve seen before. Paul says "It's interesting" far too much. "It's interesting" means "Yes, that could seriously hurt us, and I have no legitimate response". After 30 MMOs, I have learned to have ZERO expectations. Ignore hype. Ignore the debates. Ignore the clueless rabble. The game will either pop or it won't, but I foresee no impact on the rest of the series. It's an MMO. "Collect 10 Goblin butts and bring them thither!"
  5. QTF. I don't mean to insult anyone, but if you're the type of person who burns through the main quest with a vanilla game and then sit there wondering why Skyrim wasn't more epic, well, you're doing it wrong. These games were made to be modded. I can't imagine playing the game without IMAGINATOR and ENB, or without JaySuS Swords or AOF hair, or without the option to put Skyrim's dungeons and quests aside for a while and hit up Moonpath to Elsweyr, or with no SkyUI to make inventories so much smoother. Similar situation in FNV. I squeezed months out of that game with added player content alone, some of which was spectacular quality. And despite all the gripes about how Skyrim wasn't optimized for the PC, it sure looks and plays as though it was, once again thanks to the awesome creativity of our mod community.
  6. I have never had any of these problems, and I have countless facial texture mods, hair mods, race mods... I never CTD. Ever. Which is why I think some of the blame for this kind of issue rests with individual systems. Granted, my system is brand new and custom built with a special motherboard, tons of ram and a face melting graphics card, but about 90% of my problems with Skyrim evaporated when I started playing it with a much stronger machine.
  7. Had an issue similar to those listed above with mounted combat. Disabled Puppeteer Master. Game works fine.
  8. I don't feel let down at all. I think Skyrim delivers (yes, on the PC) in much the same way all the ES and Fallout titles have delivered. I heavily mod my game, and once heavily modded, Skyrim is an absolute gem. Then again, I'm not the "I finished the whole damn thing in 13 hours!" kinda guy. I have racked up 280 hours and I still have not completed the main quest. I'm a total immersionist, and no other title out there allows this level of immersion. Period. Frankly, if menus is your biggest problem with this game, I'd hardly consider that a "letdown". That's more like a minor, petty gripe with one small aspect of the title.
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